Status: LOVE this story, but writers block! :(

Don't Need These Other Pretty Faces, Like I Need You

Its A Dream That Can't Be Real

"Okay, just finish that up and then Usher should be back," I said a little bit shakey. It was my first time ever doing this and its not my fault that Justin just happened to be cute. I had never met a guy that was the same height as me... well a little bit taller.

I started to think about Jonny as Justin started again to finish his song completely. You never get a break though, so tomorrow he's going to be starting something new. I couldn't wait for Jonny to come, mostly because I really wanted to talk things through with him and get things figured out.

We both said we wanted to talk about this and we both basically implied that we didn't want to break up, so I don't think anything too heartbreaking is going to happen tonight. Which is a big relief because it seems like I'm always missing him lately. And I know for a fact that I still want to be with him.

I was so caught up in my own world that I didn't even realize that Justin had stopped. "Um... You okay?" He said into his mike. His voice echoed through the headphones and I looked up at him.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked confused, and realized that maybe all this thinking was turning me stupid. Okay well that sounded really stupid, was I always this dumb? Maybe I'm just over thinking things, like always.

"Don't know, you just seem kind of out of it," He said putting down his guitar, it was the acoustic version we had finished today, so we had to finish his other version tomorrow, which I'm pretty sure Usher will get done before he leaves. He's known for being focused.

"Oh," I said not sure what to say. We sat there for a few seconds in silence, but it didn't feel awkward it just felt... I don't even know really. It just felt sort of normal.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and immediately took off my headphones. Usher was back. I got up and walked to the side.

"So how'd we do?" He asked sitting down.

"I think we basically finished it," I said. "It might need some tweaking, but he's got a great voice, so I really don't see how there could be any problems." I noticed Justin look at me when I said that, and I forgot that he could hear me because I tapped down the mike button on our side because I got tired of pushing it down so many times. Usher did that too though, so I didn't think it mattered.

"Okay, I'll take a look at it and get back to you tomorrow. I was a little later then I said I would be, sorry about that." He said and so with reflex I took out my phone and looked at the time. It was 7 already. I was recording with Justin for just about 3 hours. Time passed by way too quickly.

"Oh, I better go then," I said about to walk out the door. "Thanks for letting me do this,"

"No problem," He said smiling and then I walked out of the room and practically ran outside. Jonny wasn't there and it was okay because it's not like I was expecting him to be there right away.

I took a seat on one of the benches and waited patiently for what seemed like a really long time. It was already dark outside because it was almost October and the weather was also a tad bit colder. I should have brought a jacket.

"Why haven't you gone home yet?" I heard a voice say from a distance. I turned around and saw Justin standing by me. Was it weird that I didn't feel the need to jump all over him? Or was that normal because when you work at a label, you can't really do things like that.

"Well, I was waiting on somebody," I said.

"For an hour?" He said and I could feel my jaw drop.

"It's been an hour?" I said as a wave of anger washed over me. I was so going to kill Jonny. How could he forget about tonight, it was only today that he called to remind me, yet he can't even remember himself.

"Do you need a ride?" He said and I shook my head.

"I'm fine," I said getting up.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, but thanks anyways."

"I'll see you later," He said walking over to a really nice vehicle. I wasn't a pro on cars so I couldn't tell what kind it was. All I know is that it was one of those really nice ones, that look really cool. How discriptive of me.

He waved before getting in and I waved back. I was so mad that I had to walk home and I was already an hour behind, my mom was probably going to have a cow. This wasn't so good for trying to prove to her that this was a good job. Jonny better have a good excuse for this.
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ouuu wonder whats going to happen,
seriously I do, I don't know what I'm going to make happen yet.
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