Status: Unfinished

The Demon Inside

Chapter Two;

"Kagome, I feel A very strong Demonic Aura approaching us." Suddenly Inuyasha came popping out of no where.
"Inuyasha! Azura Feels a Strong Demonic Aura approaching us!" She called out.
"I already know that! Its Sesshomaru!" He called back. Then everyone stood still, and was looking in the opposite direction I was. So i turned around, and saw the most Handsome man I have ever seen.
"Sesshomaru! Why are you hear?" Inuyasha called out.
"Shut up Inuyasha. I did not come hear to fight." Sesshomaru said.
"Sesshomaru?" I asked. He was then staring at me. Like into my soul with his gorgeous amber eyes.
"Inuyasha, Who is this woman? I believe she has a stronger Aura than even you." He said. No looking at Inuyasha.
"Shut up! I'm going to tear you to pieces!" Inuyasha called out, and then pulled out his sword, and started fighting.
"Inuyasha! watch out!" Kagome Yelled. And Inuyasha was hit to ground. And then i spoke.
"I don't get it, Inuyasha is obviously weaker than Sesshomaru, so why would he fight him? This makes no sense." I said aloud. But no one answered. Kagome ran toward Inuyasha's side.
"Inuyasha are you alright?" She asked.
"Yeah, Im fine Kagome." He assured her.
"Sesshomaru! Why are you hear?" Miroku questioned.
"To find out about that women." He said and pointed to me.
"Me? Ugh. what a Terrible day. Why wont people leave me alone? Kagome Im going home." I said.
"Wait Azura, Dont leave!" Shippo said, attaching himself to my arm.
"Fine but Im sitting right here until I can!" I said and sat down against a tree. Suddenly a little girl and a green goblin came out of the bushes. And the little girl tripped and fell right beside me.
"Ow!" She said.
"Are you okay?" I asked. She looked up and nodded. Then looked over to Sesshomaru.
"Lord Sesshomaru!" She yelled excitedly, running over to him.
"Rin! Rin!" The little green thing called. As he walked by I couldnt help but pick him up. I thought he was so cute.
"AWH! A little green talking toad! How cute!" I said hugging him.
"Get off me wench!" He said and hit me on the head with his staff.
"Hey! What did you do that for?" I yelled.
"Shut up wench!" It yelled again.
"Jaken," Sesshomaru said "can you not sence her Demonic Aura? Do not mess with her." He said.
"Yes lord Sesshomaru." Jaken replied.
"Yes lord Sesshomaru?"
"Were leaving, Farewell brother." He said. And like that he was gone.
"Curse you Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha said.
"Well thats what you get jumping into battle like that!" Kagome yelled at him.
"Feh!" Inuyasha said turning his head away.
"Kagome, I've had enough weird for today, I'm going home." And like that i jumped into the well. But this time It didn't work. I didnt go through the well.
"Ugh! Kagome! The well didnt work!" Kagome looked down into the well.
"Let me try!" And she jumped down. And it worked. But I stayed put. Withing a couple seconds, she was back again.
"I dont know whats wrong Azura." Kagome said.
As we pulled ourselves out of the well, Miroku spoke.
"I seems that Azura is stuck in out Era and cannot return home."
"What!? This totally sucks!" I said. Kagome looked worried. "What do I do Kagome?" I asked.
"I guess, just travel with us for now." Inuyasha said.
"Yay!" Shippo said, cuddling into my chest. It was getting dark out and we went into the village, there they introduced me to Kaede, the village Priestess. She was old, But very kind and let us sleep their for the night. Kagome told her about me and how the well wouldn't let me pass through again.
"It seems ye must belong in this time." She said.
"How is that possible?" I asked.
"We have all felt it, ye possess a strong Demonic Aura. Although ye almost appear human." She said.
"Almost human?"
"She means your hair." Kagome said. I sighed. After a quiet conversation, we all went to sleep.
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