Healer of a Broken Heart


I wake up and look around the room, "Where am I?" I ask myself. I look down and am still in my pajamas, which consisted of an over-sized T-Shirt and boxer shorts. I get up off the bed and see a door across the room. I walk over to it and turn the knob. I poke my head out and look around the empty hallway. It looks like Tre's hallway. I walk out the door and down the hall into a big white room. It's decorated with candles and rose petals are laying everywhere with a big bouquet of flowers with a card stuck in the front. I walked over to the flowers and looked at the assortment of Pansies, Cosmos, Daffodils, and one rose in the front. I pulled the card out and read it. "Go upstairs and to the big red room. Try on the clothes and I'll see you soon."

I closed the card and walked upstairs to the red room. There on the bed lay a striking purple and black dress. I walked over to it and picked it up to examine it. It was a strapless and had two layers, a purple layer with a fishnet like material over top of it to make the shade darker. I removed my shirt to try it on when I felt someone grab me around the waist. I've felt this grip before and I knew who it was. He put his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck. I felt a little tense against his bare chest and wanted to put my shirt back on, but his lips against my bare shoulder felt unusually comforting. He moved up and started kissing the side of my neck and on up to behind my ear. He pulled back and started softly gnawing on the top of my ear sending chills down my spine. I've never felt so good before, it's just unreal to me right now. He loosens his grip around my waist and I turn around to put my arms around his neck but instead he grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss before I have time to pull back. My body went numb and my entire insides were tingling and going crazy on me. I barely was able to stand, but that was soon solved. He pulled his hands away and placed them on my hips and maneuvered us over to the bed. He picked me up and laid me down putting my head right next to the pillow at the head of the bed. He put a knee up on the bed, then the other to where he was straddling my knees. He bent over placing his hands next to my hips and slowly crawled up towards me. He got right upon me and stared into my eyes and attacked my lips. I couldn't take it anymore. I sat up and unbuttoned his pants when he turned to the right and got off the bed and removed his pants. He jumped onto the bed landing on top of me and started kissing my neck. My heart started racing and I began to breathe uneasy, but it felt so right. He continued kissing my neck and moved down to my collar bone and then the top of my breasts. I was about to die, I definitely couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed his shoulders and threw him down on the other side of the bed and jumped him. He moaned really loud and I moved as easy as I could without hurting myself too much. I started moving faster and faster until I suddenly fell off the bed.

"Whoa!" I screamed. I looked around the room and it was empty. No Tre, no dress, just me lying on the floor wrapped in...soaked blankets. Wonderful. A wet dream. That's fun. It was all a dream, but it felt so real. I looked at the clock and it said 9:30. I got off the floor and bundled up my blankets and changed my clothes. I was sweating so bad, now I really need a shower. I threw my clothes in the pile of sheets and blankets and took them to the laundry room. I threw the sheet and blanket in the washer with detergent and turned it on. I went into the downstairs bathroom, the only bathroom with a tub instead of a shower, this time making sure I got a towel, locked the door, and turned on the faucet. I made sure the water was warm enough and when it was I removed my clothes and stepped in. After I washed up and changed back into my clothes, they were clean, I dried my hair and walked out and into the kitchen. I started brewing some coffee when I heard "So, what was going on up there?"

I tensed up and my eyes flung wide open. My face turned crimson and without turning my head, I asked, "What are you talking about."

I could tell he was grinning from ear to ear and trying to not laugh. "You know what I mean. Did your bed try to eat you?"

"No," I muttered glaring at the coffee pot. It just won't brew any faster, will it?

"Were you dreaming about me, weren't you?" Aw man, why did he have to ask?

"No," my voice cracked when I replied.

He burst out in laughter. "It's okay, I won't tell." Jerk.

I tapped my fingers on the kitchen counter and stared at the coffee pot completely mortified and tried my best to get the dream out of my head.

"Finally," I say as the coffee is done brewing and I pour myself a cup of coffee, pour in sugar, stir, and run up to my room as quickly as possible to avoid having to talk to him. I really need to clear my head of this. I sit in the window sill and sip my coffee trying to get my mind off everything, yes the window is rather large and is just big enough for me to sit in. I sigh and lay my head up against the window and close my eyes. I finish my coffee and take my cup downstairs to the kitchen. I place it in the sink and walk through the living room when Tre grabs my shirt pulling me in a big hug and says, "So, you wanna go out tonight for dinner?" This is very random.

"Uh, I don't want people staring at me with these stitches in my face. I think I'll pass."

"Aw, you sure?" he whines and squeezes me tighter.

"I'm sure."

"Maybe we can fool around afterward," he says with a horny expression.

"Tre!" I scream trying to get out of his grip but can't move. He's too damn strong. Why?

"Ha ha! You can't move! Now you're my eternal slave!" he says swinging around and throwing me onto the couch.

My eyes widen as my mind flashes back to the dream. Crap.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a somewhat worried look.

I stared at him and calmed down a little and shook my head just barely enough for him to see. He tilts his head and sits up at the end of the couch. I sit up and hunch over and stare at the floor. He scoots over and puts his arm around my shoulders and I lay my head on his chest. "You want to talk about it?" he asks.

I can't speak. I don't know if I can or if I truly want to. I don't want to screw up my life for dating a rock star and I don't want to pass up the chance of a lifetime. Man, this sucks. I thought for a brief moment and decided to just let it all out.

"Tre," I started, "I don't want you to think I don't like you, because I really do, but I don't know if I want a relationship. Half of me wants to, but the other half is unsure about it." I paused and looked up at him. He had the saddest face I had ever seen which made me not want to continue, but I had to, otherwise I felt I would explode. "I keep thinking up reasons to not be with you, but none good enough to convince me completely. The only thing that makes me unsure is your drinking, I guess. Living around Derek all these years makes me despise people who drink."

i looked up at him again and he looked a little angry now, still upset, but angry. I put my head back on his chest and hugged him tight. He hugged me back and whispered in my ear, "I love you." Then I felt a teardrop fall on my shirt.
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My lord, I hate this chapter! It sucks so bad! But I needed an update and had to push through writer's block, which lead to throwing this piece of crap together. Ugh