Status: One Shot

These Bonds Cannot Be Broken


He was waiting.

He was waiting for her.

He sat in the dark of his room, his curtains were closed so that only a tiny sliver of light was being allowed into the room and from where he was sitting on his small bed he could see the road outside. The road she walked on everyday.

His box room was cramped, appearing visibly smaller by the dark purple walls he had insisted on painting. The walls and ceiling didn’t have a separation of colour. It was stuffy and containing. No body came up here anymore. Not since he started to change. Now his den was like a jail cell. It was suffocating.

His pale blue eyes never strayed from the path. Not once in the last six months had he missed the opportunity to watch her walk past.

He heard her laugh before he saw her and he stiffened. She normally walked along…who was she with?

Indigo Gregory walked past his house hand in hand with a boy and he snarled in anger. How could she? She was his…she was always his. No other man was allowed to touch her and he’d make sure of that.

The next day he was waiting again. But this time by the trees, by the road she walked on everyday. By the road she walked on everyday by his house…and not once had she turned. Not once had she turned to look at him…not once had she looked at him, the way he looked at her.

It started nine months ago. The first day he saw her in the park, laughing with her friends and playing with a Frisbee. She was mesmerising.

Her long honey hair had been swept across her face, her pink lips and brown eyes were beautiful. He’d never believed in love at first sight. Until he saw Indigo.

But she had never looked at him, never acknowledged him and what was he to do but wait. Wait until she turned around and noticed the boy whom she had missed on so many occasions. At the bowling alley, in the supermarket, at church….

He straightened by the tree as he heard her soft footsteps. The footsteps he had memorised so well. She was alone…good.

She faltered slightly as she saw him standing there but then smiled slightly and continued walking.

“Hello Jonah” she greeted him quietly and he froze in surprise
“You…you know me?” he asked, his deep voice seemed very loud in the silence the forest created.

She smiled “You were in my senior chemistry class last year…”

He stared at her. She knew who he was yet she had never made the effort to talk to him, to get to know him. But it was too late…he was too far gone to come back.

“Yeah…I was”

He smiled at her and then smirked as he noticed that faint tinge of red that appeared on her cheeks. He was glad he had this effect on her now…he knew he was very handsome, with striking strong cheekbones, a muscular torso, icy blue eyes and jet black hair that sweeped across his forehead effortlessly.

Maybe Indigo would have been more attracted to him if it wasn’t for the wild, slightly psychotic look his eyes held.

He watched her as she continued walking…making up his mind. He had come here, to the path for a purpose but now he was having doubts…maybe there was a chance with her without drastic action…

He turned to leave, to cross the road to his empty home and stopped as she pulled out her phone and started to text.
He knew she was texting him…that boy she was with yesterday…

And the poor, insane with love boy couldn’t have that.

In two quick, long strides he was beside and she jumped at his sudden presence at her shoulder. He snatched the phone out of her hand and put it in his pocket…

“You don’t need that” he whispered, his voice echoing off the trees.

Her eyes were frightened, but he didn’t care and she stumbled away from him in fear.

He grabbed her by the arm and when she tried to get away he twisted it, and she cried out in pain as he bruised her with his strong hands. She opened her mouth to scream but he clamped his other hand around her mouth, muffling her attempts to get help.

He ripped a long piece of fabric from his shirt and gagged her, lifting her kicking body over his shoulders and entering his house.

It was lucky for him really that his grandmother had died the previous year leaving her house to her only grandson.

He walked up the stairs with the crying girl with ease and with one hand opened the trap door to the attic. A mattress was set up along with and water and food but he didn’t think he’d take the gag from her mouth for a while.

Indigo was frozen, staring at him like he was a wild animal which in some cases he was. She whimpered through her stuffed mouth as he drew closer to her and she said nothing as he experimentally removed the torn fabric from her mouth. She didn’t have time to scream as he quickly pressed his mouth against her plump lips in a kiss he had been wanting for months. She didn’t move, too afraid to pull away and scream. No one would hear her…she was alone.

He backed away from her, replacing the gag and smiled, his mouth slightly lop sided in a crazy grin “You’ll love me….eventually” he whispered almost to himself and left.

Moments later, his insane psychotic laughter could be heard echoing around the house.

His waiting had paid off.
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Never really written anything like this before so I hope it's not total crap...

please comment...

and I know I used 'he' alot but I intended taht the only way you know his name is when Indigo talks to him....