Status: Unfinished

The Demon Inside

Chapter Four;

I awoke to satin sheets, inside a beautiful room. There was a balcony. The walls we blue with a picture of a dragon, with a blue stone on it forehead. I sat up. And there was a knock on the door. Rin came in.
"Lady Azura, are you feeling better?" She asked blushing.
"Yes I feel much better, thank you Rin. Where am I?" I asked politely.
"In Lord Sesshomaru's Castle!" She said smiling. Thats right, I remember fighting off
Naraku. He was trying to kill me. But I, fought him off.
"Lady Azura, Would you like to play with me today?" She asked all sparkly eyed. I knew I should go and find Kagome and the others, but she was so adorable. I couldnt refuse. I motioned for her to come sit on the bed. And she did. I grabbed a hair brush off the night stand beside me and brushed her hair. She giggled. And I started singing to her. I sang the "My only love" Song byt sailor moon. When I was done, Rin turned around.
"You are so perfect and pretty, and you are a great singer! It my turn to brush your hair!" She said excitedly. I nodded. She brushed my hair. My very long blond hair. (Oh, You have bright blue, purple and pink streaks through it and it goes down to your waist.)
"Your hair is so soft and pretty I like this color!" She said pointing to my pink streek. I smiled and said "Me too!"
After she was done, she went into the closet.
"I want you to wear this kimono today!" She said pulling out a magnificent Blue Kimono. It was the same color as my eyes. So naturally it look beautiful on me. I stood up and took off the other kimono I had on. I didn't mind Rin in the room as I undressed. She looked over my body.
"When I grow up I want to be just like you!" She said. I smiled and she helped me adjust it.
"Follow me!" She said as we walked out into the hall.
"Were going to eat lunch first. And then we'll play." She said.
"Will we be eating with Sesshomaru?" I asked eager to know if I'll see the handsome demon again.
"Yep!" She said a glow in her eyes. As we approached the doors to the dinning room, I saw the little green imp again. But he didn't say anything. Rin opened the doors, to a wonderful dinning room with a enormous table. Their sat Sesshomaru waiting. As Rin showed me my seat, Servants came out with food and set it down on the table. I was sitting next to Sesshomaru on my right. And Rin across the table from me. I looked over my food, it was stuff I've never seen before. Rin must have seen the expression on my face because she spoke.
"Its good!." She said.
"Yeah.. but what is it?" I asked.
"The green is beans, the orange is carrots and the meat was a big demon!" She said.
"Ewww, I don't wanna eat this." I said. I think Sesshomaru smirked, but I'm not sure.
"You will need your strength. So eat." He said. I looked at him with dismay. And I cut a chunk of meat off. Rin was watch my every move.
"Hey, this taste just like Beef!" I said.
"Whats that?" Rin asked.
"Its an animal we hunt were I come from." I replied. She nodded. And i took another bite.
"Where are you from?" Sesshomaru asked. I swallowed.
"Its a secret." I said in a mischievous voice. I think There was a flicker of anger in his eyes. But I passed it off and I took another bite. After we were done eating, I spoke.
"Whats for desert?" I asked.
"Whats desert?" Rin Asked.
"You don't know what desert is!?" I asked shocked. She shook head. "Its what you eat after a meal, its sweet like candy."
"Whats candy?" Rin asked again. This time I shook my head.
"Rin take me to the Kitchen, I'll cook you something you'll love!" I said standing up. "And I'm sure you'll love it to Sesshomaru." I said with a wink.
That afternoon, I whipped up a chocolate cake. Rin helped too. And I showed her everything. Then When it was finally done, I put some home made icing on and let her eat some.
"That smells really good." She said.
"I know." Handing her a piece. She took a bite. And her eyes lit up with joy! "This is the best tasting thing in the world!" She shouted. I smiled feeling proud. "I'm going to give some to Lord Sesshomaru." She said and grabbed another piece and headed to where he was. He was at the dinning table again. I guess waiting for us. As we entered, he looked at me strangely. But i shrugged it off as nothing.
"Lord Sesshomaru, Would you like some desert?" Rin said smiling. He took the plate. And took a bite. I was awaiting his reaction. But nothing happened. But he did eat it all.
"What's this called?" He asked.
"Cake!" I replied. he nodded, and stood up.
"Rin please leave us." Sesshomaru demanded. She reluctantly did as she was told. I watched her leave. Then I turned around to a Sesshomaru inches away from my face. Those Amber eyes staring into my soul.
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