He's Never Seen A Heart He Couldn't Break

Publicly Exposed For Ransom

"So what was your high school experience like?" Pete asked stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I mean, you obviously know that mine was hell. So let's hear about yours." He grinned.

I thought for a second. "Well...let's just say high school was a big party I wasn't invited to." We both laughed and he wrapped a warm arm around me, keeping me partcially warm against the cold November breeze.

"So, I'm taking it as not a fun experience?"

I laughed. "What's fun about school? I admit I was a social butterfly, but some kids hated me with a passion. It was hard to get over that, but I think of it this way; if more kids love me then hate me then I must be doing something right."

Pete laughed," Right. So how did your talk with Bam go?" he asked cautiously. "He knows we're going out right?"

I nodded but my mind was thinking about his words. I think you want love more than anything and you expect Pete to give it to you, no questions asked. Was he right? Hell of course he was. I always allowed myself to get my hopes up so fucking high and they always ended up crushing me.

"Then why do you look so upset?" he asked, pulling me against him and kissing my forehead. "Did something happen?"

I shook my head. "Just something he said," I confessed.

Pete frowned. "What did he say to you?"

I shook my head. "I don't really want to talk about it."

"Okay." He squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. "We don't have to talk about it."

"Thanks." I sighed with relief.

He smiled. "Are you coming to the show tonight? I want to introduce you to some friends of mine."

"Oh really?" I wrapped my arms around his neck suggestively. "Am I going to have to wait until tonight to find out who I'm meeting?" I brushed my lips against his cheek.

"I think you can wait a few hours," he whispered and kissed me tenderly.

Suddenly a bright light blinded me. I jerked away surprised and stared in shock at the reporter, snapping pictures left and right. Of me and Pete. Kissing. The realization that this was going to be in a newspaper for all the world to see was slowly dawning on me.

Pete grabbed my hand and we both ran to his car that was parked in front of a movie complex. While Pete was starting the car, a whole swarm of photographers managed to circle the car and joined in the photo-snapping frenzy. I stared out the window, at what looked like some bizarre lightning storm.

"Shit," Pete cursed, running a hand through his hair. We had managed to escape the reporters and were now cruising towards something close to normal. "Sorry about that."

I nodded, not knowing what to say. "I guess I should have known taking a walk was out of the question. I mean, of course if someone sees you they're going to freak. I'm so stupid."

Pete rested a hand on my knee while the other one gripped the steering wheel. "You're not stupid, Cassie," he said quietly. "It's all my fault. I was the one who should have known. But this time tomorrow everybody's going to know we're dating. I'm sorry that I couldn't give you a choice if you wanted to go public with our relationship or not." He slumped in his seat and stared straight ahead. I could tell he was beating himself up on the inside. I had done in so many times, that it was easy for me to recognize the tightness of his features and in his grip.

I leaned over and kissed him which probably isn't very safe to do, so I advise against it. "Don't you dare beat yourself up over this, Peter," I whispered in his ear before returning to my seat.

He glanced over at me but soon focused his attention on the road ahead.