Healer of a Broken Heart

The Phone Call

My hotel phone rang this morning at 8:42 and Adie was on the other line hysterical. Jayden is in the hospital because of chest pain, high fever, and shortness of breath. The doctors say it's pneumonia.

We've been gone for one week and she's already sick and I can't get to her. I stared at the phone in spite of that call. I want to go home, but I can't just cancel this tour, but she's my fiance' and I need to be with her. Fuck. I hate this.

I ran my hands through my hair as I sat on the edge of my bed. "Fuck!" I screamed, "why now?! Why can't I be there with her ? Why?!"

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I didn't move, "Come in," I mumbled.

The door opened and Billie slowly entered the room. He walked over and sat down next to me placing his hand on my back.

"Adie called me. I'm sorry, Tre. I postponed the rest of the tour for later this year."

I lifted my head up out of my hands and looked at him with gratitude and astonishment. He postponed the tour for me. I couldn't help but nearly squeeze him to death.

"Tre, can't breathe," he choked. I released my grip and he continued. "Our plane leaves in four hours. Mike and I have our things packed."

I nodded and threw my dirty clothes in my suitcase and grabbed clean ones. I changed, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I stared at myself in the mirror before walking back out to put on socks and shoes.

I gathered up all my stuff and found Mike and Billie waiting outside the door so we could leave to the airport. We ran to the elevator and then to the cab that was called for us. After twenty minutes we finally made it and got our plane tickets. We went through baggage and boarded our plane.

*14 hours later*

We got off our plane and retrieved our luggage. Adrienne was waiting for us. She ran up to me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, Tre. I wish this didn't happen."

"I know," I said hugging her back.

We continued out to the car and threw our bags in the back and piled in.

Billie drove to the hospital and I rushed to the doors and not hardly waiting for the others to catch up. When they finally did, I ran to the elevator and pressed the up button at least sixteen times before Adie grabbed my arm and ran her hand down my arm and saying something along the lines of her being okay but it was muffled out due to me cussing up a storm in my head.

The elevator finally came and Adrienne wasn't walking fast enough for me when we got to the floor Jayden's room was on because I was nearly walking on her heels. She finally stopped at room 153 and slowly opened the door. She walked in and I burst in the door.

There she was hooked up to all kinds of tubes and wired up to a heart monitor. She was pale and didn't nearly like she did when we left. I walked over to the chair next to the bed and sat down. I grabbed her hand and held it gently running my hand through her fingers and up her arm with the other. Her eyes opened and she blinked at me a couple times before a smile crept upon her face.

Tears welt up in my eyes and one made its way down my cheek when I felt her weak hand wipe it away. She held my cheek and scratched my chin. I wrapped my fingers around her hand and kissed it gently then held it against my lips.

A nurse walked in the door and looked at all of us in the room with a confused expression of "Why are you guys here?" or "Green Day?" something to that effect. She checked her heart monitor and blood pressure then took a double take of me and then the others before leaving the room. Nothing was said the entire time.

"We're going to get something to eat. Do you want anything, Tre?" Mike asked.

I looked up at them and shook my head. They left and I continued holding her hand in silence. I could tell she couldn't hardly speak, or even if she could at all, because of her heaving of short breaths. Her chest looked swollen as well as her thyroid. She inched over in the bed and looked down at the unoccupied space inviting me to lay down. I stood and crawled in bed next to her. I adjusted myself so I was comfortable and slid my arm under her back and wrapped my other arm around her right above her waist.

She leaned her head in and placed her forehead against mine and closed her eyes. I brushed her hair out of her face and placed her bangs behind her ear then kissed her forehead.

"I love you," I whispered.

She opened her eyes and smiled with a tear forming in the corner of her eye. "I love...you...too," she pushed.

"Shh, it's alright. Save your breath, you have a hard enough time breathing." I kissed her forehead again.

She leaned in again and placed her head on my neck and resting herself on the top of my collarbone. I ran my hands through her hair and held her close. I kept asking myself why someone like her could get sick like this. I'm just happy that I'm here with her now. I fell asleep there with her in my arms as close to her as I could get.

I woke up with two doctors hovering over top of us and poking me telling me to get up. I rub my eyes with my hand that wasn't under Jayden and blinked trying to get my vision adjusted to the dim light.

"Sir, visiting hours are over and we need to get her to the ER," one of the doctors said.

He was a tall, dark man with almond colored eyes and jet black hair. The other one reminded me of a Nazi with blond hair and blue eyes.

"I'm her fiance' and what's wrong with her?" I questioned.

"Her heart rate is skyrocketing and you need to go so we can get her out of here," he demanded.

I pulled my arm out from under her and jumped out of bed. They lifted her and put her on a gurney wheeling her out of the room leaving me behind. I sat in the chair and buried my face in my hands and cried for God knows how long until a nurse finally comes in and tells me she's coming back in that her lung collapsed and the fluid in it was leaking into her other lung.

They wheeled her back in with a tube in her side. The sight of it made me start crying again. I knew she was in a lot of pain and started doubting myself that she would make it.

After they got her situated and back in the bed I laid my head down over the edge of the bed and fell asleep holding her hand and arm.

"Tre, wake up," I heard as I was being shaken awake. "C'mon, Tre, get up."

I lifted my head and blinked then saw Mike a few feet from my face and Jayden sitting up in the bed eating applesauce. Everyone came back to check on us.

"Are you okay?" he asked me. I nodded. "Billie and I were a little worried since you didn't call us last night. Adie called the hospital and they told us what happened."

I lowered my head and stared at the bed when I felt Jayden run her hand down the back of my head. I looked up at her with bleak eyes. All she did was smile and tilt her head to the side slightly and I felt better just seeing her recovering. I swear, I will not leave until she does, just like last time.

Everyone sat and visited her for a while before they left again about three hours later. By that time it was about 4:30. I looked at her and asked, "Would you like for me to tell you about our tour?"

She looked down at her lap and then back into my eyes and shook her head. She knew she interrupted it and didn't want the details. She can't speak, let alone handle the fact that she's in the hospital with something that could possibly claim her life so I just nodded and kissed the back of her hand.

"I love you so much, Jayden."

A tear welt up in here eye and fell down her cheek. I wiped it off and rubbed her cheek lightly with my thumb. She looked at me with a twinkle of enamor and gratefulness in her eye. I leaned in and gently kissed her and held the back of her head with her forehead against mine. "I love you," she mouthed back with a slight whisper just loud enough I could hear it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, tragedy strikes and Jayden almost loses her life. How will this end for her?

Yeah, so, I'm sitting up here at three in the morning working on this story.
I hope you guys like these chapters, and I know some won't because she gets sick.