Status: Done

We're Inseparable

We're Inseparable

It’s 2am and I can’t seem to get any sleep... tomorrow we’re leaving. Mom and dad told me a week ago that we were moving, and to make things worse we were going to the other side of the country. Although I respected my parent’s decision, it was hard to leave, especially because of Shawn, my boyfriend since I was 16 and he was 18. Now, two years later, I had to leave and we couldn’t be together like we did since our little kid’s fight was over...
I can still remember how we used to talk, I mean, argue every time we met. I was 11 by then. And since a silly party, where Shawn pranked me, every time I saw him I would shoot him deadly looks and if we had to speak I’d speak in a cold tone. He would give me the same kind of reactions. Four years later, Mrs. Smith, an elder lady that lived near us, (yes we were neighbours) died. She was old, and died during her sleep, still, that idea of losing her affected everyone in the neighbourhood, me and Shawn included. During the days after her funeral we became close. Somehow we ended up being best friends. I smile at this thought... Mrs. Smith always said that we would be a couple one day. Who would know it would really happen?

Suddenly a tap on my window interrupts my thoughts. I look at it and see Shawn. He’s smiling at me with his trademark half-smile. He says something that I can’t hear, but I understand it. I quickly open my window to feel a spring breeze in my face. Shawn smiles at this view of me before saying a word. I return the smile and for a few seconds we stand there looking at each other and feeling the breeze caressing our faces and hair.

- Hey... – he says
- Hey.
- So... you’re leaving tomorrow...
- Yeah... But I don’t want to leave you... – I say almost crying
- Hey... – he says lifting my chin – don’t be sad. You know that even when we’re miles apart we’re still one. – I nod, not being able to say a word. – Come with me – he says taking my hand.
- Where?
- It’s a surprise – he smiles


- Where are we? – I ask looking around in what seems to me a golf camp... you know... lots of grass and a few trees... the light coming only from the full moon doesn’t help much...
- We’re at the oldest part of the Falls Golf Camp.
- That part that isn’t used anymore?
- Well it is used, but just not for playing golf – he answers with a playful smile.
- For what then? – I ask very curious.
- For many things, from dating to scaring people.
- Oh...
- Lets go. – he starts leading me to the centre of the small hill in front of us. When we get there he lies down on the grass and motions me to do the same. I lay down right next to him and he wraps his arm around me pulling me close. I look up.
- Wow... look at the stars... they look so beautiful tonight...
- Huh huh... just like you... – he says and kisses my forehead.
We stood there just watching the stars and talking once in a while about anything, without caring about the hours, people or anything else.

- You know Liv... – Shawn breaks the silence after a while – when the sun forgets to shine, during all those bad moments you’ll pass through, I’ll be there for you, to hold through the darkest nights. Even if we’re miles and miles apart you’ll still have me. It will never be dark as long as I live. - after this he kisses me oh so slightly, as if he was afraid something deeper would break the magical moment.
- Oh Shawn... I know, but... Can’t we run away together? – I ask suddenly
- What?! – Shawn lifts himself a little with his elbows with a very surprised expression. – Liv, we can’t do that. You know we can't do that. Your parents would go crazy and my mom would die if she knew about that. Besides, you still need to finish high school. And go to college. You said you wanted to go to college.
- Yeah I know... – I answer admitting my defeat and falling back on the grass.
- Hey hey... – he says looking me in the eyes – don’t worry, like I told you before, I’ll be always with you. We’re inseparable.
And with those simple last words, Shawn got up and lifted me up kissing me in my forehead.
- Lets go home Liv. You need to sleep.


I woke up at the sound of my mom knocking on my door.
- Liv, sweetie, time to get up. Don’t fall back asleep or we’ll lose our plane.
- Huh... what time is it mom?
- 6.30 sweetie. Now come on, breakfast is ready. And you need to pack your sleeping bag and the rest of your things.
- Yes mom... I’m coming... – I reply getting up very slowly, for I only slept 2 hours or so...
After taking a quick shower and eating my breakfast I packed up the very last things that were left: my sleeping bag, a book I was reading, shampoos, comb and toothbrush. After everything was done, mom, dad and me left our ex-house, with dad being the last one to lock the door.
That feeling of leaving my home was heavy and I didn’t feel like looking straight ahead. Suddenly I hear a small whistle. When I look up there he was, Shawn, standing next to our car holding a bouquet and a present. I was so happy to see him once again that I ran to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.
- Hey Liv. – he says after I let him go. – I brought you something for your trip – he continues with a wink.
- What is it?
- Flowers, to light up your lonely trip in the backseat – another wink, this time a playful wink, I giggle at his statement – and... – he hands me the small present – something for you to listen to whenever you feel alone. Because, we can’t be ALWAYS calling each other whenever we fell lonely, right?
- Right – I answer chuckling and opening the present. Once I’m finished with tearing the wrapping paper apart I find a Jonas Brothers CD, their second CD.
- What?...
- It’s our original soundtrack: “SOS”, the one we used to dance to like two maniacs; “Hold on” both for the time when Mrs. Smith died and for this moment; “Hello Beautiful” because every time I listen to it I remember you; “Just Friends” for when I started to fall for you – he smiles sweetly at me and I blush – “When you look me in the eyes” our prom song and “Inseparable”, OUR song. I was at home thinking about giving you something special when my sister’s cell phone began ringing a Jonas Brother’s song. Then it hit me.
- Shawn... – I just jump and wrap my arms around him, this time very tight. Tears start falling down my face. Bittersweet tears.
- Liv, dear, we have to go – my dad says.
- Oh yea, Mr. Stuart. Sorry. – he lets me go just to give me a sweet kiss before saying goodbye. – Farewell my Liv.
- Goodbye Shawn. – and after this I enter the car. My dad starts the engine and we leave our house behind. But before we’re far away, I can hear Shawn shouting the same words he said to me last night and that will always be with me no matter what happens:
- Remember Liv! We’re Inseparable!

The end
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Well hamm... this is the first time I post anything here (don't be mean if I made a mistake). And it's a one-shot inspired by a jonas brothers' song "Inseparable". wrote it for stop the world's contest.