Healer of a Broken Heart

Welcome Back

The past three weeks would have been so dreadful if I wasn't watching Joey. The guys have been gone on a European tour and I've been with Adrienne every day. I actually moved in for the meantime. She'll go to work or shopping and I'll babysit, in my opinion, the greatest kid ever. Pretty good deal if you ask me. Every now and then we'll go and watch a movie together. Brutus and Joey has taken a big liking to each other, despite his terror to him when he first saw the dog. He's gotten used to him being at the house, thankfully. The guys are supposed to be back tomorrow so we're going to throw together a little welcome home party for them.

I went to the store and bought party supplies and Adie got beer. We gave Joey markers and let him draw on the paper banner we got while we put up streamers and iced the beer.

"When is daddy gonna be back, mommy?" Joey asked.

"Pretty soon, babe. About two more hours," she smiled.

I sat down on the floor next to Joey and began making the banner to hang from the doorway to the kitchen. After about five minutes the sign read "Welcome Home!!" in big black letters with blue, red, yellow, green, and purple squiggles, dots, and other markings everywhere. Adrienne and I hung it above the doorway.

I brushed my hands together and said, "Well, that looks like the last of it."

The phone rang so Adrienne left the room to answer.

"Good job, Joey, it's a nice banner."

I picked him up and heard Adrienne call us into the kitchen.

"Hey, you two, come in here for a minute."

I walked into the kitchen, with Joey on my hip, and saw her sitting at the table.

"We need to find a place to hide because they'll be here in about twenty minutes."

I glanced around at the kitchen then closed my eyes and visualized the living room to figure out a place to hide.

"We could just sit on the couch and turn off the lights so when they turn them on we'll scream, 'Welcome home!'"

"Hm," she paused, "sounds good to me. Saves us a lot of trouble." She chuckled.

I gave Joey some confetti and we hopped on the couch whilst Adie turned off the lights and waited for about twelve minutes.

"How much longer?" Joey asked.

Adie shushed him. "Not much, just be patient."

No more than three minutes later we heard a car pull in the drive and car doors slam, and Tre fighting with Mike, but it was inaudible what they were arguing about.

The door finally opened and Tre jumped inside.

"Hey! We're," he paused for a brief second, "home." He got quiet.

We could see them perfectly from where we were sitting, but they couldn't see us due to the curtains over the windows. Tre turned around and said, "I think they're gone. Their car wasn't in the driveway, was it?"

Mike came in and turned on the light. Our cue.

"Welcome home!" We screamed and Joey threw the confetti.

Tre grinned from ear to ear and Billie and Mike laughed. Billie ran over to Joey and Adie and hugged them tight. He pecked Adie on the cheek, then the lips.

"I missed you guys so much!"

I was caught up in the moment, apparently, because the next thing I knew I had two sets of arms around me. Mike and Tre were snickering and I couldn't help but hug them back. I missed them as well. They were bent over far enough I could wrap an arm around each neck and they buried their faces in the crook of my neck. Tre kissed my neck and squeezed my waist.

They pulled back and I asked, "So, how was it?"

"It was pretty cool. We've toured all of Australia and had some pretty good food. Tre almost ran over a kangaroo when we went through a safari."

We all laughed and Tre became flushed.

"Not my fault the damn thing jumped out in the road."

"Well, you're all back and we threw together this party for you so let's have some fun." I stated.

They all jumped and grabbed a beer from the cooler beside the couch. We sat around and talked for a while and watched Joey run around like a maniac. It was pretty obvious he was getting sleepy. Billie scooped him up and ran upstairs to put him to bed.

Billie returned back from the staircase and said, "That didn't take long. He's out like a light."

"I knew he was tired. He's been up all day asking when daddy would be home," I replied. He chuckled.

"Well, daddy's home," Tre said with his face almost right on mine and his arm slithering around my shoulders.

I raised my eyebrows and burst out in laughter. Everyone else joined in. I pecked him on the lips and Adie gasped. Seems I forgot something.

"You didn't inform me of this, Jayden."

"Sorry, guess I forgot."

Billie and Mike snickered at each other with the stupidest faces I've seen my entire life. I looked at Tre and raised my brow. He just grinned and blushed. I ought to kill him.

"Pig," I spat.

"What? I couldn't help it!"

Adrienne shifted looks between us and was completely lost at the event happening before her while the other two were laughing so hard their livers nearly exploded.

"Couldn't help it?! I don't go around telling people about that! There's a reason for that, you know?!"

"Jayden, it's alright, I didn't tell the world."

"No, just us on the plane to Australia," Billie said between laughs.

I gave him a death stare and he jumped over the back of the couch and took off toward the kitchen. I took off after him and chased him around the circle from the kitchen, to the hallway, back through the living room, and around again until he ran into a room and slammed the door in my face.

I beat and banged on the door screaming, "Let me in you stupid faggot!"

The laughter in the living room roared and Tre screamed, "No!" through the door.

I beat some more and Tre beat back and laughed like a little child.

"Dork!" I screamed through the door.

"I know mine's the size of one!"
I heard a thud in the living room and my face began to burn. I punched the door once more and stormed back into the living room where I found Mike laying in the floor in the fetal position holding his gut and Billie stretched out on the love seat. Adie now has the picture and was grinning at me from ear to ear with a flushed face.

I plopped down on the couch and sunk down crossing my arms. Mike picked himself up off the floor and regained himself. Billie opened another beer and drank between chuckles.

Adie looked at me and took a sip of her beer, then I felt arms grab me right under my breasts. My eyes bolted open and I attempted to jump but was halted by Tre's strength. Why did he have to be stronger than me?

I pulled and pulled but couldn't get any more than two inches from his chest. I quit struggling and closed my eyes to prevent from seeing anyone staring at me. Tre pulled me up and smothered me in my boobs.

He put his arm under my knees and the other around my back. He hoisted me up and I screamed, "No! Put me down!"

He grimaced and pranced off to the bedroom with me trying to make an escape.

"Help Mike! Billie! Someone! don't let him take me away! Help!"

He ran in the bedroom he locked himself in previously and closed the door with his foot. He wasn't drunk, that's for sure, but he wasn't completely sober. Two beers is all, but he was still getting excited about being back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Three days of Thanksgiving and seeing my boyfriend. I'm finally back and trying to write more chapters. Hopefully I'll get a couple more in the next two weeks or so.

Yeah, sudden end to the chapter, I know, but I didn't want to explain all that again.
Especially because it's that obvious of the event taking place.