Status: Not quite sure...

In a Perfect World

I am just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

"And will you love me?" I asked, standing on the street corner. Hiding in the shadows of the night. This type of thing was forbidden, no one was allowed to love like this. It would not be fair to the rest of the world. Everyone must be equal in everything they do. Especially love, for not everyone can find true, passionate, heart breaking love. And if you did, you had to ignore it.

I pressed my lips to his and felt the heat pouring into my soul. One last quick kiss before we split up for the night, and until whenever it was safe to meet again. His hands wound into my hair and snaked up my back, forcing me closer to him. Closer and closer still, until it felt as if we were not two bodies but one, melding together. I reached for his hands and untangled them from my blonde curls, escaping every way possible from beneath all the pins.

I glanced longingly at his lips, red and slightly swollen from kisses and fled the shadows to my house. I walked briskly in the dark night, praying not to be seen by anyone. My thoughts tangled with images of shaggy dark hair, with eyes of the same color and hands of a man who would hold me until I died if it were possible.

I shook my head, trying to shake those thoughts out of my mind but only managing to let more curls escape into unruly tangles framing my face.

Up ahead I spotted government enforcements, just waiting for someone to happen across them so they could have a bit of fun. They would just claim that the person was being unequal if anyone complained, or that the girl had tempted them with unfair attributes.

I knew I would not go unnoticed by them with my cherry stained lips and almost orange "witch" eyes. They always stopped people in their tracks, the first thing anyone noticed about me. Second was always the shapely curves hiding beneath layers of clothes and the fair face that all men seemed to fancy.

I would like to say I am an immodest person, but I am very vain and pride myself on these shallow things. I suppose it is not treacherous for I do not use them for evil things, but they are assets that will get me in such trouble as right now.

I quickly change my course and silently flung myself into a well hidden shadow, unfortunately they heard the noise of my shoes along the quite lonely streets. I head towards an alley and escape the vile employees of our "Loving Government" and rush up the steps and front walk of my home.

Later that night in bed, I dream of the next time I get to see him. The sweet kisses surrendered and shared between lovers. The soft caresses and him holding me tenderly in his arms. This love is a great and wonderful thing, although I desperately fear if we are found out.

The punishment is death of one while the other watches, this is how they killed my father. He was sentenced to a firing squad. Witnessed by my mother, ragged with tears and pleading it be her instead.
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