Status: Three chapters left. GET READY, EVERYBODY :DD

You Found Me

Have You Ever Loved Someone?


The address was a big, ugly wearhouse. It was falling apart. I walked towards the door and opened it. I went in and looked around. I looked towards the wall and saw Nick chained to it. I ran up to him but was stopped by Dylan.

"Hello Angelica." He smirked. He grabbed me and pulled me to another door. I tried to get out of his grip, but couldn't. He pulled me down to a jail cell. I saw Travis in the corner sitting in a chair. Dylan opened the door to the cell and threw me in. I turned to him and he whispered "You'll taste just as good as Krystal, maybe even better."

He turned to Travis and said "Watch her. I'll tell you when to bring her up." Travis nodded and Dylan went up the stairs.

"Travis, you have to let me out of here. Please, I have to save Nick."

"I can't and won't." He replied coldly.

I started to cry. "Please, Travis. Haven't you ever loved someone?"

Travis sighed. "Yes, I have."

"Did they ever get hurt?"

"She was killed by a vampire. She was my girlfriend before I was turned into a vampire. Her name was Krystal..." He trailed off.

"That's what Dylan said..." I whispered confused.

"What?" Travis asked.

"Dylan said before he went upstairs that I would taste better than Krystal."

Travis' eyes started to turn red. He ran up to the cage and pulled me up to his face. "ARE YOU TELLING THE TRUTH?!" He screamed.

"Yes." I replied.

He let me go and broke the door off of the cage. I walked out and he said "This changes everything. I can kill him without me dying... But wait, I can't."

"What, why?" I asked.

"I'm not strong enough. I haven't had blood in a while..."

"I'll give you some as long as you save Nick."

"Deal." He agreed and grabbed me. I tilted my head back and he sunk his teeth into my neck. I winced and stayed still for as long as I could.

He pulled out his teeth and I felt light headed. He licked his lips and smirked at me.

"Lets go kill that basterd."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I'm an horrible person. I know I am. I literally haven't update in close to a year. I Like how the last time I update was summer lol. Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm sorry and that I will be updating again, very soon. Probably in like a week or two. I'm being serious this time because....


Yep, this story is almost done. But don't worry. It was will go out in a bang ;))

Thank you to every single one of my 17 subscribers that are still reading this story. Please comment and tell me what you think so far.

I love you all so much. Thank you for being so understanding.


(Also, if you are subsribed my old stories that have been finished and you get noticifations say it has been updated, you can ignore them. I'm going through my first couple of stories and changing them around a bit. Only read them if you wanna :))