I can only do so much to stop myself before I fall in love with a killer.

"Shopping list? Check. Money, Check. Parents? Pfft, don't be stupid. Everyday things are what keeps me sane I think, so thinking about my parents will not help!"

I think to myself. Its harder to tell yourself to do something and put it into practice than just saying it. I look down at the shopping list.
Perfect, the only thing I can just about cook without burning. If you include putting something from a can into a pan and heating it up as cooking. I sigh and wander down to the canned foods aisle.
I spot the beans. Wonderful, simple, BORING beans. Then I spot him. He's kneeling down, dark hair falling into his sparkling blue eyes as he picks up a bag of sugar from the lowest shelf. He looks up, notices I'm staring. Oh My God, he's walking this way, smiling at me. I blush and quickly look down at my feet and focus on my Babycham trainers, forgetting completely about the fact that I'm supposed to be shopping.

Oh My God... he's speaking to me.