Status: Comments and subcriptions makes the authors day =]

Vampire Kiss


We all watched TV. Chatting and laughing, just like a normal family. I hated to say it but this was better than my real family. My parents were forever at work, here they had all the time in the world. None of them seemed to work. Well… they might have had jobs but they never mentioned them before. They have so much time one their hands. This brought me to the other question. How long will I be like this. Will I ever change back?

I think Erica sensed I didn’t feel that comfortable around her because she sent April over to see what was wrong.

“You alright Jade”

“Yeah tah”
I replied casually.

“Good good!”
Their was a long silence between us. She new something was wrong, she new I was filled with idiotic questions.

“How long will I be like this?”

She dipped her head down, looking at the floor. I’d never seen her so glum. She always looked like such a happy person.

I nodded, encouraging her to speak on.

“Its… forever.”

Forever?I can’t live that long. I don’t want to. My parents, all my friends and family. Gone. I’ll still be alive and they will be corpses lying underground. I don’t want to live like this.

“I’m so sorry Jade”

“Are your family… your real family…?”

“Yes… their dead”
she hung her head down. I knew if she could a tear would have rolled down her pale cheek right now.

“I have a new family now. We stick together, I don’t know what I would have done without them. They were so welcoming when I was first changed. They helped me through everything, Evangeline mainly. But they helped me resist human blood, it took a few years. By this I mean vampire years.”

“But… why… what are vampire years?”
I mumbled, not know what to ask.

“One vampire year is equivalent to five human years”she explained.


My frozen heart sank into my stomach as I thought of my parents and friends. I had to see them. Did time go quickly as a vampire?

“How long have I been here April?”

“A week”

“Wow” I said, surprised but sad at the same time. The time would whiz by for my human family. I could be mourning over their death in ten vampire years. What if they died suddenly? I would never see them again.
♠ ♠ ♠
April is one and a half in vampire years.