Status: completed one-shot

Somebody to Love


October 30, 2009.
The Larken Residence.

The darkness in her bedroom surrounded Skye Larken, with the dim light of her television, and the red numbers on her alarm clock. Skye lay on her back, staring at her ceiling. She stayed that way for a few more moments until...
beep beep beep
The teenager placed her hand over her alarm clock, signalling it to turn off and stayed in her bed for a few more moments, staring at the ceiling. Skye let out a sigh and slowly moved her covers off of her body and placed her feet on her beige carpet. As the daughter of the most successful businessman in the city of Quenns, New York, it was her duty to look like she was the most glamourus girl in the whole city, along with her twin sister Melanie, and their older brother Vick. Skye walked over to her vanity, and sighed at her messy, knotted hair and how ugly she thought her face looked without makeup. She quickly put her hair up into a pony-tail, threw a gray hoodie over her T-shirt, slipped on a pairy of fuzzy slippers and walked out her bedroom door. Walking down the hallway, the sixteen year old girl cleared her mind of her troubles and walked down the stairs from the third story floor, where the bedrooms were, to the kitchen on the first floor.

"goodmorning Skye" Carla said. Carla was the Larken's housekeeper. She cleaned, cooked, and was practically the second mother of the family.

"goodmorning Carla" Skye replied sweetly. "what's for breakfast ?" she asked, climbing onto one of the breakfast bar stools beside her older brother, who had walked in shortly before her.

"eggs and bacon" the blonde stated. The two teenagers made a gagging noise. Carla knew they hated bacon, and quickly said her excuse "your sister had a bad night so I decided to make her favorite breakfast. If you don't like it then there are loads of cereal in the pantry."

Skye and Vick sighed, but took the ready-made plates and swiped off the bacon to the floor. Their dog, Pebbles, would smell it and then eat it up when he realized where it was.

After breakfast, Skye left with her sister, who reluctantly ate all of the bacon so she could quit plugging her nose, and went to prepare for school. It normally took the girls an hour to get ready each morning. They would shower for fifteen minutes. Then they would do their hair. After that they get dressed and then go back to their personal bathrooms to take care of their hygeine. They would then re-check their apperances, apply their make-up, grab their stuff and then meet up downstaires to decide who was driving to school that morning.

This morning, Skye had left her hair curly, and pulled it half up, half down. She was wearing a new pare of denim cut-off shorts, a loose fitted, ivory tank top, black sweater, pink flipflops, and the purse she grabbed was Louis Vitton. Melanie on the other hand, had a plaid mini skirt, a brown Juicy Couture blouse, with a neon orange blazer, and black Stilleto boots. Her bag was Gucci. The girls decided Melanie would drive to school, and then they were off.

[- - - ]

October 30, 2009
East Wood Central High School

The final bell rang and Skye quickly got up from seat and rushed out of the algebra room.

"Nick" She yelled when she saw her friend walk by with his brother and her sister. Each of them turned around and welcomed me into their group. Nick pulled her into a hug, as he had not seen his bestfriend in over a month.

"how's it going ?" Nick asked Skye.

"horrible. my house is boring without the rading of the Jonas's" Skye replied with a smile. "how was filming ?"

Nick smiled one of those rare open mouthed smiles and said "it was fine, but I missed it here"

Skye nodded once, and then turned to Joe to give him a hug, leaving Nick with nothing else to think about but how much he loved the girl with the curly brown hair.

[ - - - ]

October 30. 2009
The Larken Residence

Nick and Skye were on second floor in Nick's room. Nick had come over so many time that the Larken's just gave him the spare room. The two teens were talking about Skye's bad past with seizures. Laughing and crying at the good and sad memories.

"so tell me the truth Nickybear" Skye said, smiling at the nickname she could only call him "is it true that you hooked up with Demi Lovato"

Nick couldn't help, but laugh. Demi Lovato was one of his bestfriends, he would never hook up with her. "I would never hookup with Demi. She's one of my best friends"

"Okay, well..." Skye started "would you ever hookup with her ?"

"never" Nick replied casually.

Skye jumped up and did her happy dance. Atleast she wanted to. Skye and Nick had secretly been crushing on eachother since the day their moms introduced them in eighth grade.

[ - - - ]

October 30, 2009
The Larken Residence

Nick had left shortly after dinner. Maria served spaghetti with breadsticks. Skye and Melanie did their homework together, that way they wouldn;t have to waste time over the weekend doing it, and now Skye was lying back in her bed. Thinkg about todays adventures, and hoping that tomarrow's would bring her more hope.

[ - - - ]

October 31, 2009
The Jonas Residence

Skye left her house early to go visit Nick. She ate a bowl of cereal, and didn't try to make herself look too pretty. Her curly brown hair hair was up in a messy bun. She was wearing and old blue T-shirt and gray sweatpants. She was wearing her infamous fuzzy socks with a pair of sandals. She kept pounding on the door until someone opened it. She looked up to see Kevin Jonas standing before her.

"Kevin !" she squeled, bringing him into a hug, and listening to him chuckle.

"hey shortie" he replied, and they laughed at his nickname for her.

"is Nick awake ? well, it doesn't matter anyway because I can just go jump on him until he gets out of bed" Skye stated. Kevin just laughed and directed her to the kitchen where Nick was eating a bowl of cereal.

"hi Nicky" Skye said, sitting next to him at the table. Nick just simply nodded, due to the fact he had a mouth full of food in his mouth.

"just came by to give you the directions for Kristy's Halloween party tonight" Skye stated

Nick gulped down the remains of his breakfast and said "thanks"

[ - - - ]

October 31, 2009
The Larken Residence

Melanie and Skye were both in the same bedroom dressed in their witch costumes, which Skye thought was a little skanky, but her sister had insisted, so Skye had thrown on a pair of black leggings to avoid a couple of horny guys that night, the only guy Skye wanted to see that night was her best friend, Nick.

"Nick and Joe will be here soon, so be ready" Melanie said before leaving the room.

[ - - - ]

October 31, 2009
The Richardson Residence

The Larkens and Jonas' had been at the Halloween party for almost an hour. Skye had been waiting all night for the perfect slow song to come on for her and Nick to dance to. More than twenty minutes of waiting, Skye heard a slow ballad turn on, one she had never reconized, but she stood up from her seat and walked to her longtime crush.

"Nick, we havn't talked all night, come dance with me" Skye said as she pulled the arm of her bestfriend.

Skye and Nick both felt a rush of nervouseness, and then they reached the dancefloor...

[ - - - ]

Febuary 8, 2013
East Wood Central Hospital

Nick Jonas. One of the most popular people in the country, possible even the World, for now going double platinum on every single album he has and also getting a medical degree at eighteen years old. He sat in the hospital locker room as he put on his scrubs and washed his hands.

"Jonas, we're ready" said one of the hospital doctors as he led Nick to one of the O.R.'s

"say goodbye to her" Doctor Davids said "she'll be unconsiouce for awhile"

"actually I thought I would just come in" Nick said with confidence

Dr. Davids shook her head no "Dr. Jonas that is not a good idea"

Nick looked at his colluege dead serious. "True love is definitly out there" he stated "and luckily Ive found mine, so I will actually be staying during the operation because this is my wife you are cutting into"

After a moment of silence Dr. Davids let out a sigh and allowed the Jonas Brother into the operation room. His wife was already unconsious.

Nick put his face right next to her ears. "stay strong Melanie" he said right before kissing her temple.

[ - - - ]

"and that is what happened while you were unconsious" Nick said to Skye

"so you fell asleep in the O.R., had a dream you were married to my twin sister, and then you woke up in the locker room ?" Skye then burst out laughing

Nick couldn't help but laugh along too as he kissed the lips of his one and only love, his wife, and his best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
this may not be my best, but I thought it was a cute plot line. hope you liked it. comment <3