Love, Lies and All Things Plastic

Double French

I forced a smile to the rest of the class and took a seat next to Pierre. He didn’t dare look at me, he kept his head down fiddling with his fingers on the table hunting for even the tiniest of distractions to stop him being uncomfortable. Well, he deserved it. No one treats me like that and gets away with it.

She went on blabbing about some French plural tense, to be honest I had no idea about French, I never listened at my old school, I just used to get constant head aches due to it being so hot and crowded in the class room and her blasting her vocals to be heard half way across the school scaring most of the class (she wasn’t the kind of person you would want to annoy).

“Right class, your going to be set another assignment, usual partners please. It is a speaking assessment and your going to come up with your own dialogue, one person asks questions de other answers and then you swap. Simple as that.”

She clapped her hands expecting us just to get to it. I don’t even have a partner for Christ’s sake (I’m not usually one for swearing- not that Christ is a swear word- but I’ve just been so stressed out lately and Rob does it all the time).

A couple of minutes went by and everyone seemed to have partners apart from me and Pierre. Awkwardness filled the space between us, building up a wall of discomfort.

“So, you don’t have a partner then?”
He looked slightly in my direction but didn’t meet my gaze and carried on fiddling. After a few seconds of hesitation he shook his head which I gathered was a no.

“Do you want to be mine?”

He looked up a little more.

“Seeing as I’ve only just arrived and no nothing about the topic we’re on and everyone else has partners.”


I was surprised at his co-operation, he finally looked me in the eye and started a conversation. He explained what the topic was about with detailed explanations, his French accent suited the language perfectly, I almost melted at the sound. He had a sudden burst of enthusiasm as he scribbled down little notes as what to add in too the conversation which I could never in hell transfer to French.

“I’m sorry I’m not that great at French, to be honest I can’t really speak any of it.”

“I’ve noticed and you should consider yourself very lucky you’ve got me as a partner.”
He grinned mischievously.

“Oh really”
I hit him with a ruler.

“Ouch! I didn’t deserve that!”
We both fell about laughing attracting many looks and whispers from other students. We had most of the work done beforehand so it didn’t matter that we messed around. We started drawing little cartoons on the back of the piece of paper. We ended up drawing the teacher which I now know is called Ms. Bootin. He drew her with a mono brow and big twitchy eyes, the kind you see in a fairytale book on the witch that comes to get you. We laughed even harder when I extended her abnormally large nose that now reached her chin which Pierre had already drawn a beard on. Although I think we might have laughed to hard as Ms. Bootin came over to see what was so funny.

“Finding something funny are we?”

“No miss.”
we chimed.

She slipped the piece of paper of the table and took it up to look. Our eyes widened as we thought of the things we had scribbled down.

“Hmmm… dis ees good, keep eet up. You’ll be de first to be assessed.”

Both of us let out the breath we had been holding and gasped for air, giggling at the thought. Trying to stop our selves from laughing when she had unknowingly held the face on the back of the paper up to her chin whilst reading the other side.

“The comparison was almost identical.”

It was then we could no longer hold it, the bell for break had rung shortly after and we had left the classroom in fits.

After a about a minute or so the laughter drifted out leaving me not knowing where to go seeing as I hadn’t really made many friends yet and I wasn’t entirely sure where Aidan would be at break which would leave me wondering around aimlessly for around fifteen minutes.

“Look Ruby… I’m really sorry about the other day, its just I really did have something important to attend to and I was going to tell the waitress to tell you-”

“It’s ok”we just smiled at each other. Whatever it was it must have been important, he seemed a nice guy. Definitely gorgeous. I think that makes up for a lot of things by itself I chuckled to myself.

“Coming?” He dragged me along the corridor. “C’mon, our year all go outside on the fields.”

I followed him willingly admiring his eagerness on everything. It was sunny on the fields, the grass was dry but swished with a gentle breeze that flew through my hair.

I spotted Aidan across the field with a couple of others she waved at me to come and join.

“Umm, Pierre? Would you mind if I went and saw Aidan? Its just she’s been really nice and would be sort of rude to not go over there after she’s waved and stuff. You should come to!”

I looked at the floor, I didn’t really know what else to say.

“Sorry… its just, my friends are expecting me.”

“Oh ok, don’t worry about it.” I smiled as we waved each other off. I joined Aidan and two others next to her.

“Hey ruby! Guys this is Ruby! Ruby, this is Lauren” she pointed to a tall girl with shoulder length electric blue hair, sleek and straight, matched with green-ish blue eyes. “and this is Jay”she gestured towards a tall cute face boy with baby blue eyes and blonde/brown hair.

“Hey” they chimed together.

“I love your hair, its an amazing colour! See! this is how I wanted my hair!” He took a little piece of my hair and held against his which made me laugh.

“Don’t dye your hair it’s a pretty colour!” I whined.

“So, you’ve obviously discovered jay’s gayness.” Lauren laughed.

“He’s definitely destined to dress in yellow raincoats and sing ‘its raining men’.”Aidan said. Jay did a little wiggle pretending to dance to the music, working out a dance routine.

The bell soon rung and we eventually pulled ourselves back together and calmed down the hysterics.

“See you at lunch” we parted and started towards our next lessons. I looked at my timetable, my next lesson was Art.
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Pierres French if you guys didn't get that :)

Oooh everythings going so smooth, I wonder what'll happen in art? Or at lunch even!

Thanks lovely jubley commenters!! =D

-Happy Sunshine
-Killer Queen