Status: Comments and subcriptions makes the authors day =]

Vampire Kiss


It was dark and gloomy as the fog swallowed me hole.

“What are you doing!” Tina shrieked. “Don’t go in there!”

“Jade, stop!” Robbie tugged on my arm but I slid out from his grip. There was something absorbing me into the darkness. Like I wasn’t in control of what I was doing. I swiftly faded into the misty fog with the same slow pace I‘d had in the dream. I could no longer see their familiar faces. I could just hear there faint cries for me to come back. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t. I couldn’t move my body. I couldn’t stop myself from walking to the end. Why weren’t they coming to help me! Why wasn’t I running away?

A tall dark figure appeared in the shadows, a man. He had dark ruffled hair and pale lips that fitted a model. Sallow skin with a sweet scent on him that made him irresistible. I took a step closer. Now curious and at the same time terrified what would happen to me. Was I the next victim?

His hand reached out to my face, and caressed my cheek. I made a small pathetic squeak as I cleared the lump from my throat. Tensing up forgetting to breathe, my body was motionless. I couldn’t move. I wanted to run. I wanted to scream. But my muscles were somehow relaxed in his arms and my limbs were frozen. His other hand gently touched my shoulder. He lightly ran his fingers down my arm sending a shiver up my spine. He touched my waist and slid his fingers over my hips. Feeling his way down my thigh. I gulped again. But my facial expression stayed motionless. I felt the stretch as my muscles tried to express an emotion, but their was nothing, it was only deep down I wanted to escape. Clenching my fists and squeezing my eyes shut as tight as possible. I felt a pang, almost like a cord break in my head as my eyes widened and I regained my posture ready to scream.

“Relax” hissed the dark figure softly, he had the most beautiful voice. Is harmonious hush carried throughout my body, tingling down my spine to the end of my finger tips. His voice was soothing and cool, I willingly relaxed into his arms. He ran his hands all over my body and thrusted himself into me. Hard but tender. I didn’t understand it, I wanted to move but the rest of me wouldn’t co-operate. Trying to power myself up for a deafening scream but when I opened my mouth, nothing came out. I was pushed to the floor and roughly handled. He started to get angry, like he was stressed. I felt his icy breathe against side of my neck. His head moved down my body and I felt a sharp pain on my arm, my legs, all my body. Like I’d been bitten. I saw a little pool of my blood that had dripped on the floor. I was in pain. My hole body was throbbing badly. I screamed and the guy jerked. But I swear the scream hadn’t come out, I could only feel air, I heard nothing. His face was spread with shock. I could swear I heard voices in the background. I opened my eyes to see where the stinging was coming from and he was gone. Their was no one there. I was alone in the dark.

The pain spread all over my body, I shrieked frantically, struggling to get up. My veins blazed as if someone had lit me on fire, spreading around my body as if someone had drenched my in petrol. No one could hear my horrific screams that stabbed the air. I was stiff and sore with the agonizing throbbing all over my smouldering soon to be corpse.

Time past. I stared into space as the ache seeped around my veins, jerking me every now and then, like a spasm due to loss of blood. Like it was telling me I was going to die and I needed to do something quickly, there was nothing I could do, I gained my vocals back but no one could hear me, I had no idea I came this far in, it was useless. I wasn’t sure how long it was, it felt like a life time. I gave up on yelling and bawling my eyes out I just bit my lip hoping it would all be over soon and I would die without suffering anymore. My blurred thoughts faded back to my family and friends. My parents must have known about the attacks, yet they still let me go. My friends didn’t come after me. They left me in murky dimness wondering aimlessly by myself into a creepy fog. No one cared. They didn’t come after me, I was never saved and now I was going to die because no one was that concerned to come in after me. It was my own fault for following the clouds of vapour, but still, no one cared enough to saved me from the darkness. To save me from death.
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Feedback would be great =D x x

Its been re-written, although not much has changed its just mean, bitey rape