Healer of a Broken Heart


I woke up and looked at Jayden through groggy vision. She looked a little flushed. The room was warm so I didn't think anything about it. I got up and went to the bathroom. As I was washing my hands I heard people running into the room and monitors going off. I ran out of the bathroom and three nurses looked at me.

"Sir, please leave," said one of the women as she escorted me out of the room.

She shut the door and I couldn't hear anything going on inside. I slumped down in the floor and put my hands on the back of my head, burying my face in my knees and began to cry.

The door opened and I looked up through teary eyes at the nurse in Kelly Green scrubs. She looked down at me and closed her eyes. My mouth gaped open and I screamed into my knees, gripping my hair.

"I'm sorry, sir."

She went back inside and I sat in the floor. I couldn't move.

"Sir, is there anything I can get for you?"

I looked up at a nurse who was in the room earlier. I shook my head.

"Come with me, please."

She held her hand out and I walked myself up the wall with my hand as she pulled my other hand. I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes. She led me to the lobby area on our floor and she sat me down.

"Ms. Reece seems to have had an aneurysm and bled to death. Because of her pneumonia we didn't catch it, but her blood pressure spiked causing her aorta to burst. We're sorry."

I buried my face in my hands and cried. I couldn't believe she was dead.

"Fuck!" I screamed in my palms.

Tears dripped off the back of my hands.

I finally calmed down long enough to call Billie and tell him to call Mike. Shortly after wards Billie, Mike, and Adrienne burst through the door. I turned and looked at the three who were staring back at me with sympathy and hurt in their eyes. I stood from the chair I was sitting in the night before and they all huddled in around me, hugging me.

"We're so sorry, Tre," Billie said.

I pulled back, wiped my eyes, and nodded. Adrienne hugged me and kissed my forehead.

It's been three weeks since Jayden's funeral. I've been sulking and crying like a baby the entire time. Everyone will stop in and check on me, take me out for a while, or cook for me. Adrienne came in one day with Billie and told me they were going to have another child. He was due in March and they were going to name him Jakob.

I had to move on and continue our tour, no matter how it hurt. All I can say is I'm thankful that I met someone like her.