Status: Inactive

Amongst the Shadows

This is not the first time I'm writing, but it is the first time I translate my writing to English. I don't know if I'll be able to continue doing so, but I decided to try anyway.

The plot revolves around Sorrel, a 15-years-old high school girl. One day, on her way back home from school, she is almost hit by a car, but the car is stopped by an angel which could not be seen by anyone. Strangely getting out of it without a scratch, and watching the car's front getting damaged from nothing, Sorrel is terrified, and she runs away from the place quickly. She later realizes the angel's blood drops hit her, and she can now see angels.
This is not all great and fun, since now she also sees humans the way the angels do - as pitch-black figures, as shadows.

I must also warn you: The prologue does not start the main plot, but it is very important and has a lot to do with it. By the way, the prologue is longer than you'd expect.
Please comment and tell me what you think about the story!
  1. Prologue
    This is not the first chapter, but the prologue.