Healer of a Broken Heart

Almost Doesn't Cut It

I opened the door to the house, walked in, and closed the door behind me. I bent down and untied my shoes slipping them off, leaving them with the rest of the shoes by the door. I hung my keys back on the spoke and looked around for Tre. He wasn't in the living room, kitchen, bedroom, or bathroom. I looked in every room in the house and he was no where to be found. I knew he wasn't gone because there wasn't a note anywhere and his car was still in the driveway. I walked back in the kitchen and completely forgot about the patio. I walked past the table to the white curtains moving them aside revealing white gliding doors. I slid the door open and walked out on the patio where Tre was asleep in a fold up lawn chair. I grinned and walked over to him. I pulled up a chair and sat down next to his head and stroked his hair and began singing Blue Skies by Willie Nelson.

Blue skies smilin' at me
Nothin' but blue skies do I see
Bluebirds singin' a song
Nothin' but bluebirds all day long

About that time his eyes started to tighten and looked like he was blinking with his eyes closed. He slowly opened his eyes and I continued singing.

Never saw the sun shinin' so bright
Never saw things goin' so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
When you're in love, my how they fly

He smiled and said, "Hey, Patch Adams." I laughed.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

"Now I am," he replied and smiled. I blushed a little.

"I hope this teaches you something about drinking. I can reassure you right now that every time you get drunk that's exactly what I'm going to do," I said.

"I'll try to remember that," he said.

"So, are you hungry?" I asked.

He looked around and pondered for a moment. "Sure, a little."

"Hungry for anything in particular?" I asked.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"I could look through the kitchen and see what you have in there," I replied.

"Okay, I'll be out here if you need me," he said.

I got up and slid the door open and closed it behind me. I walked over to the cabinets and began rummaging through them to see what I could throw together.

*Tre's P.O.V.*
"I'll be out here if you need me," I replied to Jayden.

She then got up and walked back to the french doors. I watched her every step of the way not taking my eyes off her. Such lavishing curves and nice, dark brown hair. It makes me want to run my fingers through it forever. I would just kill to have her and it's killing me that she's living in my house and not with me! I covered my face with my hands and ran my hands through my hair. I sighed and sat up looking at the horizon above my backyard fence, the sun shining in the pool. I really like her, a lot, but I can tell that she doesn't really like me back. I buried my face in my hands and sat there thinking. What am I doing wrong? I could hear birds flying above me. I looked up at them and watched them fly off into the distance. Sometimes I envy birds. I want to fly just like them. I know it's pretty redundant, but it's true.

I sat in the chair staring at the sky thinking about Jayden. How she's so perfect and how much I love her. I hear the door slide open but I don't turn around. I hear her light footsteps approaching me and her hand placed on my back lightly rubbing it.

"You don't like me, do you?" I asked staring off in the distance.

*Jayden's P.O.V.*
"You don't like me, do you?" he asked not looking away from the horizon.

I stared at him and gulped. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say no because it would be a lie, but saying yes wouldn't be entirely true either. I didn't know what I felt so I didn't say anything.

"It's okay if you don't, I guess. I just thought I'd ask," he stated.

"Tre," I said and before I could say anything else he stood up and held me close. If one of us were to trip there's no doubt we'd lock lips.

He stared deep into my eyes and I could see exactly how he felt about me. Tears started welling up in my eyes.

"I-I-," I fought to make words but couldn't say anything, all I could do was stutter. I buried my face in his collar bone and squeezed him. "I don't know how I feel," I managed to say but was nothing more than a whimper, but a whimper loud enough for him to hear.

He ran his hand up and down my back gently rubbing my spine and my shoulder blade. We stood there on the patio until the sun started to set. He pulled away and looked at me through longing eyes. He looked up at the sky and turned around to the sun set. He looked back down at me and reached for my hand. When he grabbed my hand I pulled him back towards me and I buried my face in the crook of his neck. I almost kissed him but chickened out at the last second. I couldn't do it. I let go of his hand and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tight. I looked up at the sunset. It was so beautiful. The sun was so big, with a red cloud cutting it in half, surrounded by a purple sky that faded to red, then orange, then yellow, as it descended toward the sun. I pulled away and looked at my feet. He ran his hand down the left side of my face and looked at me with so much passion. I've never seen a look like that from anyone before. We stood on the patio and watched the sunset until it was completely gone. Then I said, "The food is getting cold."