Status: this is complete.

I Just Want My Best Friend Back.

Chapter 1

There he goes, again. Like nothing had ever happened between us. Like he didn't be-friend me. Like i didn't exist. I hate him so much, even though I love him.

“Well the only seat left, is next to Ms. Graves, so I’m sorry Mr. Aiden, you’ll have to take it.” I heard the teacher tell Caleb, as he once again complained about sitting next to me. I mean in my opinion I’m not ugly, and I don’t smell bad. In fact I smell like Irresistible Apple from Bath and Body Works. Apparently I am resistible.

“Mr. Morgan, you don’t understand, that girl is a vile girl, and we hate each other.” I heard Caleb say, and it was not true. I most certainly and not vile, I am a nice, but very shy girl, and I don’t hate him, I strongly dislike him, hate is just a word people use to make others feel bad in my opinion, and Caleb is doing a very good job at that right about now.

After being told once again no, Caleb resided by my side and just glared at me when I looked at him.

“What are you looking at charity case?” he growled at me. I looked away to wipe a tear from my eye. Every one knew about my situation, though I don’t know how.

“Nothing.” I mumbled, and started taking notes. The bell rang and Mr. Morgan called Caleb and me to the front of the room. I looked at Caleb, and he just glared back. I guess being best friends for five years meant nothing to him now.

“Mr. Aiden, you are failing my class, so Ms. Graves is going to tutor you for the rest of the year.” he said, and I dropped my books, while Caleb looked like he wanted to punch something, or more like someone.

“Why most you torture me Mr. Morgan?” I asked him, and he just laughed, while I gave him a ‘What-the-hell-are-you-laughing-for’ kind of look.

“I personally think that you guys will grow to like each other from this experience, and if you want to pass my class, not to mention this year Mr. Aiden, you will do as you were told and let Ms. Graves tutor you.” Mr. Morgan said, and Caleb just nodded and said ok. I on the other hand, had some questions.

“Uhh, Mr. Morgan, why do I have to tutor him? Can’t someone else do it, for the sake of my sanity?” I asked, and for my own sake, considering I ruined our friendship by telling him I loved him, and tried to kiss him, when his girlfriend was right behind me, and now he hates me because they broke up. I thought to myself. Caleb just snorted.

“Honey you are not even close to being part way sane, you’re crazy.” Caleb sneered at me, and I just glared at him, secretly letting my heart to summer salts when he called me honey. I then glared at Mr. Morgan.

“See? See what I have to put up with?” I asked Mr. Morgan, and he just shrugged, and shooed us out of his classroom. I went to my locker and got the things I needed for the next three classes. Caleb followed me, and it was getting quite annoying.

“What do you want Aiden?” I asked, rather pissed at the moment, and he wasn’t helping one bit.

“What time do I come to your house or should I say home?” he asked. I snorted and he probably thought that I was even crazier than I was before.

“I was actually hoping that I could come to your house or we could go to the library, unless of course you don’t want to be seen in public with me.” I said already knowing what he was going to say.

“Oh you know me so well Hun. So I’ll see you at my place at seven. Hope you can handle it sweetie.” Caleb said and walked away, to meet up with his friends.

At the end of the day I walked to the orphanage I was living in. It’s called Life Preservation, and it was run my Mr. and Mrs. Green. They were nice people, considering I’ve known them since I was 7 years old. They always tell the people that are looking to adopt that I am a wonderful child, but they always end up picking some other child. But I guess if no one wants me, then I will stay right where I am, even though I can only legally live here for two more years.

I walked up the front steps to the orphanage and opened the door. I smiled at Charlie, my favorite little ‘brother’. He was only 3 years old, but he was cute as a button.

“Hi Charlie.” I said, and he laughed.

“Hi Ash-wee.” He said, not able to pronounce the ‘ley’ yet. I went to the kitchen, grabbed an apple, and went up to my room. I turned on the computer the Greens’ got for me on my 14th birthday. I thought that I would get a head start on my English paper, but Charlie thought that it would be cute to steal my essay, and rip it to pieces. So after re-writing the whole essay, it was already 6:45.

I got up and straightened out my shirt and changed from my shorts into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. I told Sarah and Will where I would be, and left. I walked out the door, and looked at the piece of paper that I printed off the internet. It wasn’t so bad; it was only 12 blocks away, so I should only be about 5 minutes late.

When I arrived at Caleb’s house, I was amazed at how big it looked. Of course I’ve been in it before, heck I’ve slept over as many times as I could remember. I guess not going there for a long time screwed with my memory.

“Bet you’re not used to stuff being this big anymore.” Caleb said, and I just looked down at my feet and shook my head. I heard him laugh and I looked up. The look in his eyes was ones of sorrow or sadness, and I was wondering why, but didn’t have the courage to ask. So instead I said;

“Read to get to work?”

He laughed, and shook his head no but ushered me in anyways. The inside of his house was even better than the outside, and I was half tempted to yell something to see if it echoed, but he already that I was crazy, so that would most likely tell Sarah and Will to put me in a loony bin. He led me upstairs to his room, and we started on math.

“So that makes x=24.” He said, and for once I nodded my head. I was actually happy for him, because he didn’t give up once.

“It’s getting late.” I said, after I looked at his alarm clock. It was ten of ten and I was sure that the ‘rents’ would be worried.

I got up, and showed myself to the door, and left. That went better than I thought.

The next day at school, Caleb was a little nicer to me, but not my much. It also sucked because I had to tutor him again tonight, and I had a ton of homework to do myself.

I arrived, and we did the same thing as yesterday, start, munch on food, laugh when he got the questions wrong (well at least I laughed), corrected him, and then I left.

“I think I better leave.” I said. I heard him sigh and I looked up. His face was about five inches away from mine.

“Don’t go yet.” He pleaded. He grabbed my arms and placed them around his shoulders, and put his hands on my hips, and then kissed me. I kissed back, until I realized that I was kissing Caleb Aiden, the guy that hates my guts, my ex-best friend. I pulled back immediately, and stood up.

“I have to go.” I mumbled, or something close to that, and ran out.

“Ashley, wait!” I heard Caleb yell, and run after me. A few seconds later a hand went around my wrist and it tugged slightly. I stopped and turned around.

“Why? Why did you kiss me if you hate me? Why can’t you act like this at school? Why-” I said and was going to ask some more questions, but he kissed me, I’m guessing to shut me up.

“Because if you love someone, tell them; because hearts are often broken, by words left unspoken.” He said and then kissed me again. He pulled away and said;

“Ashley I’ve loved you ever since I realized that I was stupid to let you go, but I was too stupid to admit it, so I just made like I hated you, and it killed me to see you cry that day. I really didn’t mean it, I promise you that.” He said and put his forehead to mine.

“But how can I be sure that you’re not just saying that, and one of your friends is here video-taping this, and when and I’m not saying I am; if I were to believe you and then you would start laughing and then post the video on YouTube.” I said and he looked hurt, believe it or not.

“Ashley, I just told you I love you, and you think that this is just a joke?” he asked and looked kind of angry.

“Well, I guess not, so does this mean that you will stop pretending to hate me at school?” I asked hoping the answer would be yes.

“No.” he said, and my head shot up.

“Well if you can’t, then you can’t have me at all.” I said and walked out the door leaving a very stunned looking Caleb behind.

All the way home I was crying. I mean it’s not everyday that some one tells you that they love you, and then says that they are going to act like they hate you out in public. But hey, what does they charity case know about love. It’s not like anyone loves me right?

The next few days Caleb and I avoided each other as much as possible. When it came to the days were I tutored him, I’d go to his house, tutor him, and then leave, and quite frankly, I was getting annoyed with it. So I decided that I was going to put a stop to it once and for all.

Caleb and I here in math, and I passed a note too him. (Note is the following)

Me: Caleb when are you going to stop doing this to me?

Caleb: Doing what? I don’t know what you’re talking about?

Me: You know darn well what I am talking about. God if you love me then you will deal with what your friends will think, and what everyone will say. If you can’t then you’ll just have to deal with loosing the best damn thing that ever happened to you. All I am is a girl standing in front of a guy, well more like sitting asking him to love her!

Caleb: It’s just not that easy. You don’t understand. You know I love you.

Me: Then don’t hate me for what happens next

And then I kissed him, right there in front of the whole class, and the best part about it, he didn’t pull back.
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yes i know this is just like my chuck bass one, but i added to it, and changed names. i hop e you like it!