Into the Known


I practically ran back up to the receptionist, slammed the papers on her desk, and spedwalked out the hospital door. I knew their names! I knew their names!

I felt so ... relieved. That was what I had wanted to know for my whole life, and now I knew it. Kelley and Blare. Those are the names of my real-life mom and dad, not some fake parent. I have to find them, and I have to find them now.

I stopped at a park bench and sat down, it was right outside of the hospital, so it wasn't a far walk if I fainted and knocked my head open. I felt the cool wood under me, and I started to think.

I need to know where Kelley and Blare are. I need to find my parents. Kelley and Blare.

A house, with one floor, two windows, chocolate-coloured bricks, and blue shutters. It had a black roof, with no cars parked in it's driveway. The sun was just over my head. Maybe two o'clock.

I gasped. Something had just got me out of my trance, a retraction, a border, a big brick wall. Something, or someone had pushed me away from finding anything else out, and I could feel it.

I knew where I needed to go, and noone could keep me out of my own thoughts. No matter how strong they claim to be.

I turned left at the end of the hospital's driveway, going towards a school, and more sub-divisions.

I broke into a jog, if I couldn't get out of breath, why not go a bit faster? I had ran for what seemed to be about an hour, judging from my instincts and the sun level. I had followed internal feelings to get here, and it seemed to have lead me in the right direction.

I focused my thoughts on my parents. Where were they? Where was their house, exactly? This time, no picture popped into my head, just the feeling like someone had pushed my head back, like they could tell what I was seeing, what I was thinking.

I felt like I had no privacy anymore, and I needed to figure out what was wrong. From then on, I turned when my instincts told me to, ran when I thought I should.

Then I stopped. I really had no clue anymore, where was I going? I looked up at the streetsign, it read Kinsman and Lovett. I didn't know where in town that was. I was lost, I couldn't see! That has never happened to me before.

I sat down, I didn't know where to go, and I needed to figure out what was wrong with my head. I sat on the ground, thankful that this was not a busy intersection. I started breathing, and really concentrating on my breathing.

I couldn't see anything. Why can't I? Who was blocking my thoughts? I didn't know where to go, which way to turn, those had all been guesses, guesses off my instincts. How did I know they were right?

I started to relax, being all upset and uptight wasn't going to get me anywhere, I had to start thinking, and seriously thinking. What did I know about the house? I had seen it in my vision, and it looked like the kind of houses around here, but where would it be? The house number was 67. Wait, there was a forest in the background! Behind the house, there was a forest! I looked up, and sure enough, at the top of the hill in the background, I could see a small forest.

I thought that was probably my best guess, since I didn't have my sight but I did have my intuition.

I ran up that way, and I could feel my muscles throbbing from running up that hill, but I got to the edge of the forest and looked around. There was just one street, one single street, wrapping around the forest's edge.

That was the best idea I had ever had, there was a forest!

I walked around the side of the street. I followed the street until I saw it. The house from my vision. Number 67!

I ran up to the door and waited.

What was I going to say?