Healer of a Broken Heart

Uncle Scott

"Finally! Land!" I shouted as I jumped out of the car and hugged the ground.

"It was your decision to come with me."

"You didn't tell me it would be six hours! I hate road trips in cars."

"Your fault," Tre said walking away to unload our bags.

"Frank!" I heard a voice shriek.

I looked up to see a woman dressed in black dress pants and a purple sweater running toward Tre. She had blond hair with a little gray mixed in with it giving it a silver look. She wasn't really old looking, but not like she was twenty, either. She was about four inches taller than me and the heels she was wearing added an inch onto it. She ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

"Frank, I haven't seen you in ages! How have you been, dear?"

"You know, same old same old since Dookie came out. We've been pretty busy with touring until about a month or so ago. How have you been?"

"Good, could be better." She gave a small, hardly noticeable chuckle. "Have you gone to see Scott yet?"

"No, we were going tomorrow."

"We?" she looked around and saw me out of the corner of her eye. She looked down at me and said, "Oh," and laughed. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you down there."

"Yeah, I'm glorifying your grounds here." I smiled; she chuckled.

"Well, surely he's not that bad a driver."

"I hate long car rides."

"I see. Well, I'm guessing you're the girl I talked to on the phone."

I pushed myself off the ground and stuck my hand out. "That I am. I'm Jayden, and you are Aunt Beverly."

She shook my hand and nodded.

"Please, come in." She turned and Tre and I grabbed our bags to take inside.

I grabbed my bags and looked at the house for the first time. My jaw dropped at the sight. It was a huge mansion. It was made of brick and had two stories at least. The front doors were very large, arched doors, and painted black. The front porch was basically a sidewalk and had pillars that lead half way up the first story. There were three trees in the lawn and they were all maple trees. Because the year was ending they were starting to lose their color and turn red. They were beautiful.

She opened the door and slipped her shoes off, Tre and I did as well. I looked around the little hallway in front of the door and followed Tre and Bev to a large white room. There was a fireplace with a bear rug in front of it, a white sofa, a recliner, and a cherry wood coffee table. I was astonished at how big, and clean, this house was.

Tre pulled the bags out of my hands and took them upstairs while Bev brought me into the big white room.

"Please, take a seat." She motioned for me to sit on the sofa, so I did. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Um, what do you have?"

"Milk, water, soda, coffee, hot chocolate."

"Hot chocolate sounds good."

She nodded and turned around to swinging doors leading to the kitchen. She pushed through the doors and they swung behind her. About that time Tre poked his head in the room.

"Hey, our bags are upstairs in the guest bedroom."

"Okay," I said. "She's in the kitchen fixing hot chocolate right now, in case you were wondering." He nodded and sat down next to me. We looked at each other and smiled, then he gave me a peck on the lips.

"Hot chocolate is done."

I looked at Bev, who was carrying a tray with a tea pot and three cups, and she had a huge smile plastered all over her face; I couldn't help but blush. Stupid swinging doors.

She set the tray down on the coffee table and we each got a cup. It was nearing 8:00 so we talked for a while about our trip here and how it's been in California lately, then a little about Scott and how they have been.

"Well, she moved in with me about four months ago, maybe more. Let's see," he paused to think. "About late April, was it? So five months."

"And how long have you two been together?" Bev asked.

"Well, it wasn't really official, but I guess two days." He laughed, I blushed.

"Yeah, after the incident with Jenna Tre offered to let me stay with him and I told him I would until I found a place but things lead to more things and wallah." I said using hand gestures.

"I see," she nodded.

I yawned and stretched a little.

"Tired dear?" Beverly asked. I nodded.

"Frank, why don't you two go to bed, you had a long drive up here."

"That sounds good."

He stood up and I followed him to the bedroom.

"Room 215, this is it," Tre said looking at the number on the door.

"Well, let's go," I said.

He opened the door and we went inside and I followed. There in the bed was a middle aged man with a scruffy beard watching a silent tv. He turned and looked at us and smiled.

"Hi, Frank," he said. His voice was rough to go along with the beard. He sounded like he had tonsillitis or something.

"Hey Uncle Scott," Tre said with a wave.

"And who is this pretty little lady?" He tilted his head back as if he were looking through the magnifiers on reading glasses.

Tre looked at me, smiled, and proceeded to say, "This is Jayden."

"Your wife?"

I chuckled, "No, sir."

"Okay then." He smiled.

"So, how has it been?" Tre asked Scott. "Seen any hot nurses yet?"

"Actually, there is one that comes in every few hours and checks my blood sugar."

They both laughed and I chuckled at how much they are alike. No doubt their blood relatives. I have the feeling I'm really going to like this.

"I don't need to ask you the same question, now do I?" He grinned from ear to ear.

My face, no doubt, looked like a beet and Tre wrapped his arm around my shoulders and winked at me.

"No, sir!" They laughed.

"So, how has the band been?"

"It's been great. We're on a short break from the tour right now, but in the next month or so we'll be going to Australia."

"Really, now? That's exciting. You should save me some front row seats," he said with a grin.

"That would be awesome. Well, we're working on our new album right now as well. It should be released in 1999 or 2000. We have two songs recorded so far."

"I'll be sure to buy the album when it comes out and add it to my collection."

"How many do you have?" I asked.

"All of them so far," he replied.


I turned around and found a chair and sat down and listened to Tre and Scott reminisce for the next two hours. They told me stories about how Tre was a baby and they would wrestle and play all the time. Beverly and Tre's mom would always sit and talk and gripe about how Tre's dad and Scott were so childish sometimes and play pranks just like when they were younger. They would catch things on fire and play with it or sling things in home made sling shots. Then when they were done with that they would go and wolf whistle at the girls at the shopping center. The more and more they talked I realized how much they really are alike. Tre is just like his dad and uncle.

I sat there and listened to them until I dozed off around 6:30.
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This is a little sketchy, but it get's the main points across of what happens. As you see, nothing big really happens in this chapter so it's sort of a fill-in chapter.