Love, Lies and All Things Plastic

"She twists minds!"

Double art flew by quickly; I had already decided what to do on my canvas and thought I would carry on with it a bit more at home seeing as I was quite behind.

I followed Tia and the others down to lunch (seeing as I didn’t exactly know where the canteen was).

The canteen was huge, everything about it was enormous. You could smell it down the halls but as soon as you opened the doors to the canteen your presence was engulfed by the smell of food wafting under your nose (which made me really hungry). I spotted Aidan and Jay-jay sitting at a table already, they waved, gesturing for me to come over to them. I started walking over.

“You can sit with us if you want Ruby.” Her smile seemed genuine, she’d already turned and started walking towards her table before I could answer. I looked back at Aidan and mouthed an apology pointing at the others. I didn’t want to upset either of them but I didn’t seem to communicate with Tia very well and I wasn’t one to usually say no.

I followed them over not exactly sure where to sit, Jessica seemed highly strung so I was sure to sit away from her.

“Hey sexy!”Tia hadn’t even sat down, she pulled some guy into a full on make out session, running her hands through his hair, she’d seemed to have surprised him as his hands balled into fists and his body turned rigid. Awkward moment! I slightly turned away from them, not wanting to look, but not wanting to seem rude. “Oooh, I love that shirt on you!” She ran her hands down his torso, finally pulling her face away from his. He took her hands off and placed her down on the seat.

You?! I blurted out. She was with Pierre! That stupid little prick! “Umm…You are such a cute couple!” My high pitched voice dragging on into slight hysteria.

Tia had a smirk across her face, yet said nothing. She didn’t seem to notice the over excitement in my voice was a total lie. He was dumb struck once again, the worst thing was the only seat left was next to me, he unwillingly took it once again fiddling with his hands avoiding my hostile glare I’d sent him.

Gemma was going on about this new designer dress that her aunt had bought for her too Tia, stating Cheryl Cole had one just like it. It can’t have been that nice then, judging her new fashion sense these days. Tia didn’t look all that interested in what she was saying, she looked more interested in the salad she was poking around that most likely she wasn’t going to eat. Which made me feel like a total pig with my chips and huge slab of chocolate fudge cake, before I’d noticed I’d gobbled up all my chips so I grudgingly left half my chocolate fudge cake.

I could have eaten it but I would only have felt even more sick. I mean how could he do that? Why didn’t he say that he had a girlfriend? And why did it have to be her. Ok, Tia hadn’t actually done anything to make me not like her but I felt this sort of grudge against her and I don’t know why, I mean its not as if he’s anything to me or if I’m anything to him.

Jessica clicked her fingers in front of my face.

“Hey Newbie! Bells gone!” She stood up and walked off with the others, they hadn’t cared to wait but its not like they’d gotten far. I caught up with Aidan in the corridor and walked to registration with her.

“I’m sorry about lunch, I didn’t really know how to say no to her-”

“Its fine,”she smiled at me, genuinely accepting my apology. She didn’t looked fazed that I’d abandoned her, well I supposed I’d only said ‘see you at lunch’ its not as if I’d made a commitment.

We got talking about what classes we had next, I looked at my timetable and to my disgust we had science next.

“Oh, do you have Mr. Klaptonn?”

“Umm I guess that’s what the C.K stands for then right?”

“Yeah he spits, you’ve got it with Jay.”I brightened up a bit then, at least I would know somebody there and me and Jay seem to hit off quite well at break.

I walked on off to science, using the few directions Aidan had given me. I guess I didn’t need directions that much anyway because their were lots of signs around, but its just to double check, I really didn’t want to enter a different class and suffer the embarrassment of saying ‘sorry I’m new here I didn’t know where I was going.”

“Ruby! Over here! I saved you a seat”Jay waved wildly over to me and I gave him a wink to say I’d over in a second.

“Hi I’m new here”

“Oh, you must be Miss Skies?”

“Yes, that’s me”
I’d never been addressed so formally before.

“Right, you may take a seat Miss Skies.”

I hurried over to Jay.

“Thanks for saving us a seat!”I whispered. He was really excitable, something we had in common.

“Right class…” And that’s about all I heard, Mr. Klapton was well and truly boring, I mean science was a crap subject on its on let alone having someone droning on about the electromagnetic spectrum. All I know is we had a to do a few questions from one of the text books, but we were aloud to talk but to use only a ‘library atmosphere’ as Mr. Klapton had put it, making his point in explaining that ’library atmosphere’ means only a quiet whisper and nothing more.

“So what’s happening between you and Pierre?”Jay leaned in, wiggling his perfectly plucked eyebrows waiting for the gossip to explode from my mouth.

“Nothing, why?”

“I saw the way you two were at break! When you sort of broke apart, you looked like you were going to kiss each other goodbye!”

“No we didn’t”
I said defensively, my lying not coming off very well, I felt my cheeks go hot.

“Oh course not!”He taunted making playful kissy noises. I poked him making him stop. “Ouch! I don’t blame you or anything, I mean his accent is to die for!” I laughed at his dramatic face palm sweep across his forehead, pretending to faint at the thought of Pierre’s accent.

“Yeah, well… you can’t have everything I guess.”

“Yeah… that blonde bitch has to have it.”


“Oh, I meant Tia.”

“You can’t really blame her”

“No, he is gorgeous.”

“She’s not that bad.”
I don’t know why but somehow I found myself defending her. “And it's not like she meant to do anything like that on purpose.” I though back to Casey, shaking in her black stiletto boots.

“Ahh, so much to learn dear Ruby.”He went all mystical and fortune teller on me.

“Like what?” I challenged.

“Well you clearly haven’t seen what she’s capable of. She twists minds!”

I laughed but he was partly serious.

“I mean she easily whisked you off at lunch.”

“No she didn’t, she just assumed I was with her and invited me to sit down. I’m sorry I didn’t come over, I just find it hard to say no sometimes.”

“She did it on purpose, although the hair flick was genius!”

“What hair flick?”

“You know, when they do the flick”
he mimicked the ‘hair flick’ throwing his hand over his shoulder and turning his head “and sort of just quickly brush their hair away, turn, and walk”


“Brush, turn and walk. She does it all the time.”
He did it again, we kept taking the piss and I never once felt bad.

“Well I’ll definitely come sit with you at lunch tomorrow, if I need to I’ll use my new ‘Brush, turn and walk’ technique” We laughed for ages. I don’t think either of us had done hardly any of the work we’d been set. Our homework was to learn the electromagnetic spectrum, eh well it can’t be that hard.

We shoved our books back into our bags as soon as the bell went, we were too keen to get out of that class and making sure we weren’t dragged into listening to Mr. Klapton for another hour or so.

“Goodbye Miss Skies, hope you enjoyed your first day.”I smiled politely with an obvious look of disgust on my face as I left.

“Ugh! He really does spit!” I muttered to Jay-jay. Perhaps a little to loud as Mr. Klapton coughed and slammed the door quite briskly. We burst into laughter again once were sure he’d closed the door.

“Don’t think you’ll be getting a good grade in science this term Rubz.”he laughed.

“Ahh well, its not like I’m going to become a scientist or anything like that anyway.”
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OK you have got to love jay jay!!! Tell me your favourite character right now!!

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