Status: Unfinished

The Demon Inside

Chapter Seven;

I climbed out of the well. I had a sudden urge not go home, but I was going there anyway. When I finally got there. I noticed a car; a very familiar car, my abusive parent's car. I walked through the front door. My brother ran up to me, and hugged me.
"Where have you been? I've been so worried." James said. I didn't say anything. Then my parents came into the room, glares on their faces. My father spoke.
"James, get away from her, she needs to explain herself. Where have you been? A costume party?" He said in a mocking tone, which rattled my nerves. I was wearing a kimono, and I was in my demon form, why didn't I change back? I couldn't explain myself. Why the hell did I come back?
"Dose it matter where I went? I'm back now, shouldn't that be the most important thing right now?" I replied.
"You should have just never come back! Then we could have a better life!" My mother yelled. That one hurt. I felt tears at the back of my eyes, but held them back.
"Come on mom." James said.
"Shut up James! This time the bitch has gone to far!" And my father reached out and backhanded me across the face. As I ran up to my room I heard my father yell that they were leaving. I was hurt, I was angry, and I was sad. I lay on my bed, and cried.
"Stupid! How could I have been so stupid?" I yelled into my pillow. My cheek burned. The salty tears stung my face. I stood up and looked out my window. I saw my father's car leave. I felt a little relieved. I sniffed and blew my nose. I went into the bathroom. I locked the door. James knocked on my door. I didn't reply.
"Azura When you're ready to come out, I'll be waiting, we need to talk." I got a bath. I washed. I thought about a lot. In the feudal era, I was loved. And here I am hated. Thoughts went back to Sesshomaru; after all I did leave him there. I wonder if he could pass threw the well.
I got out of the bath, and dried my hair. Even though I was crying not more than 20 minutes ago, I was still beautiful. I went to my wardrobe, and pulled out a pair of plaid pants, and a tank top. I walked downstairs. And sat at the table with my brother.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"Fine." I said, and put on a fake smile, that would even scare me.
"Okay where did you go?" He asked. I trusted my brother. Why not tell him? I thought.
"Well I went to Kagome's house, and I saw her run into a shrine at her house, but when I walked inside, she wasn't there. So I descended the steps, and saw an old well. But I lost my footing, and feel into it. When I climbed out, I wasn't in Kagome's shrine anymore. I was transported back into the feudal era, where Kagome goes all the time, to fight demons. There I met Kagome's friends. There was demon. And I didn't get it at the time and I still dont really understand it, but apparently I'm a demon to, a dog demon. One of Kagome's friend's was one too, but only a half demon. Then his brother showed up, but he was a full demon. Everyone sensed that I had 'strong demonic powers' so no one really bothered me. But I got home sick and came home. So here I am." I looked up at my brother. He seemed to understand. "Do you believe me?" I asked. He nodded.
"Are you going to go back?" He asked. I hadn't really thought of it. Did I want to go back? I kinda did. To tell you the truth, I kinda did miss Sesshomaru. I shrugged my shoulders. After a long discussion, I finally went to bed.
~Sesshomaru's POV~
"She went back home... This well is a portal to another world, our future. I myself come from the future and so did Azura." Interesting. I thought.
After the human had explained things, I finally understood, why she was so different.
"Then I shall go after her." I said.
"You cant!" Kagome yelled, as I jumped into the well. Nothing happened. I jumped back out.
"Why wont it work?" I asked angrily.
"Only Inuyasha, myself and Azura can pass through the well." The human said.
"Then go get her."
"But, what if she doesn't want to return?" She asked. This wench was starting to piss me off.
"Get her, or I'll kill those humans!" I said pointing to the demon slayer and the monk. She nodded.
"Give me 3 day's at least!" she said. I turned around and sat by a tree. The human then jumped into the well.
~Kagome's POV~
I climbed out of the well; I don't know where Azura lives, so hopefully I'll see her at school tomorrow, so I can talk to her and see what happened. I went to bed. But I slept in, the next morning...
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