Healer of a Broken Heart

The Guy With Green Hair

The next couple months pretty much flew by ever since I got the job at the cosmetic shop in the plaza. I help pay half the rent since Jenna added me to her contract for the apartment. I get to work for bonuses ever third Friday of the month giving out samples and doing make-overs. It's a pretty awesome job. Things are going pretty good considering my birthday is coming up in two weeks. I finally turn 20! I'm pretty excited about it. I really hope this birthday turns out great.

May 3rd
I'm sitting at the apartment channel surfing with no luck finding anything interesting so far. She has 60 channels of cable and yet there still isn't anything on so I settle for Roseanne. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. Jenna is at work and neither of us were expecting anyone today. I stare at the door and they knock again. I get off the couch and open the door. I peer out and see John.

"Hey, is Jenna here?" he asked.

"No, she's at work," I replied leaning on the edge of the door with my arms crossed.

"Oh, well, could I come in and wait?" he asked.

"Sure, doesn't bother me," I said letting him in and shutting the door. He comes by every so often to surprise her with something. "So, you hungry? I was just about to look for something to eat."

"Sure," he replied following me into the kitchen.

I looked in the fridge for something to eat. I decided on a grilled cheese so I bent over to get the cheese. When I came back up John was leaned up against the counter staring at me.

"Uh, can I help you?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe," he replied.

He started walking slowly towards me and I backed up. He backed me up to the wall and was inches away from my face. I stared into his eyes and put his forearm on the wall next to my head. I felt a shiver down my spine as he placed his hand on my hip. I shrieked and he muted me with a kiss. I pushed him off with all my strength causing him to fall to the ground.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaimed. "You're with Jenna! I Don't Like You!"

He sat there on the floor with a look of shock. "I-I don't' know," he paused. "I've gotta go."

He ran out the door, got in his car, and drove off. I stood there against the wall until Jenna came home. We ate dinner in silence.

I walked down the stairs and saw Jenna sitting on the couch watching TV. I sat down next to her for a while in silence.

"So, what was wrong with you yesterday?" she asked.

I looked over at her and tried to think of something fast. I didn't want to hurt her, but I didn't want to lie either. "Nothing," I lied.

"Something had to be wrong. You're never that quiet," she said.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I said.

"You sure? Having trouble with anything?" she asked.

"Well, I'm sure I can handle it. Thanks for asking, though," I replied.

I looked at the clock and ran into my room to get ready for work. I put on my uniform and name tag and Jenna drove me to work. I stood behind the counter for a while until a man came in. He looked rather familiar. I remember, he was the blond guy I saw a couple months ago.

"Hello, may I help you with anything?" I asked.

"No thank you," he replied. He went straight to the hair dye and got a box of blond and a box of Jet Black dye. Then he walked over and got a stick of eyeliner. I tilted my head at his selection of products he got, but I didn't judge. He came up to the counter to pay.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" the guy asks.

"Uh, no," I replied with a confused look.

"Just wondering," he said skipping out of the store. That was weird.

I stood there at the counter staring at the door the guy just skipped out and kept asking myself over and over who he was and why he would ask that. Then it dawned on me who it was. Billie.

I decided to walk home today and when I got in the door I squealed.

"I'm guessing something good happened today?" Jenna questioned.

"Yes!" I exclaimed jumping up and down. "Billie Joe Freaking Armstrong came in the shop today! He asked if I had a boyfriend and skipped out after I told him no!"

"What?! You're joking!" she said. "Quit lying!"

"It's true!" I replied.

We sat and talked about it all night and the entire next week I waited for him to come back. He never came, I didn't give up hope, though.

My birthday is in three days! This is going to be awesome! Jenna says she has a huge surprise for me and that I'm going to die over it. I can't hardly wait. I may die of anticipation first. But today at work I had a surprise visit.

*Earlier today*
I was standing behind the counter leaning on it with my head in my hand when two guys came in. I looked up and low and behold it was Billie, and he brought Tre. Tre glanced over at me with a look of curiosity and followed Billie to the make up. I could hear them whispering but couldn't make out what they were saying. Every time they walked by Tre kept looking at me. I blushed every time. They came up to the counter to pay, I'm guessing the stuff was for Adrienne seeing that he had picked out foundation, blush, a couple shades of lip liner, and eyeshadow. I bagged the products and said, "Thank you and come again." Billie nodded and smiled.

Billie walked out with Tre lagging behind ever so slowly. Right as he opened the door he winked at me. I blushed again. The door closed behind him and I stood there blushing. No more than 30 seconds later he came back in.

"Excuse me, malady. May I ask of your name?" he asked. I could feel the blood vessels thicken against my skin.

"Jayden," I replied.

"Jayden. Tre likey," he stated with a goofy grin. I blushed hard and tried with a horrible attempt to hide it. "I do believe you may be seeing me more often."

He walked out of the store and I tripped standing up, if you could consider it possible to do that without actually walking. I have to say, Jenna will have to do something along the lines of jumping off the Empire State Building with a banner with "Happy Birthday Jayden" streaking down behind her to beat this. I chuckled to the thought.
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This was a very short chapter, but now we're actually getting into the plot more.

Comments please =D