Healer of a Broken Heart

To The Recording Studio

*Tre's P.O.V*

Jayden walks up the stairs to her room and reappears with an outfit of clothes in her arm. I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water and take it back to the living room. I walk over to the phone and dial Billie's number. I take a drink while I wait for him to pick up.

"Hello," he says once he picks up.

"Hey, Billie," I say. "You wouldn't mind me bringing Jayden to the studio today, would you?"

"Why would you bring Jayden?" he asked.

"Well, something has come up," I say as I listen to make sure she's still in the shower. I then begin to tell him the story about Jenna and how she's staying with me until she recovers.

"Oh, I see. Well, go ahead and bring her and we'll take care of him later." he replies.

"Okay, thanks Bill," I say.

"Mhm," he replies.

"Well, see you later," I say.

"Yep, later," he says and the phone clicks off. I hang the phone up and walk to my room to change. The water upstairs shuts off and I hear foot steps. I look through the closet for a shirt that appeals to my mood today. I look and look and can't decide between a black T-shirt with a red open button down shirt over it or a black shirt. I tried both on and still couldn't decide so I put them on the bed and changed into a pair of shorts. I put on a pair of socks and my converse, grabbed the shirts, and took them into the living room to ask Jayden's opinion when I heard her walk down the steps.

*Jayden's P.O.V.*
I turn off the shower and change into my clothes. I walk back into my room to see if he got my make up bag. I opened the door and saw it sitting on the dresser. He's so thoughtful. I opened it up and applied some lotion to moisturize my face before putting on some foundation. I dug out my foundation, the eyeshadow kit, blush, and eyeliner. I put on the foundation and opened the eyeshadow kit to decide what color to wear today. I decided on a light shade of red, almost pink. After I put it on I sparsely applied blush to my cheeks and forehead to give it a bit more color and applied eyeliner. I shifted my head from side to side making sure nothing was uneven and that I didn't look like a clown. I put the make up back in the bag and zipped it up placing it back against the mirror. I walked down stairs to put my shoes on and was met with a half naked Tre holding up two shirts.

"Which one should I wear today?" he asked.

I stared at him a bit too long if you ask me. I began to blush a little and said, "The black one is fine with me, but whichever one you want." I looked away blushing a little more. Now That is a bod.

I swiftly walked over to the door and sat down to put on my shoes. I slipped my Chucks on and tied them, stood up, and walked back over to the sofa. Tre walked back out of his room fully clothed and ready to go.

"Alrighty children, let's hit the road," he said throwing his fist up in the air.

We walked out to my car and he climbed in the driver's side, I, of course, in the passenger's side. We buckled up and drove off to the recording studio. We were on the road for only ten minutes or so until we pulled in to the parking lot of the studio. We got out and we walked in to be greeted by Mike at the coffee pot pouring himself a mug.

"Hey, guys," he said putting the coffee pot back in the coffee maker. "And you're Jayden, I suppose." He extended his arm and stuck his hand out.

"I am," I said shaking his hand.

"I'm Mike, nice to meet you." he said.

Billie then came around the corner with a curious look. "Jayden! Hey!" he exclaimed. "Welcome to our domain."

I chuckled. "Thanks. It's nice to finally meet you guys."

"You too," Mike said, "You're all Tre's been talking about for the past week and a half."

My eyebrows perked up when he said that. I looked over at Tre and he looked to the wall with a look that said you weren't supposed to say that. He blushed a little and said, "So." He paused. "How is it going with you and Adrienne, Billie?"

"I've been trying to convince her to not leave me. I've tried everything," he said with a pleading look. "I wrote a song for her. I wanted to clear it with you two before recording it."

"Really?" Tre asked.

Billie pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it. The title read Church on Sunday. Tre and I read the lyrics and looked up at him when we finished.

"That's awesome," he said. "I vote it on the cd." I nodded in agreement.

"It's settled then," Billie said. "Well work on finishing up BSB (Blood, Sex, and Booze) and start working on the music for this one."

"Sounds good to me," Tre replied.

Over the next couple hours I sat behind the glass and listened to them record each track for the song. One by one they went in, recorded their track, and came back to mix it. Eventually the song was perfected and they were done for the day.

"Thanks for letting me sit in on your recording today, guys," i said.

"No prob," Billie replied. "I'll be seeing you later at the concert."

I had totally forgotten about the concert. It was today! Wow. "My gosh, I completely forgot!" I exclaimed.

"Well, we'll meet up in about half an hour at the arena to set up and do a sound check." Billie said.

"Alright," Tre said. "See you then."

We waved good bye and walked back to the car. This time I drove home to see if I could make it. I almost missed my turn, but he yelped, "Left!" right before we got to it. We pulled in to the driveway and walked back into the house. Tre ran to his room and came out in a different outfit.

"Okay, let's head off to the arena," he said.

We walked back to the car and he drove us to the arena. He turned on the radio and sang every song he knew that came on. When Heart came on he raised his pitch. I laughed so hard my ribs hurt. We finally made it to the arena and pulled into the backstage parking lot and pulled into a parking space. He locked the car and we walked in the backstage door. The place was pretty big here. The hall had about six doors to the left and right both. He lead me around to the door that read, Stage. We opened the door and walked through big black curtains that lead to the stage. The arena probably seated 2,000 people at the most. This wasn't a sold out show so I'm guessing there will probably be about 1,200 or so. Billie came up behind us and said, "You ready?" placing a hand on Tre's shoulder.

"Yep. Where's Mike?" he asked.

"He's coming. He's in the bathroom." Billie replied.

Tre and Billie took their spots behind their instruments and Mike came up behind me.

"Hey, Jayden," he said walking past me to his bass.

"Hey, Mike," I replied. I still get nervous around these guys even though I've been staying at Tre's the past couple days. I'm so self-conscious that I'll do something stupid that they won't let me live down.

The sound guy came up and asked each one, one at a time, to play and fixed the sound to their appease. The sound check took about 35 minutes, 20 in itself for Tre to get each drum to perfection. They set their instruments down, and Tre stepped off the box behind his drums, and we all walked through the door to backstage. I followed the three to a room with a sign on the door that read Lounge. Mike walked over to the sofa and searched the cushions for the remote. Billie went to the fridge and got a drink while Tre walked over to the counter the TV was sitting on and picked up the remote.

"Found it!" Tre exclaimed.

"Alright, give it here," Mike demanded.

Tre scoffed, "Is that the way you should talk to the ruler of the remotes?"

"Uh, no, that's the way I talk to princesses who hog the bathroom because he can't apply his eyeliner right the first time," Mike replied. I chuckled.

Mike got off the couch and walked over to Tre trying to get the remote from him. Tre swung his arms in every direction to keep it away and started running around the room until he tripped on Mike's foot causing the remote to fly across the room.

"Hey! That's not nice!" Tre shouted.

"So, Nice Guys Finish Last," Mike cooed. I laughed again.

Mike reached down and grabbed the remote off the floor and plopped back down on the couch. He turned the TV on and surfed the channels.

"Ugh, you would think that a place like this would have better cable than this. Ten channels is outrageous." he said.

Tre walked by and stuck his tongue out at Mike. "Serves you right," he said.

Mike threw the remote down and lunged at Tre throwing him to the floor. He constricted him with his arms and legs and Tre struggled to break free but failed. Billie and I looked at each other, chuckled, and shook our heads at the clowns rolling around the floor.

"No! No! Not the hair!" Tre screamed as Mike started giving him a nookie.

Mike gave a hearty, yet sinister, laugh and said, "Deal with it, Bub."

He released his grip and flicked the back of his neck. Tre rolled over on his back and sat up. He ran to the bathroom and shouted, "Dick! Now I have to redo my hair!"

His hair was a total mess, not that it was styled to begin with, but it looked messier than before. I heard the water run and then shut off. He appeared out of the bathroom with a little neater style than what it was when he ran in. It's now a little spiky, but nothing extraordinary. A man with a headset then came in the doorway and said, "You guys have half an hour before show time." They all nodded.

We sat and talked for a while to pass the time and I waited around until five minutes before the doors opened and walked onto the stage. I looked for a decent spot to stand and walked back inside. I walked back outside so I could get in and no one would ask questions as to why I was the only one in the arena and how they got in. Lucky for me there wasn't a huge crowd of people, yet others were still pulling in and parking. I claimed my spot in line and waited for the doors to open.

The security guards finally opened the door for us to flood in and find our spots to sit. I went straight to my spot I picked out earlier and stood watching the arena fill. The show finally started with a guy announcing their appearance and the three came running out to their instruments. Billie picked up his guitar, slung it around his neck, grabbed the mic and screamed, "Hello California!" and the crowd went wild. They started out with Welcome to Paradise and followed with 80, Who Wrote Holden Caulfield, Longview, and multiple others. In between songs Tre would occasionally do a silly act or make a small joke. I really enjoyed myself tonight. The concert was amazing. I just wish that Jenna was here with me.
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Well, I hope you like it so far. Comments keep me going, though. I've been sitting here the past 12 hours trying to get these chapters in. I have a lot of time since I'm on fall break this week. Expect a lot of chapters this week.