Love, Lies and All Things Plastic

Room 123

“Wake up honey you overslept”
My mom shook me gently helping me out of bed.

“Just five more minutes!”

“Rubs you have to get up now, its quarter to eight, you have to start school today.”
She said cheerily with a bright smile.

Oh, shit, school. I leaped out like a trained athlete and jumped in the shower, it was only a quick one. I wrapped around my towel and picked out what to wear. I needed something casual but still cool.

“Ruby? I’ve made you a coffee!” She yelled up the stairs.

“Thanks mom!”
I decided to go with a turquoise tank top, my white skinny’s again, little white jacket and turquoise flats with my big white shoulder hand bag (it was big enough for school books so I figured it would do).

I slurped down my coffee (I didn’t burn my tongue as it took so long for me to pick an outfit it had cooled down by then) and grabbed a piece of toast racing upstairs to brush my teeth then I went out the door.

I wasn’t sure what to do with myself to be honest, I was pretty early so I didn’t really want to go to school yet, I especially couldn’t really see any other teenagers around with school bags or anything so I decided to just wonder around for a bit (I had a handbag so I didn’t look like I was going to school anyway).

In the end I didn’t need to wonder around as it took me long enough to find Oak Hill High anyway, none the less I was on time. Cars had started pulling in from different directions into the car park. I made my way to reception to ask where I needed to go.

“Hi there, I’m new here-”

“Ruby Skies?”

“Uhh yeah-”

“Your time table, make your way to registration, your in room 302.”
She handed me a sheet of paper and went back to work, ignoring my existance. Instead of standing there any longer I decided to head to room three hundred and two (gosh there’s got to be a lot of rooms in this building… well it was like several different buildings around but still, 302?!) young adults were swarming the college, you couldn’t hear anything over the constant chatter, I sort of zoned out walking there as I was so nervous. Listing every possible thing that could go wrong when I enter the class.

I arrived at registration introduced myself to the teacher who hadn’t been expecting me.

“Oh, sorry I’m only a substitute teacher, Mr. Hedwick shouldbe back tomorrow. Here if you’d like to take a seat.”

a girl whispered, “my names Aidan”she greeted my with a pretty smile that complimented her green eyes. She had short blonde hair that sort of spiked out in layers, kind of scene but pretty. It definitely suited her little pixie like face.

“Hi, I’m Ruby.”

“That’s a nice name, so where do you come from?”

“Devon. You probably haven’t heard of it.”

“I’ve heard of it, I’ve just never been there. My friend’s family has a caravan down there so she goes down sometimes.”

our conversation just sort of drifted off from there and found ourselves getting to know each other more, before we knew it the bell had rang for first period.

“See you at lunch”she called.

“Yeah, see ya.”

I looked at my timetable to see I had double French first. Great. Just what I needed to start of the day. Room 123.

“Bonjour, bonjour! In you come class!”

“Hi, I’m new here.”

“Eh! You must greet me in French! As you are new I shall let you off.”

She waved off my words with a flick of her wrist and clapped her hands.

“Class! Listen! We 'av a new student! Now, would you like to say your name and something about yourself.”

I hated being put on the spot, its so nerve-racking when you don’t know anyone. “Hi, I’m Ruby and I come from Devon.” Had to have been the most boring thing someone could have said about themselves but I saw a familiar dark head jerk up at the back.

“Ahhh, nice to meet you Ruby. Have 'av a seat at de back next to Pierre.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that was a really short and boring chapter but I've got it all coming up =D

Thanks to

-Happy Sunshine

for commenting =D
Keep it up!!!! x x