Love, Lies and All Things Plastic

Overnight tramp

“Wait! Stop! Don’t leave me in here!”I slammed the shutters, shaking them making them crackle and bang.

“Please” I whispered sinking to the ground, realising darkness shadowed every corner.

Slipping through the shadows, skipping patched of light being careful not to be seen. I ran for the back exit, careful not to make a sound, being caught by some homeless strangers whilst everywhere was locked wasn’t going to do me any favours.


I couldn’t even find a fire escape. Let alone climb out of one. The back entrance was locked, same as the front, shut down tightly. Security systems, red lights beaming away in the corners making sure the shutters stay down so no one tries to get in (or out for that matter). I slid down in the corner finding a nearby carrier bag and pulled it over me, not exactly a thermal blanket but I was wearing warm clothes anyway. There was no point trying to ring my mum my phone was in my bag, and that got stolen by some tramp! Well… he was wearing a suit and his hair was slicked back. So, he was well dressed?! I don’t care! He was still a freaking tramp!

What was tomorrow? Monday? Yes, I was starting school tomorrow! Oh well at least I might miss that. Not that its much of a good thing I’d rather just get it over and done with. I wasn’t all that keen on seeing Pierre again. The jerk.

I carried on muttering under my breath, savagely moaning about how terrible my life is (sad I know). But this isn’t something that happens to your everyday average teenager is it? No. So why does everything always happen to me?


I had woken up after my good moan, emotionally beating myself up about everything. There were a few beams of light shining through the shutters as they rose. Shit. How much trouble will I be in for staying over night in here?

My body froze and my limbs stiffened, I wasn’t one for getting into trouble. I mean chatting in class I guess but nothing serious. What if the police get involved? What will my mother think! What will the kids at my new school think!

With a second thought as to how much trouble I would get in I made a run for it. Shoving past the person opening it. I didn’t even look back to see if he was a guard in uniform or anything. I was to scared that if he saw my face he might recognise me somewhere and hand me over to the police.

“Excuse me! Wait”
I kept running, I knew he wasn’t coming after me but I kept going none the less. I ran straight home. Not risking any shortcuts or anything like that. Just kept going the way I came and stuck to the inside of the pavement. I could tell from the sky it was only about six o’clock in the morning, it was a silvery sky with just an orange-red line in the distance slowly rising over the city, swallowing the darkness below.


I snuck in lightly, tip toeing up the stairs. I knew if Rob caught me he would just shout the house down. If I told mom she would tell Rob and he would shout the house down. If I made a noise Rob would hear and shout the house down. So basically If I do anything wrong and Rob finds out he will shout the house down.

I slipped into bed trying to catch up on a few hours sleep, I had only had about two hours sleep at the precinct. Maybe not even that. Wow, I sound like a really big tramp.

I squeezed my eyes shut forcing myself to try and get some sleep.
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Sorry for the lack of updates. Motivation needed to keep going!! =D