Status: Comments and subcriptions makes the authors day =]

Vampire Kiss

"Weekend away?"

I walked along the pavement admiring the magnificent, burgundy and orange trees. Watching their leaves flutter to the ground, lost in my own thoughts. Just another day at school, will my life get any more boring. I wish something exciting in my life would happen, nothing is interesting in little old Devon. It’s where all the farmers and old people live. I want to move to America or London at the very least. Become a singer or an artist, something fun. I won’t ever get an office job and sit in the mind-numbing rooms painted with pastel colours and no windows to let the light glisten.
I let my thoughts trail on about my opinions of friends, family… life basically. I stared into the empty space in front of me. Gawking at all the dreary fields and muddy farms. Before I new it the school was in front of me. Sprawling with spoilt kids and geeky computer children. It was like the hole building had been infected with lice (kids). Incredibly catching.

I went to class as usual and sat next to my friend, Tina.

“Hey Tina”
I sat next to her. It was easy to make conversation with Tina, she was so easy going.

“Hi” She replied with a smile stretched across her cheeks touching each dimple on either side of her face. “You alright then?” She had always been a nice girl, pretty but dumb, well I wouldn‘t say dumb, that’s a little bit harsh, especially seeing as she‘s my best friend, lets just say she‘s in a world of her own sometimes. Her eyes were a deep chocolate brown that matched beautifully with her smooth olive skin, making the perfect combination . Her hair fell across her face into a neat black bob (not the kind you see in the 1960‘s children). Today she wore a tight black blouse and white skinny jeans with ripped holes in.

“Not bad, same old same old, you?”
I asked her, interested in any gossip she had to announce.

“Yeah, I’m ok I suppose”Her voice was still cheery, but no gossip. We sat down and got on with our work. Science wasn’t the easiest of subjects for me. I struggled with the big words that describe experiment and stuff. It confuses me terribly.

“I love your new lip gloss Jade, where did you get it?”I pouted my lips, forgetting I even had any lip gloss on, I told her I got it in boots and showed her he little pink tube. She admired me a lot, I don’t think she knew it but I loved her so much, we always had arguments, always over stupid things, but we always made up and each time we did our friendship grew stronger and so did we. She knew everything about me, we grew up together, we went to play group together.

First time at playgroup is scary, other children aren’t leaving there parents sides, I know my mummy had to go to work. She kisses me goodbye, telling me everything is going to ok and that I will make lots of new friends. I trust my mummy and wobble over to a table of play dough.

“My names Jade” I say bravely to another girl my height.

“Hello Jade, my name is Tina, would you like to help me build this castle?”

“Yes please”
I help the other girl called Tina build the castle, I tell her we need a big bit in the middle for people to live in, I mould bits of the play dough making little people.

“This is me and that is you” I point to the two little stick people in the village, next to little carts and shops. “We’re shopping together”

The girl called Tina smile’s at my creation, she tells me how good I am and that I deserve an award. I smile at her words, they make me feel warm and tingly inside.

“Your pretty”I say to the girl called Tina, it wasn’t a lie. My mummy told me it was wrong to lie, even a little white lie would lead you into trouble.

“Do you know the answer to question 3?” Tina wasn’t particularly great at science either but she was actually better than me, but I did know the answer to this question. I had skipped 1 and 2.

“Yeah, you just copy that equation their” I pointed at the book, hoping I had gotten the answer right.

“Got it!” She thanked me and got on with her work again. We were quite lucky to be sat together, Nattie was sat across the other side of the room next to Gary Shedden (another infectious spotty kid). She often mouthed answers to us in tests though from across the room. Of course she had all the help she wanted considering she was blonde and stunning sitting next to a oily faced geek who new everything about anything, to be honest the geeks around here even knew most of the gossip, most of them were the ones that spread, I guess they need something interesting to occupy their time with and seeing as they don‘t have interesting lives of their own...

The day soon dragged on to lunch. I sat in the canteen at a table with Nattie, Tina, Paul (Tina’s boyfriend) and some other kids. We didn’t have to much to talk about because Adele was ill today and she was the gossiper who new everybody’s secrets. Not much had happened after science, on of the sluts came up to me asking where I got my lip gloss from and if my hair was natural, I wasn’t quite sure what to tell her, I knew she would soon be copying me if she knew all that but I also knew it would make me look even better if she told other people she got her style tips from me, but then again it would make it seem she gets all her tips from me, including being a whore which I did not want pinned on me, it would only bring me down on the popularity scale. I told her I someone gave me the lip gloss as a present so I didn’t know where it was from and that my hair was natural. In other words, I lied. Our big conversation soon split into little discussions between pairs. I just eaves dropped to hear if their was anything interesting.

“Oh my god, Robbie actually looked at me today, his eyes gazed right into mine”

“I think that’s because you stumbled on your way into class”
Chuckles came from a little conversation between Nattie and some other girls.

“Ughh I hate the colours of the canteen walls, they should really paint it some calmer pastel blue or something, instead of a deafening yellow that drives everyone crazy”
came from another small group including Chelsea and some others.

“Actually I don’t know where it is but I think it’s just outside Devon it’s been happening.”

“Yeah, I heard that as well. It was in the news paper!”

“I swear they were like kidnapped or something-”

“No it was like a serial killer on the loose, they found the bodies and everything.”

Shock and disbelieve spread across there faces as they heard the full story. I was going out of Devon next week. This could be exciting, at the same time nerve racking. But that didn’t matter. It was probably just something someone had made up to try and scare the others. I doubt something like that would happen in Devon. I was still going out of town. I needed to get away from everything. Well, I say everything, but it’s not like anything was going on remotely interesting around here, maybe something different would be better, a weekend away with friends or something.

“Tina, are you doing anything next weekend?”

“Don’t think so…why?”
She frowned at my instant tone of excitement, she always thought most of my brilliant ideas go wrong. Whereas only a few have…not many.

“Well I was thinking of going out of town for my seventeenth and I wondered If you and some of the others would want to come with me?”

“Umm… I don’t know, I would have to ask my parents, and haven’t you heard about the attacks?”

“Relax Tine, I bet theirs nothings to worry about, probably something someone made up. You know what the press are like around here, anything happened at the slightest and that turns into their main priority, exaggerating everything. It was probably just a typical teenage boy fight, nothing serious.”

“Alright then, I’ll ask a few others to.”
She agreed, slightly worried. I gave her a reassuring look.

That week passed slowly as I was looking forward to the weekend. Others had been invited, Nattie, Adele, Paul, Robbie, Tessa… I’m not sure where we would spend the night but my parents do have a flat down there so I guess they will all just spend the night on the floor. They wouldn’t complain. Their all kind of excited about the trip, even though its just a weekend.

It was along ride there, I drove my parents car there (even though I haven‘t actually got my licence yet, but I had practically passed anyway I just had to keep my head down and try not to get noticed). They had a black shiny people carrier, so that was ok for all of us. It was loud in the car. I turned the music up full blast to the songs they like so it wouldn’t seem so tedious for them, not that their was any chance of that happening, the car was loaded with burgers and fries and other cheesy foods, fizzy drinks, energy drinks which hyped everyone up, singing along loudly to the music, winding the windows down and yelling at strangers. So much for not drawing attention to ourselves.
♠ ♠ ♠
Paul and Tina have been together for three months now.