Status: Unfinished

The Demon Inside

Chapter Three;

In the middle of the night, I woke up, I had an uneasy feeling, as if someone was watching me. I walked out side as everyone slept. I looked around, and then saw a floating orb. It was headed to the well. I followed it. As I hid in the bushes I saw a lady that looked exactly like Kagome.
"Come out demon." She said. I looked around. Did she mean me? I came out of the bushes, she looked at me up and down. "Why are you hear?" She asked.
"I don't know." I replied. She smiled.
"You seem, like an ordinary Human, yet you have a strong demonic aura." She said.
"Yeah, I don't get it either. Why do you look so much like Kagome?" I asked.
"Has Inuyasha not told you? Why don't you ask him." She said. Then she turned around and walked away.
"Bye." I called after her. But she said nothing.
As I started to walk back to the Village. I felt that same feeling of being watched. I looked around, and saw a shadow in the darkness. And it spoke.
"Who are you?" A man said.
"Uhh, why should I tell you?" I asked. I bit scared.
"My name is Naraku. You seem like a powerful demon, but your appearance is almost human. What are you?"
"Ugh! I don't know! I get it, everyone thinks my hair is strange. I'm a human, and my name is Azura." I said a little pissed off, yet trying not to be rude.
"I see. Well then I guess it would be easy to capture you if you are a human." He said in a sly voice.
"Capture me?" I said. I little scared. I looked straight into his eyes. He looked human, but as he got closer I feel a strong Demonic Aura. I then Got a horrible sent. I smelt like millions of demons. I quickly help my nose.
"Stay away from me!" I yelled. And stuck one hand. and I slapped him. And I scratched his face with my sharp nails. suddenly Miasma surrounded me and as I took a breath, I feel asleep.

I awoke with a terrible headache. In a bed, with a candle lit room. Standing there was a woman. She had a fan in her hand. And smelt just like Naraku. Wait Naraku!
"Who are you and why am I hear?" I asked a little impatient. She came over to me and handed me a kimono. I must say it was rather beautiful, it was blue so it would match my eyes, and nail polish.
"Naraku has brought you hear, I don't know what for. Change quickly, he wished to see you at once." She said.
"Wait whats your name?" I asked.
"Kagura." She said and left. I quickly changed into the kimono. My hair was fine. And I looked like and angel. I stepped out into the hall. There a little albino girl was.
"Follow me." She said. I nodded and followed her. She lead me outside of Naraku's castle. There Naraku was standing with two swords in his hand.
"Come here." He said. I did a I was told, In case he was going to kill me or something. "Take this." He handed me a sword. And I took it.
"Its kinda light." I said shaking it with ease.
"Kagura, come here." He said. "Take her sword." She did so, and it fell over, to her, the sword was heavy. "Now do you understand how powerful she is." Kagura nodded, and handed me back the sword.
"Why would you give me a sword? I could just kill you and run away." I said.
"I simply want to test you power." He said in a sly voice.
"But I don't even know how to use them." I spat. He then charged at me, swing his sword at me. I was blocking but just barely. He cut my arm.
"AHHH! Stop it!" I yelled at me.
"No!" He said and keep coming at me. He hit my sword out of my hands. I felt my life coming to an end. I let a out a death defying scream. So loud, that Kagura, Naraku and Kanna. Had to cover their ears.
~Sesshomaru's POV~
*That woman I yesterday. She was Strange. Her hair was golden. And she had such a strong Demonic Aura. She didn't have the sent of the demon, nor a human, yet she said she was one. I must Find out more about, this Azura.*
"Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken called out "Where are we going?" I said nothing. Suddenly I heard I horrible scream. It shook the earth. Then I caught the sent of Naraku. I Quickly raced off in the direction of the scream.
~My POV~
I screamed so loud that I felt something burst inside me. Naraku look almost scared. I felt my heart beat, and my blood suddenly changed. Bump. My heart, Its beating, like a demons. Naraku used his arm, and it surrounded my body, like tree branches. I let out another scream. Bump. My heart again. I felt the blood running through my veins. I felt race, and I suddenly felt a rage I've never felt before. I Cut through The branches surrounding my body. My eyes glowing red, I ran a Naraku. We fought and fought. Myself Cutting every inch of him, My demonic power growing more and more. He was fighting for his life. He stabbed me and cut me. But I kept going. I then Suddenly felt a presence. I turned to my right and saw Sesshomaru. My eyes turned back to their original Icy blue. He was staring at me.
~Sesshomaru's POV~
It was her, Azura. Her blood has changed. She even more stronger. And she was defeating Naraku. But when she saw me, she stoped her transformation. Why was I so attracted to this human? She was indeed powerful. There was just something about her. What is this? Her scent. Its of a demon, A dog demon. Naraku quickly given a chance to strike, took her down. He had her by her throat. He was about tho kill her, i had to do something. I started to run towards him, when I felt something strange. Azura was transforming. Suddenly right before my eyes, She transformed into a magnificent dog demon. She was killing Naraku, just about when she was going to finish him off, Naraku retreated and disappeared. She turned about into her original form. And she fainted. I don't think I've ever witnessed something so magnificent. I picked her up and took her too my castle. She had already changed.
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