Healer of a Broken Heart

Confessions Part 2

"I'm so bored!" Tre moaned.

I looked over my shoulder at him away from the pancakes I was making. "I'm sorry, not much I can do to help you there, sir." I turned back and flipped a pancake.

"I have an idea," he said. I raised an eyebrow. "Let's make up a game. It will be somewhat like Truth or Dare, but it has to do with stories." He smiled wide.

"Okay, we'll eat then play," I replied.


I finished the pancakes and put two pancakes on each plate, one for each of us, and set them on the table. I sat down and waited for Tre to finish with his syrup. He handed me the syrup and I continued to pour syrup on my pancake. I poured until I was satisfied, closed the lid, and set the bottle back down on the table when I noticed Tre staring at my pancake with a muddled look on his face. I tilted my head in bewilderment and raised my brows. "Is something wrong?"

He shook his head to wake himself from his trance. "I'm trying to figure out if there is a pit in the bottom of my syrup bottle or if all of that syrup actually came out of that little thing." I chuckled.

We finished our breakfast and migrated to the living room. We sat on the floor cross legged in the floor about a foot and a half away from each other. "So," Tre started, "This is how it's going to go. I'll start out by asking you a question and you tell me if you have or haven't done it before. If you have you have to tell the story behind it." Joy.

I sat across from him in apprehension just waiting for something abrupt to come up. "Okay," I hesitated to say.

He pointed his finger at me and continued. "Have you ever been to a Star Trek convention?"

"Um, no."

"Okay, your turn."

I looked at the floor and pondered. "Have you ever been in a serious fist fight?"

"A couple times in school, I have. People would pick on me all the time and I would lay it to them. I once broke this kid's nose because he was making fun of mine." He smiled. "My turn. Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

I was hesitant to answer. I think I knew where he was going with this. "Only one. We met in seventh grade and we were friends for a long time until one day, in tenth grade, he asked if he wanted to go get some ice cream after school. We have many times before, but this time was different. After school we walked to Baskin-Robins, got our ice creams, and sat down at the tables to talk just like usual. We found us seats at a table and started talking about our day and our crazy teachers. We finished our ice creams and still sat talking. The entire time he appeared to have a distant look on his face. I knew he was hiding something and didn't know what to say or how to say it. I've known him long enough to know. I stopped and looked at him. He stared back into my eyes and boldly said, 'Jayden, we've known each other for a long time. We've been friends since seventh grade. I was wondering if you had ever considered dating.'" I paused to let it all sink in and I looked down at the floor. "I was caught off guard and didn't know what to say. I had thought about it a couple times, so I weakly answered 'Yes'. We dated for a little over a year before he fell ill to pneumonia. He didn't make it."

I felt a hand on top of my head. Tre ran his hand down the back of my head and down my neck. He scooted over next to me and pulled me into a hug. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms around his torso. He ran his hand up and down my back and pressed his cheek against the top of my head. I could feel the stubble on his cheek against my scalp.

"It's your turn."

I smiled. "Okay, what's your longest make out session?"

"Ooh, are you coming on to me?" I could tell he was grinning. "I really don't know. Maybe about 45 minutes to an hour."

"Really now? I'm guessing you two prepped for it?"


"Made sure everyone's bladder was empty and stomachs were full." I confirmed.

"Oh," he chuckled. "Well, you lose track of time, ya know?" I nodded. "So, what about you?"


"Yeah, you. What about you, little Missy. What's your longest time?"

"Um, honestly, I have no clue. It isn't very long, though. His parents were really protective and I wouldn't dare take him back to my house with Derek. I would say about fifteen minutes at the most."

He pulled back and looked down at me, "We can change that."

I squinted my eyes and grinned. I decided to play along with his little game here. I pulled him in close and right as he was about to pull in I grabbed his sides and began to tickle him like mad. I laughed as he began to fight me trying to grab my wrists. He would reach for them and I would nip at and bite his fingers until he eventually pulled a quick one on me. Instead of reaching for my hands he grabbed my face and planted my cheek of it on the carpet and grabbed both of my wrists in his other hand. He wrapped his leg around my waist and completely rendered me useless. I couldn't move anything other than my toes and feet. He was sitting on my knees holding my face on the floor with my hands hog tied in his. I tried to surrender, but couldn't get anything out that wasn't muffled between my cheeks and his hand.

"What's that?"

"I furenver"


"Yef, dumbaff, now get off."

"Well, now, I don't think those were the magic words. Say the magic word."

"Now!" I screamed.

"Nope, sorry, Leroy."

I groaned, "Pleaf." This was horrid. I couldn't say hardly anything. If he wasn't so heavy I would just throw him off. He has to weigh, at the very least, 30 pounds more than me.


He finally got off and kept my face on the ground and my hands in his grip. Bad idea. I swung my leg around and kicked him in the side hard enough he would let go but not enough to hurt him bad. I took an anatomy class so I knew what organs were where and where each pressure point is. He let go and held his side and screamed, "Shit!" at the top of his lungs. I rolled over on my hands and knees and lunged at him pinning him down on the floor, my knees straddling him and me sitting on his. He grimaced at me and struggled to break free. He finally stop due to his side and just stared at me.

"Ooh, kinky."

I narrowed my eyes and lowered myself down to about six inches from his face. A smirk turned into a grin and then a smile rolled across his face. I raised my brow and smirked.

"I'm actually pretty comfy here," he said."You can go ahead and kiss me now."

I just stared at him and dropped my forehead on his moderately head-butting him.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"For sitting on me."

"You're sitting on me and I'm not head-butting you."

"Yeah, but you weigh a lot more than me." I smirked.

"Gee thanks. My day is complete now that I know I'm a fat ass."

I laughed and we stared into each others eyes. He winked at me and I felt my face blush. He smiled and my arms became limp, weak enough for him to break from my grip and wrap his arms around my torso. He slowly pulled me in to a kiss when the phone rang. I turned my head and looked at the phone, out of habit, causing his lips to take root on my cheek. He grunted.

"I'll get it," I said.

I got off and left Tre to lay in the floor to throw a hissy fit. I picked up the phone and answered, "Hello?"

"Is Frank there?" the voice asked.

"Yes, just a moment." I turned to Tre, "It's for you."

He rolled over and pushed himself off the floor and grabbed the phone.

"Hello?" he asked as I walked to the bathroom.

I opened the door when all of a sudden he shrieked, "What?!" I threw my head out the door and stared him down. What on earth is going on?

"You're kidding?"

I could hear the person reply, 'No," and the rest was jumbled.

"What happened?"

The person was talking too fast for me to understand it.

"Damn, well, get back with me and tell me what happens, alright?" he paused. "Okay, thanks Bev, I'll talk to you later."

He slammed the phone on the base and then his fist on the wall. His knuckle popped and he froze in that position. I walked over to him and pulled his hand off the wall, wrapping my arms around his waist. He buried his face in my shoulder and I felt my shirt slowly become wet. I rubbed the back of his head and squeezed him with my other arm.

"What's wrong?"

"My uncle is in the hospital. He's going into surgery to get a liver transplant. They're not sure he's going to make it so they're taking him in now. I don't have the money to go up to Oregon tonight so I can't go see him." He squeezed me tighter and tighter as he kept talking.

"I'm so sorry. Is there anything I could do?" He shook his head."Come on, lets go lay down."

He raised his head and wiped his eyes. I fished my fingers through his and held his hand while we walked to his room. He let go and collapsed onto the bed. I walked over to the other side and sat down next to him. He grabbed his pillow and buried his face in it as I ran my hand up and down his spine. I scooted next to him and entwined my arms around him. He turned on his side so I could slide my arm under him and hug him. We lay on the bed and cuddled and I let him cry on my shoulder for about half an hour until we dozed off.
♠ ♠ ♠
I couldn't think of a title so I made a part 2. I'm finally getting over my Writer's Block so there will be more chapters soon and I will start therapy soon, maybe, so I won't be so redundant with my stuff. I just know you're getting tired of the Almost stuff. X)
Just hang in there a little bit longer. Don't worry.