Status: LOVE this story, but writers block! :(

Don't Need These Other Pretty Faces, Like I Need You

They Say That Hate Has Been Sent

"What do you mean you don't want me interning at the label?" I asked even though it was obvious she hated what I wanted to do with my life. Why couldn't she just be happy for me.

"I mean I don't want you interning at the label," She said putting some spaghetti onto her plate.

"Why can't you just let me live my life the way I want to?" I said raising my voice a little.

"Because you're wasting your life away. Everyone knows that working there is no way to live, people work there because they couldn't make it into the big time so they settle for second best," I could feel my face turning red in anger.

"People work there, mom, because they love music, and what's better then helping create it or making it better?" I got up from my sit and crossed my arms, just about ready to leave.

"Sit back down young lady," She said pointing to the pushed out seat.

"Or what? I'm still interning there, if you don't like it then fine i'll find somebody else to drive me home," I said taking a few steps back.

"You'll regret this later on in life when you figure out that SK Records doesn't need you and have found better,"

"I know I'm good enough for them, and I'm not going to let you put me down or make me feel bad about myself. You're my mom, you're supposed to be there for me, not tell me I'm not good enough!" I yelled stomping off to the front door.

"I'm your mom, thats right and I'm not supposed to lie to you either," I ran out of the house slamming the door behind me. She could yell at me for it later, but I couldn't believe how inconsiderate she was being.

My mom and I haven't always got along, and I know she blames me for being born. It's not my fault that she didn't want kids and I just happened to appear when she least expected it. My dad lived in the states and I just got back from visiting him in the summer.

I don't exactly know what happened with the two of them, but I can understand why he probably left. My mom is way to uptight and a perfectionest.

I felt the boiling tears roll down my face as I ran to Jonny's house. Maybe he might show up eventually and be able to cheer me up. I loved his little kisses and the way he made me feel good about myself when we were together. Lately though we haven't seen each other that much and he hasn't been answering his phone.
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