Status: Comments and subcriptions makes the authors day =]

Vampire Kiss

First Hunt

It was the afternoon, the ground was a lush green out in the woods, it was specked with yellow where the dazzling sun shone through the forest trees. We ran for miles, letting the wind blow threw our hair.

“One of the best parts of being a vampire”April whispered. I smiled at her, glad that she was making such an effort to make me feel comfortable here.

It felt natural running through the wind, catching my prey. Dillon especially seemed to love it. He caught a stag with his teeth, he ripped at the throat with his vicious fangs. I’d never noticed them before, no one looked like they had them before.

“You ok Jade? Is their a problem?”

“Uhh… no I’m fine thank you.”
My voice wasn’t convincing myself let alone Erica.

“Something’s bothering you, confusing you”

“No its nothing”
I reassured her.

“What’s wrong Jade?”

“I didn’t notice the fangs before”

“Oh” she laughed “I thought it was something serious. I looked at her, mystified by her reaction.

“Were they their before”

she laughed softly again “They only come out when we feed”

I said. “Why?”

“Well when else do we need fangs?”
Stupid question. If I could I would have blushed right now.

“But we don’t need fangs for drinking blood. Why do we need them at all?” I asked. Being clever.

“We don’t just drink blood. We rip off the raw meat too”

I said once again. Baffled by her quick answers. It made sense though. Why do vampires need fangs to drink blood? I laughed at myself.

“Something funny?”She asked, wanting to here the joke that made me chuckle.

“No, just something I was thinking.”I felt stupid again. I wasn’t as comfortable around Erica as I was the rest of them. She could always tell if their was something wrong.

“Care to share?” She asked in a keen voice.

“Not really. Its not funny, I was just being stupid” Its true. I was just being stupid. She laughed.

“Ok then” I laughed with her. Not naturally though, I put on my fake laugh, I didn’t get what was so funny. She let it drop and I caught another stag.

I enjoyed myself out here, I didn’t feel the need to be nice. I could be myself. I didn’t have to try and impress anyone (not that I wanted to anyway). Time ticked by and the others were starting to head back.

“Coming Jade?”

“Umm… yeah coming”I hesitated. I didn’t want to leave the forest.

“Come on then”April hurried me.

“What’s the rush?”

“Nothing apart from the fact your like a mile behind the rest of them”

We laughed, it was easier being around April. She was kind and funny. Like Tina.
♠ ♠ ♠
Erica can read people like a book. But it takes a while for her to judge new people, but as for her family she can sense there emotions almost sooner than they are felt by themselves.

A vampires fangs are used to pierce the skin to drain the blood and to shred the flesh off the bone.

Constructive critisism needed for the story to carry on =D