Status: Comments and subcriptions makes the authors day =]

Vampire Kiss

Familiar Beauty

I wasn’t supposed to be here, no, it wasn’t wise to be here. I could be here if I wanted. In a way this way my territory too. But I had to see…I had to know what was going on.

Piercing screams jerked my head instinctively. I’m imagining things, but it was recognisable. I knew it from somewhere.

There was a girl, beautiful, I’d thought her an angel if hadn’t known better. Hair as red as newly fresh blood, full of bounce and volume, her hair itself held a unique personality. Unblemished, perfectly pale skin lay soft over her body like a blanket of freshly fallen snow (only not as pale). Her eyes a bright green, a proper jade green, traumatized by something painful. Her lips a pale pink, blending sweetly into her skin. Desperation lurked behind them, reaching out for help.

She started to wobble, rocking slightly back and forth looking around in a vast anxiety. Eyes closed and on the floor. Collapsed with no warning.

I wondered what made her react like that? It wasn’t normal, well you get crazy humans do that all the time but never our kind. You don’t get many of them crazy, crazy with power maybe but not just in general. Unless she was mad before, but she didn’t look the type, she looked disturbed.

I ran down and held the familiar beauty in my arms, studying her face to jog my memory, seeing if I really remembered her from somewhere or if she was just another pretty girl. Either way she still had her uses.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for such the short and pathetic chapter, I just needed an intro.

Gahhh its so damn crap!