Healer of a Broken Heart

Cocktails and Susanna

After an exhausting trip back from Oregon we're finally back home. Brutus' eyeballs are bigger than his bladder, I swear, because we had to stop at least seven times on the way back because he was jumping up and down scratching at the window. Every time he has to go he scratches at a door or window because he knows it leads outside. Tre had band practice today for preparation for Australia tomorrow so since I didn't have anything to do I decided to walk the little munster terrorizing the house the past couple of days. I walked upstairs and got my jacket and Brutus' leash, hooked it to his collar, grabbed my keys, slipped on my shoes, locked the door and went for a walk.

Brutus and I left around 5:22 and walked for about 45 minutes to an hour. We returned back to the house and found the driveway to still be empty like it was when we left it. We went inside and I put my keys back on the spoke I hang them on and began to take my jacket off when I felt someone's hands on my arms. I turned around and expected to see Tre, but saw Billie instead. He looked at me with lustful eyes and ran his hands round my shoulders and started to massage my neck. I started getting chill bumps. I looked back at him with enormous eyes and he started snickering, then I heard Mike and Tre on the overlook at the top of the steps rolling around on the floor.

"That is NOT funny!" I retorted to their laughter.

Billie gave me a hug and said, "I'm sorry, it wasn't my idea," he laughed again. "I swear."

"Whose idea was it, then?" I asked.

"Tre's, who else?"

"Duh, Jayden," I said smacking my forehead.

Mike and Tre were leaning on the railing of the overlook and Mike asked, "So, you want to go clubbing with us tonight before we leave?"

"Yeah, let me go get dressed," I said and ran up the steps to my room.

As I ran up the steps I passed Tre and flicked him in the face for his little prank. I almost got his eye, and hit his cheek bone.

"Ow, what the hell?"

I stuck my tongue out at him and continued to my room.

"Oh Tre, unhook Brutus' leash and put him out back, please," I hollered out my door to him downstairs.


I closed my door and began throwing clothes everywhere to find the one dress I own. I finally found it under all of my other clothes and put it on. I found my heels in the back of the closet and put them on as well. I touched up my make up in the mirror and tied my hair back so my bangs hung out in my face. I walked out of my room and down the steps to meet the guys. When I walked in the doorway of the living room they all stared speechless and Mike's jaw fell slightly.

"All ready," I said.

"Let's go!" Tre said jumping off the armchair he was in and over to me and I laughed.

"Okay then," Billie said.

We walked out to the car and drove off to the club. After a drive around Oakland to find a club that wasn't packed to the rim, we parked to walk to Uptown Night Club. We got out of the car and walked down the sidewalk from where we parked and up to the rather short line to get in the club. Good thing is I had a fake ID made last year for occasions like this when I needed it. I chuckled to myself when I thought about this. After we got in we found a booth to sit at and talked for a while.

"So," Mike started, "I never got the entire story about you and Tre." I looked over at him and saw a smile proceed to crack his face.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You heard me, how did you and Tre get together?"

By this point I could see every one of his teeth and Billie's too. I looked at Tre and gave him the, "You're sleeping on the couch tonight" look.

I looked back at Mike and proceeded to tell him my long story about how we met at the cosmetic shop, then Jenna, how he offered to let me move in, the hangover (just for laughs), then the close call kisses, and the big make-out session where our clothes were stuck to us by the time the phone rang. When I got done they all three were laughing, Billie slumped over on the table, Mike almost laying down in the seat, and Tre in his hands with his elbows on the table.

"You mean you actually did that? I can't imagine what would happen next time," Billie said.

"Yeah, she was a bitch that day," Tre muttered. I frogged his leg for it, too.


He was cut off with laughter by the guys. He glared at me and I just smirked. The waitress came around to our booth and took our orders for drinks. I ordered a Patrick Sweeney, Mike ordered an Irish Mist, and Billie ordered a Carbine Stout. The waitress then turned to Tre and he said, "I want a Cheech."

She looked at him with a crooked expression and said, "Uh, sir, we don't serve Cheech."

He looked her square in the eye and said, "Okay."

He then proceeded to scoot out of his seat at the booth, walked over to the bar, examined the drinks, and then went behind the bar to make one himself. All three of us were laughing at him grabbing the drinks and fighting with the bartender. He would reach for something and she would slap his hand. He would reach on his left for something and she would run around then he would grab the drink on the right he was previously trying to grab. All the people at the bar were laughing by this time. He finally got his drink made and came back he stretched in victory with his Cheech in hand. I chuckled at him and he grimaced.

We sat and talked for a while about the tour and their plans until Tre decided he was done talking about the tour. He looked at me and asked, "Want to dance?"

I've never been a dancer and I've never danced with anyone.The closest thing to dancing I've ever done was gymnastics at age seven but decided it wasn't really for me, but I trip over my own two feet all the time so how I'm supposed to dance with him is beyond me but I agreed to anyway. He grabbed my hand and took me out to the dance floor. He pulled me close and we held hands with a hand on each others backs.

"Tonight has been a lot of fun with you and the guys," he said.

"Well, watching you fight with the bartenders made most of my night." I smiled.

"Yeah, well, now they know how to make a Cheech for me."

"Yes, seeing that you have had four now."

He grinned. "Yep."

We danced a little and I could tell the alcohol was getting to him a little. He would act like he was going to doze off and his head would bob up and down. He then laid his head on my shoulder and lazily moved his feet. I wondered to myself exactly how much alcohol was in his drink. Mine was a virgin drink so I didn't have anything to worry about.

Tre finally lifted his head and said in slurred words, "Wanna go home?"

I looked down and then back up to him and nodded. We walked over to the booth and I half carried him beside me.

"We're going to head back to the house before he molests a cocktail waitress."

The guys laughed and Billie said, "Yeah, we better get going too so we aren't dead tomorrow on our flight."

They made their way out of the booth and each left a tip for the waitress. After we found the car and piled in I drove home and dropped each of them off at their houses. The entire drive Tre was asking, "Are we their yet?" and singing "Oh Susanna" until we finally made it home. I do believe that was the second longest car ride ever.

We finally made it home and I drug him inside throwing him onto the bed and crawled in with him after changing my clothes and checking on the dog.
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Couldn't think of a title, oh well.