Broken Wings

Taylor Allyson Jonas. Recenlty Taylor Swift. That was 16 years ago. Her parents died of a car crash,and Taylor was in the backseat at age 1. She survived with no injuries.She was then adopted by Denise and Paul Jonas. Who already had three sons named Joe,Nick,and Kevin. Then came along Frankie,Completing the Jonas family.

Taylor then finds out her adoption. Will it tear the family apart?

Without Love and Care,We are nothing but birds with Broken Wings.

  1. Chapter One
  2. Chapter Two
  3. Chapter Three
    "Did you know?" I asked. "Know what?" He asked. "I'm adopted." i said and he sighed. "Yes." he said. "Why did you never tell me?" I asked.
  4. Chapter Four
    "Oh..I'm being a bitch Kevin? You have been a bitch to me all my life just because i got some stupid role! If I could go back and change that,I would because maybe if i wouldn't be talented you would've told me the truth!" I said and i began t cry.
  5. Chapter Five
    "Taylor? I never thought I'd see you again."One of the teenagers,who was a girl, said. "Well I'm your mom's mother,and your grandmother Sophia Lions. Call me Grams." The older woman says.
  6. Six