Healer of a Broken Heart

Moving Out

So, I've been staying here at Tre's house for a couple weeks now. I called the landlord at the apartments and told him I would have the rent for this month and that I'll have my stuff moved out soon. Yes, I'm moving in with Tre, no we're not together, but I just feel so comfortable here and I know I can't go back to the apartment. I finally returned back to work and got a promotion. I'm now working my way up to Assistant Manager. Now I get to arrange my own schedule based upon the options they give me that week and I get to help decide what we sell at the store.

The past two weeks I keep thinking about that day on the patio. I don't know why I didn't kiss him, but I also can't figure out why I don't like him, or if I do and keep telling myself I don't. Every night I lay awake and ask myself these questions and still can't come up with anything. I think back to the first night I stayed here and how Tre stayed in here with me all night and held me close. I felt so secure and truly thought nothing in the world could harm me.

I lay in my bed and close my eyes to remember the moment and how I felt trying to relive it. It was so nice. I wanted to go downstairs to Tre's room and crawl in bed next to him, but I couldn't move. I turned over and tried to go to sleep but the itchiness of wanting to go was outrageous. I sat up, threw the covers off, stood up and walked out my door. I tip toed down the steps and through the living room to the hallway leading to Tre's door. My legs started to get heavy so I scooted my feet across the floor making scraping noises. I approached Tre's door and reached for the knob. My hands began to shake and I froze. I clenched my fists and shut my eyes tight. I gritted my teeth, threw my hand down and walked back upstairs to my room. I quietly shut the door and laid back down in the bed.

*Tre's P.O.V.*
I'm laying in my bed looking up at the ceiling and wishing I were holding Jayden right this very moment. Her body heat radiating on my body and her head on my chest. Her light breathing, almost a light snore. I hear footsteps on the floor above me and my heart begins to beat faster and faster as they approach the steps and then the living room. I hear scraping against the floor that stops at my door and I feel as if though I'm about to have a heart attack my heart is racing so fast. I wait for the knob to turn, but it doesn't. Instead the footsteps walk away and fade as they walk up the steps. I hear the door shut and the footsteps stop. I turn over in my bed and I feel a tear drop fall off my cheek onto the pillow. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

*Jayden's P.O.V.*
I wake up the next morning and pull my uniform out of my dresser drawer along with underwear and socks. I walk in the bathroom, shut the door, lay my clothes on the sink, and stare at myself in the mirror. Why can't I figure out what I want? I asked myself. I turned around and turned on the faucet to the shower, removed my clothes, and stepped in. I stood and let the water run on me for a moment. I washed my hair and put in conditioner. I then washed my body and shaved my legs and arm pits. I washed off the soap and stepped out of the shower.

"Crap, I forgot the towel," I muttered under my breath stepping out of the shower onto the tile. I stepped out a little too quick and fell forward smashing my forehead and the bridge of my nose into the sink. Everything went red, then black.

I squinted my eyes and tried to let them adjust to the light blaring down at me. Something was stuck in the bend of my arm and my opposing hand. There was a sharp pain in my forehead when I squinted causing me to cringe.

"Oh, my head," I said.

I opened my eyes and saw someone asleep on my bedside sitting in a chair and his head in his arms next to my legs. My vision was too blurry to make out who it was so I laid my head back down on the pillow and fell back to sleep. I woke again, after what felt like thirty seconds, and again tried to adjust my eyes to the light, this time slowly to not irritate my head. I hear a gasp.

"She's awake!" I hear him scream. It's MIke.

I slowly open my eyes as people begin to flood the room. A nurse comes in and says, "Sir, please keep your voice down."

"Sorry," he replies.

My vision is clearing up and meanwhile someone is poking my arms and examining my head. I can finally see and I now have a man about three inches away from my face staring at me between my eyes.

"Well, it seems you're recovering well, Ms. Reese," he said. Yes, my last name is Reese. You have no idea how many times I got called Reese Cup in school. "You gave us quite a scare there, but you're doing fine now, so it seems."

What is he talking about? The doctor leaves the room and a nurse comes in with two pills in a cup and a Styrofoam cup filled with water. "Here, take these," she said handing me the cups.

I tossed the pills in my mouth and drank the water handing the cups back to her. She left and I looked around at Billie, Adrienne, Mike, and Joey.

"Where's Tre?" I asked.

"He went to get something to eat. He hasn't hardly left your bedside the entire time you've been here," Mike replied.

"How long would that be?" I questioned.

"Almost three weeks," Billie replied. "You fell in the bathroom and hit your face on the edge of the sink knocking yourself into a coma."

"Oh my god," I muttered.

About that time Tre walked in the door with a bag of chips and a soda from Wendy's sipping the last of the drink from the bottom. He looked at me and screamed, "Jayden!" throwing his chips and empty drink into the air. "You're alive!"

He ran over to my bed and hugged my torso trying maneuver his way around the IV, breathing hoses, and heart monitor wires. I rubbed his back and laughed a little, but couldn't hardly breathe he was squeezing me so hard.

"Can't....breathe," I managed to squeeze out with the little breath I could get.

"Tre!" everyone screamed and he let go sitting down in the chair next to me with his face flushed.

I gasped taking in a huge breath of air and exhaled. My stomach growled and I held my belly. "Man, I'm starved." I said.

The doctor came back in and said, "Well, if you show good stats and recover soon you should be able to leave the day after tomorrow, if not tomorrow."

"Um, would I be able to get something to eat right now?" I asked.

"I'll go tell a nurse and she'll bring something back soon," he replied.

"Thanks, Doc," I said. He exits the room and I turn back and look at everyone.

I pat the bed next to me for Joey to sit down on the bed. Billie picks him up and sets him down next to me and he crawls up the bed towards me. I scoot over to make room for him. Tre whimpered and we looked over at him. I raised my brow and turned back to Joey.

"So, how's it going, Champ?" I asked.

He shrugged and snuggled next to me.

"Well, as soon as I get out of here I'll go straight to your house and we'll play. Sound good to you?"

"Uh huh, uh huh," he said nodding.

We sat and chatted for a while until the nurse came in with my food.

"Well guys," Adrienne said, "We better be going. Joey, it's bath night." He groaned and clung on to my arm when she tried to pick him up. "Joseph Danger, we have to go now!" she demanded. He lowered his head in defeat and let go reaching for her arms.

"So, I'll see you guys later," I said.

"Yeah, see you soon," Billie said waving as he was leaving the room.

"Bye, Jayden," Adrienne said carrying Joey out of the room. He waved the best he could while being carried out.

All that was left now was Mike and Tre. Mike's hair seems to have grown out more now and is dyed blond. I didn't realize until now that Billie's hair wasn't dyed anymore, but was an Auburn color. Oh well.

"Well, I better go now," Mike said. "Anastacia is at the house with Estelle and I need to get back before she goes to work."

"Okay," Tre and I said.

"See you tomorrow before the gig?" Tre asked.

"Yep," he said with a nod and walked out the door.

"Gig? Where?" I asked.

"We've got another concert tomorrow. We have to leave tonight to get to New Mexico," he replied.

"Oh," I said.

"Sorry I can't be here," he said. "I'll be back in time to pick you up, though. I promise."

He held the side of my face and ran his thumb across my cheek and smiled. I want to kiss him so bad right now, but the thought of it makes me wonder if it would actually mean anything. I don't want to just to make me feel better, but I also don't want to miss out on this if he's really the one for me. I looked at his eyes, down to his lips, and back up at his eyes. He leaned in and my heart started to beat faster and faster as he drew closer. He closed his eyes and right as he was centimeters from my lips I turned and he planted his lips on my cheek.

He pulled back. "Is everything okay?" he asked. I didn't move, instead I just stared down at the tray of food in front of me. I was no longer hungry, yet I felt empty. My heart was empty and I was too scared to do anything about it.

I turned and looked back at him and said, "I don't know."

"You don't know?" he asked. I looked down at his hands on the bed next to me.

"I'd rather not talk about it here," I said. "Could we wait until we got back home?"

"Yeah," he muttered. "We can wait."