Status: Unfinished

The Demon Inside

Chapter Six;

I awoke to a sleeping Sesshomaru. I didn't say anything. He looked almost at peace. But wait a minute; I'm sleeping with Sesshomaru. YI looked over him, and at my surroundings. He didn't have his Armour on, only his regular kimono. I was in a master bedroom, on a bed with satin sheets. I tried to get up, but he grabbed my wrist. I looked over at him. His eyes were still closed. Was it a reflex? I tired to pry his hand off my wrist, no luck. He slowly opened his eyes.
"Where are you going?" He asked. I could tell he was still half asleep.
"Uhh, away?" I said.
"No." He said, and quickly got up and let go of my wrist. He walked into a room, on the right of the room I was already in. There was another door directly in front of me. So I got up and walked to the door. I tried to turn the knob, but it was locked. Darn, I thought. I looked to my right. There was the room Sesshomaru went into. You opened the door. It was a bathroom. A beautiful one at that. In the center was a Bath tub, filled with steaming hot water. And inside was a naked Sesshomaru! He was staring at me. I didn't care. I've seen a thousand naked men before. But I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, after all, he did have a gorgeous body. I looked into his eyes.
"Want me to leave?" I asked. he didn't say anything right away.
"Why don't you join me Azura?" He asked, in a voice almost as if he was embarrassed.
"Nah, knowing men, you will probably try and rape me." I said back. He didn't say anything.
"Why would a do that to a women who almost killed me yesterday?" He asked, looking away from my gaze. I didn't say anything. But I trusted his word. After all, he never was disrespectful to me. I walked over and sat behind him. I pulled out a brush and started to brush his long silky hair. I was amazed at how long his hair was, and how soft to the touch. Without thinking I started to sing, not very powerful but a soft lullaby. Suddenly, Sesshomaru grab my arm and swung me around him, pulling me into the water.
"Hey, what did you do that for?" I asked a little angry. I looked up into his eyes. And they looked caring. He was inches away from my face.
"Where did you hear that song?" He asked. Song? What? I was singing? I didn't Even know. I blushed.
"I.. I don't know." I stammered to say. He looked at my with disbelief. I looked away.
"You smell like a dog, get a bath." He said, and stood up and got put a towel on. Fine whatever I thought. I was already in the bath anyway. And It did feel good have hot water surround me. Sesshomaru got dressed. I pulled of my kimono and set it aside. I could feel Sesshomaru eyes on me. I stood up a little, exposing myself, and reached over and grabbed a bar of soap. As I did so, I gave him a glare.
"Take a picture it will last longer." I said with a snarl. He smirked and started to walk away. "Wait," I called. He turned around. "Where's you Shampoo?" I asked. He looked at me as If a asked for him to eat his own hand. "I mean, the stuff to wash my hair." He pointed to a couple bottles leaning against the wall. And he unlocked the door, and left into the hall. I washed, and boy did it feel good. As I sat in there, I was thinking of yesterday, and how I was fighting Sesshomaru. I suddenly felt home sick. And made a pact with myself. After I've had a bath, I'll go back to the well, and see If I can go home. When I stepped out into the room, I saw a kimono, at the end of the bed. I put it on. It was a pale purple. With lilacs on it. Everything, was beautiful in this era. I walked out of the room into the hall. It was quiet. As I approached the entrance, there was a library, inside Sesshomaru was there reading a book. I walked up to him, but didnt look straight at him, instead I looked at the ground.
"Im leaving." I stated. He closed his book and put it away. "If you try and stop me, I'll kill you." I said, and walked away. I ran out the front entrance. And took off into the forest. I ran so fast. I didnt want to fight Sesshomaru. But I could feel his presence, getting closer. I finally reached the well. I turned around and saw Sesshomaru behind me. I jumped into the well, and was suddenly engulfed with a blue Aura.

~Sesshomarus POV~

"I'm leaving." She said. I closed his book and put it away. "If you try and stop me, I'll kill you." And she walked away. She ran out the front entrance. And took off into the forest. I chased after her. I couldn't let he leave, I didnt even know where she was going. I was getting closer. She stopped at a well, and turned and saw me. She jumped into the well, and disappeared. Suddenly Inuyasha came out of nowhere. I wasn't in the mood to deal with this pathetic hanyo right now.
"Sesshomaru! Why are you here?" An angry Inuyasha shouted.
"Shut up Inuyasha. You! Human. What is with this well?" I asked the girl in strange clothing.
"Oh this old thing, it's nothing." She said, with a fake smile.
"Do not lie to me Human." I said, angered.
"Why do you care Sesshomaru!?" Inuyasha barked.
"Azura jumped in here and disappeared. Tell me wench, where did she go?" The Human girl look shocked.
"She did?" She asked. I didnt answer growing impatient. I heard the human whisper something to Inuyasha.
"Inuyasha can we tell Sesshomaru? Even if he knows, he wont be able to pass through."
"Feh." Inuyasha said. The girl called Kagome, came up to me.
"She went back home... This well is a portal to another world, our future. I myself come from the future and so did Azura." Interesting. I thought.
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