Healer of a Broken Heart

Merry Christmas

"Ugh," I moaned as I turned over.

My back was killing me and the light was shining bright in the room right in my face. I shielded my eyes and slowly sat up in bed. I rubbed my eyes and heard Tre turn over behind me. Then I realized I was stark naked. Wonderful.

I stood up and scavenged the room for my clothes. Underwear under the bed. Bra hanging from the open closet door. Shirt on the lamp. Pants....missing. I put on the clothes I found and prayed to God that no one was in the living room.

I opened the door and poked my head out, looked left, then right, and tip toed over to the corner of the living room. No sign of anyone. I shot my gaze at the stairs and leaned out to make sure no one was upstairs either. Still no one. I jolted toward the stairs and suddenly the kitchen breaks out in applause. I froze. Mike, Billie, and Adrienne were all in the kitchen. Yay.

I skipped three steps at a time until I tripped on the top step and slammed my face on the floor. My shirt flew up and everyone had moved to the kitchen doorway so they all saw my purple polka-dotted underwear. They laughed just like Tre last night when he saw them except they kept laughing instead of saying anything along the lines of, "Nice undies," and tearing them off throwing them across the room.

I pushed myself off the floor and scurried to my room. I finally emerged after changing clothes and went downstairs in little anticipation for the taunting. I slowly sulked down the steps and met eight pairs of eyes. Tre was up.

Everyone was sitting around chatting and when I came down they all grinned, especially Tre. He stood to his feet and practically floated to me. In seconds I was staring up into a pair of steel blue eyes. He kissed my forehead and hugged me tight.

"Hey beautiful."

"Morning, Tre," I groaned.

"What's wrong with you, Sour Puss? Was I that bad?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. "No, my nose is killing me."

"Oh, they told me." He snickered then hugged me again. "Well, want to go out for a while today?"

"Where to?"

He shrugged, "Wherever you want to go. I can close my eyes and whatever parking lot I pull into is where we'll go."

"Uh, I'll pass on that. How about we go out and eat somewhere."

"Sounds good to me. Go get ready and we will go eat."

I nodded and went back up stairs to get into a public worthy outfit of Jeans and a red sweater. I made my way back downstairs and everyone was still in there seats talking. Tre stood and said his goodbyes and "We'll be back."

We pulled into Venus, a restaurant off Shattuck Avenue. He turned off the car and looked at me with those steel blue eyes, leaned in, and pecked my cheek. He smiled then opened the door. I followed him in and we got a table next to a window on the far side of the restaurant. We sat down and ordered our food. He placed his elbows on the table and propped his chin up on the back of his hands.

"Our tour is almost over. We have two more countries to go to," he said.

I nodded, "It's nice to have you all in for the holidays. Christmas is right around the bend. two more weeks, actually."

"Yeah, our first Christmas together." He smiled.

"And it's going to be a good one."

We talked a little more about the tour in Australia and Europe and when they're going back until the food arrived. We ate and chatted a little more in between bites then he ordered dessert, although I was full. We watched a couple run out after a phone call to the restaurant. I assumed something bad happened.

Tre finished his mousse and paid for the bill.

*Two weeks later- Christmas*

Joey tore into a big box wrapped in green, starry wrapping paper and revealed an assortment of action figures. Spider-man, Hulk, Watchmen, Green Goblin, Superman, and many, many more. Some I couldn't identify.

Adrienne picked up another box and read off Mike's name and handed him his present. He opened it and revealed a small box of studded bracelets and rings.

Adie distributed the remaining presents to us all and then we all dispersed to our houses to wait for the rest of the family to come over.

After visiting hours were over at Tre's, we went out and rented a movie to watch. We decided on Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Mrs. Doubtfire. We cuddled up on the couch and laughed the night away. It was nearly 1:35 when Mrs. Doubtfire ended. Tre leaned over and whispered, "Merry Christmas" to me and kissed my cheek.


I raised my eyebrows and replied, "Yes?"

He pulled a small box out from under the couch and held it out in front of me. A diamond ring glistened in the little box and glittered in my eyes.

"Will you marry me?"

I looked up at him with my mouth opened slightly and probably the most astonished face I could pull off. I couldn't speak so I just nodded furiously. He smiled then placed the ring on my finger.

I threw my arms around his neck and squeezed him as hard as I could then kissed him. He kissed me back and slowly lowered my back onto the couch.

"Bye guys! Have a nice trip and we'll see you when you get back!" I said waving them off as they boarded their plane to Asia for the remaining part of their tour.

Adrienne, Joey, and I turned around and walked to the car after the plane left the runway.

"Let me see the ring again! Please!" Adie begged.

I held out my hand and she held my hand as she admired the glistening of the 14 karat gold diamond ring.

"You are so lucky. You two are so perfect together."

I smiled and thanked her and we talked about weddings and such the entire way home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, it's almost Christmas and soon to be my birthday. I'll try to update the last couple chapters today or these next two weeks since we're out of school. I don't expect much out of this chapter, or much the story, since it's just a filler chapter and first story. I do want to thank the people who read and subscribe to it. You guys keep me motivated to write, aside from Haylie who bugs me at school to update.

Thank you guys again for reading and sticking with it. I promise this next story will be at least a little better.

My beau and I have a little project we're working on at the moment and I'll put it in story form eventually. It's an action/ adventure comic and I hope you guys will like it if you want to read it. I'll have it up soon as well.

And I know Brutus kind of disappeared, but he's still there. Just use your imagination. We'll say he grew really big and couldn't be in the house anymore. Just a side thought.