Status: Unfinished

The Demon Inside

Chapter One;

My brother wakes me up for the fist day of school. I have to wear a school uniform. Although I didn't like the colors, they did look good on me. (No one who consists of black ever likes to wear anything else.) As me and James started walking to school, we walked by a big staircase leading to a house and a shrine, and a large tree. Suddenly I saw a girl race down the steps in front of me.
"That girl has the same uniform as me, she probably goes to the same school as me too." I said to James.
"Yeah she sure can run fast." He said back and we both laughed.
"Wait.. if shes running to school, dose that mean we're late?" I asked. We looked at each other. And started to run. Indeed we were late arriving at school. As my brother dropped me off at my first period class. He hugged me goodbye and wished me a good first day at school. He also kissed me on the top of my head. As i walked into class I saw The same girl i saw running to school, she looked tired.
"Class this is Azura, a transfer student from America. Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?" The teacher said.
"Umm, I love to bake, and draw. I'm also very fond of Anime and manga. I play gutair, and I've won singing competitions." I said to the class.
"Lovely, Kagome would you mind showing Azura around the school after class?" She asked the girl that i saw earlier. She nodded and then smiled at me.
Kagome showed me around the school and we instantly became friends. She seemed to be very fond of my gorgeous blond hair. She told me about where she lived. And about her family and about a guy shes crazy about but he's in love with someone else.
That afternoon i walked home with Kagome and James. I said my goodbyes, and headed off home. When I got home, I became extremely bored. So I went to bed.
I woke up early so i could meet up with Kagome so we could go to school together.
I walked up the extremely long steps, and when i reached the top i saw Kagome run toward a shrine outside of her house. I followed her. When i opened the door, she was no where to be found.
"Kagome?" I called out. No one answered, as i descended the steps, I lost my footing and Fell into a well.
I was suddenly elapsed into a a starry blue aura. Then I reached the bottom of the well. I called out for a Kagome once more. And got no answer. I climbed out of the well. And I wasn't inside the shrine anymore. Instead There was grass and trees everywhere. I looked around. And saw Kagome run into the trees.
"KAGOME!" I called out, But she didn't hear me. I ran after her. And soon came to a village. When I finally got caught up to Kagome, I was behind her, so she didn't see me.
"Who the hell are you?" I boy wearing a red Kimono asked. Kagome turned around.
"Azura! How did you get here?" Kagome asked.
"I fell inside a well looking for you." I said.
"But only Inuyasha and I can pass through the well." She said, worry in her voice.
"Inuyasha?" I asked. She intoduced me to Shippo, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku and Kirara. I also intoduced myself.
Kagome Explained everything to me, about Feudal Japan, anout the Jewel and the Demons.
"Fair Maiden, Would you consider barring my children?" Miroku asked. I smile and said "No" In between laughs.
"Lecherous Monk." Sango said and then hit him on the head.
"Just who the hell are you?" Inuyasha asked.
"Im Azura." I assured.
"Why do you have such strange hair and such a powerful Demonic Aura?" He asked with a rude tone. Everyone got quiet. As if they were waiting for an answer.
"Umm, Im not from Japan. Thats why I have golden hair. And I assure you, I'm a Human." I said.
No one said anything back for a while. Then Sango spoke.
"How can A Human have such a strong Demonic Aura? Its even stronger than yours Inuyasha." she said.
"Shut up." Inuyasha said.
"Kagome? Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" I asked.
"Yeah sure." She said. As we walked away from the group. We came to the Tree.
"Kagome. Whats a Demonic Aura?"
"Its a powerful aura that only demons have. Its a way to tell other demons and people with spititual powers, how strong their opponent is."
"Oh, So thats what I senced when I approached Inuyasha?" I asked.
"Uhh, Yeah." She said.
"Thats neat, I guess." I said. Suddenly I felt a very strong Demon come my way.
"Kagome, I feel A very strong Demonic Aura approaching us."
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Well, First Chapter Posted...
Hope it was enjoyable.