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If Forever Means Me and You


I gasp and whip my head around, my hair spraying water droplets everywhere, silvered by the moonlight.
And there, standing in his oh-so-perfect way, is all the meaning in my dreary and pointless life. There, looking at me with his warm gaze, is Chase Michaels.
Chase and I were best friends in fourth grade. Once our parents introduced us, we were inseperable. He was like the bread in my sandwich-the only thing holding me together and that made me, well, me. My life and my being were pointless without him.
Around seventh grade, we realized we kinda liked eachother. That summer, he went away, and when he came back...hotter than before. And when he asked me out, no power in the world could have stopped me from saying yes.
Then he became a little goth. Don't get me wrong, black was an amazing color on him, but it was a bit of a sudden change. His grades were so high he skipped right through high school and started taking college courses at the university. Being a "college student" he needed money of his own and got an all-day job, and took his courses. I only got to see him at night, on the weekends.
Soon enough, may parents decided that they didn't approve of our relationship. Well, my mom did. Dad wasn't there to care. But I think Mom was jealous that my boyfriend could find time in his busy schedule to hold a relationship, but her own husband couldn't find time in his schedule for his own family. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop us. I snuck out every night just like I did today to see him.
He holds out his hand and I take it. He pulls me out of the water into a kiss. I want to tell him how much I love him and how much I'm going to miss him. I want to tell him that I don't have to go, I can stay here and just go missing or something and be with him. I want to say that I don't care what my mother thinks, I love him and I will forever no matter what. But all of that escapes my mind in his kiss. I'm like jelly in his arms. I have no control over myself.
We finally pull apart. The hot breeze blows against my body. He looks at my white spaghetti strap shirt, which is now see-through, displaying all. I cover myself with my arms and he laughs. I blush and look down at my feet, which are now both bare. The other shoe must have gotten sucked into the lake.
Oh well, I think, It's not like I'll need flip flops in Alaska anyway.
He hugs me close, obviously not caring about how wet I am. I hold him as tight as I can. I wish this could last forever, just Tabitha and Chase, Chase and Tabitha.
"Why the hell were you in the pond, Tabby?"
"Washing myself. Tony vomited and I slipped in it..."
"That would only happen to you." He looks into my eyes, those warm brown eyes that make me want to melt.
"I also fell into a mud puddle."
"Should have seen that coming." He kisses me again and holds me.
"This wasn't supposed to happen."
"I know." He rests his lips on my head.
"Tabby. I just want you to know that I'll love you no matter what happens."
"We both know what's going to happen. We're never going to see eachother again."
"No...I know what's going to happen. You don't."
"What are you talking about?
"It's the only way, Tabitha. Or else we will be separated. Even if you don't love me anymore, I will always love you."
He lightens tha mood by starting to sing that song by Whitney Houston. He was always a horrible singer. I giggle and silence him by kissing him.
"Chase...I'll always love you no matter what. If it wasn't for you I'd barely have a life.
"We'll see."
He kisses me again, more passionately and urgently that ever. For a minute I think I'm about to lose my virginity...His lips graze my neck and suddenly an excruciating pain shoots through me. I pinpoint it to where Chase's lips are. And I feel something sharp and cold in my neck.
Oh God.
It all falls together. Everything makes sense. Chase, my life, my reason, my love, he's not human. He wore black as, I don't know, uniform? Representation of evil and murder and darkness? He never went to school because he was never awake for it. An important job? Bull! only seeing him at night? I should have known then! Chase wasn't human. He wasn't good.
My boyfriend is a vampire.
I try to tun and glare at him. I try to scream at him, call for help, anything. But the pain takes over. It's like burning to death, but more getting-hit-by-a-truck-ish. It felt like billions of killer bees stinging, all concentrated into one spot.
I finally see him. His eyes! How? When? Who?
Chase's eyes aren't the warm brown that I fell in love with. These are a white, but not milky like a blind man's. They're more metallic- silver- with a twinge of blue.
Of course Chase wouldn't betray me! These eyes, this cruelty, this isn't Chase! This is some stranger taking on his form!
He's either about to suck my blood or I'm about to be a vampire.
I try to get away from this imposter. I thrash and wave my arms and squirm, but it's as if I'm strapped to the ground. He's too strong.
I try to scream, but my ability to release any sound is disabled. It's like those nightmares you have- you're in trouble but you can't scream. The scariest nightmare in the world, and I'm living it for real.
I'm getting weaker by the second. My struggles become more pathetic. I see a black cloaked figure moving towards me.
I realize, whatever happens, I'm going to die.
♠ ♠ ♠
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