Love, Lies and All Things Plastic

"Keep quiet and no one gets hurt."

“Is that you sweetie? You were gone a really long time?”

“Yeah mom, I’m back now though”

I went upstairs to pick out what to wear tomorrow, I didn’t really have anything nice. My white skinny jeans and polka dot top was probably the best thing I had, everything else was sort of old-ish. I didn’t have anything that could compare with these fashion obsessed city kids.

I decided to wear my white skinny jeans again (even though I’m sure your not aloud to wear something twice in a row in London) and my blue short sleeved shirt with Kermit on which I could cover up with a scarf and my little black jacket. I was so hot, I don’t think I had ever tried on so many outfits at once. I was probably getting myself worked up over nothing, I mean he was probably just being polite, he might not like me at all and may just be a nice person. I doubt it was a date.


I woke up from a restless night. Tossing and turning as I slept, quilt on the floor, pillow down the side of my bed and sheet screwed up. I haven’t slept like that in years, not since dad left.

I straightened out my bed and headed straight for the bathroom. I didn’t dare look in the mirror, bed hair must have been beyond messy with all the rolling around, make-up smeared all over my face from yesterday.

I let the warm water trickle down my body and soak in too my skin. I preferred showering more than baths. Just the thought of bathing in your own dirty water, going wrinkly in the filth you’ve just scrubbed off. Plus it was quicker and I could have one every day before school.

I pulled on my ready prepared outfit and brushed a comb through my hair. It still looked like straw no matter what I did with it. Although I did like the colour, sort of a deep cherry red. Bit of a shock for everyone when I came into school with red hair the next day though, but everyone soon got used to it.

I had loads of time until I had to go yet, but I didn’t want to be late because he might think I forgot or something and that would just be rude. I decided to go shopping instead.


I wasn’t in the mood for his lousy shit.

“Don’t say ‘what’ to me young lady! Your mother was worried sick about you yesterday, going out of her mind!” He waved his arms around gesturing how frustrated he was.

“Well I had my phone with me, and she didn’t seem to worried when I got back.” I really didn’t see the problem, he always overreacts, usually I don’t take much notice.

“Well she was! And you should have been here to help unpack!” His arms raised flying about getting more wild by the second, his voice raising.

“She was fine with me going out. Actually I’m heading out now so I’ll just let her know.”

With that I smoothly made my exit down into the kitchen, he wasn’t finished with me yet but I couldn’t be assed to deal with his crap now.

“Hey sweetie, theirs some rice crispies on top on the fridge.”

“Thanks mom.”

I poured the milk into my bowl of rice crispies, listening to snap, crackle and pop (childish I know, but I always do it anyway).

“I’m going out again today mom.”Just to let her know in advance, that way I don’t get a bollocking from Rob.

I shouted bye to mom and slammed the door shut. I headed off to do some shopping, I badly needed some new clothes.


I went straight into Primark, god it was huge. Like five stories high, maybe more. I picked up a few checked tops and a pair of boot cut jeans. Which is amazing for me, I never get that much at once. Not to mention I hate shopping, especially Primark. it’s a great shop and everything, ever so cheap but its always just so packed with fashion crazed teens looking for a fabulous new outfit to wear on their hot date, moms trying to find outfits for their husbands work party, favourite aunts buying their nieces and nephews trendy new clothes and Granny’s buying their grandchildren socks and ugly jumpers for special occasions. Its just so fucking hot!

I had spent ages in Primark (considering how long I usually spend in there) so I walked back to the little café I found yesterday. Once again I ordered a coffee flavoured milk shake and a choc chip muffin (it was like one of those huge American ones).

“No, yeah I know what you mean… yeah… no I’ll be there in a bit. Right. Yeah. I’m coming now.”

I turned around to see Pierre already sat down at a different table getting up with a phone stuck to his ear. I wasn’t late. In fact I was early.

“Oh, uh hey.” He walked smack into me as I got up too leave. “I…uhh… thought you weren’t coming.”

“I’m early.”

“I’m really sorry but I have to be somewhere, here, let me pay!”

“No need, I already have.”

With my final sentence I made a swift exit out of the café and far from sight of Pierre. Surely he knew that I knew he was standing me up. What was so important that he had to abandon me? I could have waited for ages and he just wouldn’t have turned up, or would have already left.

I heard him call after me, he didn’t come far after me but I took a short cut just to be sure. I wasn’t going to put up with any shit like that.

I wasn’t sure if this was a short cut or not. I’d been walking much longer than before, and the streets narrowed and soon turned into alleyways. Dark and desolate. Only bins and the reeking stench of tramps rotting in corners.

A hand clasped over my mouth.

“Keep quiet and no one gets hurt.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the boring chapter, I promise it will get more interesting x