The Black Cat Café

Just Like A Pantomime

The black cat was looking at me, its eyes patiently fixated on my movements, waiting for me to take away my dinner. I had ordered a coffee quite some time ago, but I wasn’t able to actually consume it, for those green eyes were fixated upon me the moment the black cat arrived to the coffee shop. I cleared my mind for enough time to allow one little sip - my lips were still parched.

Even when I turned away, it still watched; I could feel its glare burning in the back of my neck. I would have left if I weren’t meeting Noah; it was my idea to meet here so I deserve all I get. I'm not too sure why here of all places, I guess it just appealed to me.

I was unwelcome, only locals were accepted, anyone else was given the cold shoulder, and that feeling of rejection definitely burned a pit in your stomach.

I slid my coffee mug to the other side of the table and left in a dash for the counter; I tried to look as casual as possible,because I didn’t want it to follow me, and luckily, it didn’t. A silent sigh of relief was under my breath; with victory, I rested one elbow upon the sleek marble surface, it was quite hard to keep balance. In the corner of my eye, I spotted about a dozen muffins underneath a glass tray, just teasing me. I jumped up into my normal stance as I heard a voice questioning me from behind the counter.

“Hello. . .” his voice was filled with fatigue, or maybe that was just the usual greeting around here. He was a muscular build, something I noticed as he rested both his arms onto the same surface I was, he stared at me dead in the eye, and looked pretty aggressive, "Well, what d'ya want?"

“Yes, sorry.” The sudden question took me by shock. I gestured behind me, then asked, “What’s with the. . . y’know?” I soon regretted asking though; it was standing right next to me, with that same glare as before. The longer that our eyes met, the further I could see myself falling, falling from all reality and existence; I suddenly became unimportant to the world; the missing piece from a child's jigsaw that nobody cares about. But that’s just me talking nonsense. I heard the man say something, but I didn’t quite hear him.

“Sorry?” I said, trying to catch up in the conversation.

“I'm not sayin' it again pal. She practically lives here. Why d'ya think people call this place 'The Black Cat Café?'” I didn’t really have an answer, “Say hello, she doesn’t bite.” I was going to say no, but I was afraid if I did, he would judge me even more, as the rest of the café had. I moved my hand toward it; holding the counter to steady myself. I got about halfway until she growled at me like there was no tomorrow. The café went silent, I looked around and I had an entire audience watching me, disgusted that I could even think about socializing with a cat - committing such a deed would be ever so dramatic. I pulled my hand away for my own safety.

“. . . But she may growl,” he added, chuckling behind the plate he was washing. Suddenly I felt like such an outsider (not that that was new information). To make the situation even worse, it was still by my side, it was her eyes that bothered me.

I couldn’t care less if it went for me; it was the looks that would of killed me. I hurried back to my seat; it seemed like a wise choice. I grabbed my cup eagerly from the other end of the table and quite literally poured the intakes down my throat, only to be met by the taste of stale coffee. I felt like I was going to be sick, but I didn’t want to make a scene, so I sat quietly waiting for my companion; listening to a curdling in my stomach.

The door chime sounded roughly at quarter-to. I turned around to see Noah adjusting his waistcoat, you should of seen that thing, the buttons on it, you could play dot-to-dot on it with ease. I greeted him with only a quick nod - the coffee was still having its effects. He sat in the seat parallel to me.

“Hey." He threw his waistcoat on the chair next to him then noticed my sickly look, “You okay? You look as white as a bloody ghost, d’ya want me to get you a drink or something?” His voice always sounded so concerned, even when he didn’t mean it; out of nowhere, he’d just start playing 20 questions with you. I was too sick to answer, so I sort of pointed at the coffee cup by flopping my arm on the table; a wasted effect though, he wasn’t even looking.

I think at that point he was ordering something from the waiter, I can’t remember it too clearly, that was around about the time when I passed out for a while. The next thing I remember is that Noah was partly talking to himself. “I passed this really good looking lass when I came in; nearly bumped into her though, it would’a been worth the collision if you ask me.” I raised my head up off the table, I wish I hadn’t though, Noah gave me a look like I was an inch from death or something. I must have looked really bad.

I engaged in some mindless chitchat to pass the time, but to be honest I was more interested in my surrounding; it’s amazing what you see when you actually look. The Café had this really nice fireplace, filled to the brim with wood, coal; the whole works, I could feel the heat from where I was sitting.
Above it was an antique-looking mirror; it mustn’t have been cleaned in a fair while; the reflections within a couple of inches weren’t clear, you could just about see the outline in a blur, but apart from that you wouldn’t have any clue. Spiralling around the mirror was a beautiful decorative frame, with what looked like pearls, rubies, and sapphires chequered into it, very expensive probably.

It wasn’t a very large café, I felt cramped as I was, and I was alone - except for my watching audience and Noah of course.

“I’m off out for a. . .” I made this weird cigarette imitation thing, I don’t even think I knew what I was doing. I thought that maybe it would ease the stomach pains. I always did stupid things like that; ruin a nice moment because I thought nicotine would make a problem go away.

There was a strong wind outside and my hair was blowing all over the place; I couldn’t see a damn thing. I searched through my jacket impatiently; it was dark green jacket, truly a disgusting color, but I got it cheap though so who cares? I took too long to light the damn thing, but it made me feel more proud when I finally did.
I always smiled when I watched the smoke dance in the air, but it soon faded as I saw it again, but for a change this time her back was to me. She swished her tail hinting for me to follow so I quickly pursued her. I had no idea where she was going or what her intentions were. Curiosity killed the cat, but would it kill me?
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Thank you to we are golden. for being my beta, and helping me with this chapter.

And thank you to sobre mi cadaver for my inspiration.