Love, Lies and All Things Plastic

The Creative Side

I headed over to the block of creative arts, which I supposed was drama, art and maybe dance and stuff…

The art room was huge! Filled with expensive canvas’s and paints, acrylic, water colour, oil, powder… everything you could think of. Every different colour lined up in rows neatly cared for. Brushes of all different shapes and sizes potted along the window sills looking well cared for. Masses of art worked surrounded the room, decorating every tiny piece, whether it was a huge mural or a tiny canvas, sculptures weaved in and out of the high up tables and stools, mobiles with various bits of art work attached to them hung gently from the ceiling collecting the light shining from the whole wall of windows and reflecting it onto the naked eye. Everything relating to art, anything you can imagine was there in this enormous room. Filled with inspiration.

“Hi, you must be new here? Ruby Skies is it?” I snapped out of my trance and replied.

“Yes, that’s me”The art teacher had long brown hair with a few flowers assorted in various different clumps that looked almost real, her face was small and pixie like, she wore a little green headband that made her look sort of eco friendly warrior. Her jacket looked homemade, purple with multi-coloured bobbles stitched on and pink fur at the neck and cuffs. To be honest I think most of her clothes were homemade by the looks of them. Not that they weren’t good or anything, it just didn’t seem like something the fashion industry would create and the bobbles did look like one (if not more) step to far.

“Well, welcome to the school. Good first day so far?”

“Yeah its been great so far.”
Well to be honest it has been.

“That’s good to hear.”She almost sounded as if she was worried I wouldn’t fit in. Ok, I’m not total fashionable London material but I’m not an alien.

“Miss? I don’t know what to do on my canvas.” The girls bounced up along with her ‘natural’ blonde curls that for some reason have dark roots? I couldn’t imagine the reason why! (Sense that sarcasm their?)

“Remember what we talked about Gemma. This is an imaginary landscape to bring out your creative side, to explore the fantasy of your most extraordinary dreams.”

The girl nodded slowly, clearly having no idea at all at what Miss had just said. Obviously the only things she dreams about are boys, fashion, fame and popularity.

“Just be creative” she nudged her back to her seat, “here take Ruby with you, she’s new here.”Nudging me on to as if not knowing what to do with me. I didn’t blame her really, all the tables were merely groups of friends that had known each other since the start.

“Hey, I’mGemmaAreYounewhere?Wheredidyoucomefrom?” I got none of that at all. She spoke so fast for such a tiny person, squeaky too.


“Where did you come from?”
It was still blurred and crushed into a sentence but I understood it better than the other one.

“Oh, I came from Devon.”

“Oh…is it nice there?”Undoubtedly she didn’t know where Devon was, well, I wasn’t going to hold that against her seeing as hardly anyone knew where Devon was.

“Yeah, its alright I suppose. Not a patch on London though.”

She showed me to her table.

“Hey guys! This is Ruby.”

“Hi.” I waved a little, drowning it out as I saw there glares, looking me up and down like a group of gangster’s would to its victim.

“Hey Ruby, come and sit next to me.” She was wedged in between two girls swarming her. She saw my glance as to how am I supposed to sit next to her when that place has already been taken. The two girls had forced themselves down, stubbornly standing there ground as to who would move. “Jessica, that was your cue to get up an move!” She scowled at the other girl, it wasn’t much above a whisper but it had a sharpness to it, enough edge to make the girl unwillingly move straight away. The girl called Jessica had given me a hideous look of disgust as she moved over a seat. I sat down without a sound.

“Ugh, I need some yellow paint!”

“I’ll get it for you!”two of the girls bleated. God, their all like sheep. Most of them even look the same. One of the girls had already got up to retrieve the yellow paint from the shelf, leaving the girl called Jessica to slop back in her seat, arms crossed, making it clear that she was sulking. How childish.

“Do you like my idea Ruby?”I looked at the canvas, it was a big sky which I assumed was going to be yellow as the grass was painted blue. It was a basic traditional landscape, but beautifully modernized with different colours to make it look more abstract.

“Yeah, its great”

“Just great?” I can’t believe she even asked that, talk about fishing for compliments.

“Fabulous even, totally designer.” Ok, I totally had a pathetic ‘OMG’ moment there, but what else was I supposed to say? 'Uhh, no just great, nothing else.'

The brown haired girl had returned with the yellow paint on a plate.

“No Casey! That’s not the yellow I wanted! I wanted it lighter!”

Casey’s face crumpled almost as if she were going to cry, Jessica had twitched a smirk on her little pug face.

“Just add some white to it.”I blurted out, everyone looked at me as if to say ‘how dare I answer back!,’ almost like I wasn’t welcome to have an opinion.

Everything just paused for what seemed like ages.

“Hmm… I guess that could work”everyone drew out the breath they had been holding.

“Casey go get me some white.”The girl named Casey had scuttled off to get some white paint.

“Sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”She looked up from her painting and smiled. Not a nice smile, I mean yes, she was frightfully stunning, but it wasn’t a nice smile, it was crooked and bent, she wasn’t reflecting something nice anyway.

“Tia Darnley.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry, i've only been updating chapters in like a short amount of time but there getting so long. I had to seperate french, art and lunch is next but that'll mould into the afternoon. Btw keep telling me what you think its great motivation :)

Thanks to those commenters:

-Happy Sunshine
-Killer Queen
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