Even In The Dark.

You Can't Tell Me To Feel.

"Lacy wake up." Someone whispered shaking me slightly. "Wake up love, it's the day Max takes you to school. Yayy."
I opened my eyes to see Yaritza staring down at me smiling.
I groaned and rolled over in my bed.
"Come on sleepy head. Mom made breakfast for once. Don't miss it!" She said as she left my room. I got up and trudged down the stairs. Mom barely ever made breakfast because she never had time. She was always working.
"Smells amazing." I said sitting down next to Yaritza.
Mom smiled and set two plates in front of us. I looked to Yaritza and noticed she was already dressed and ready for school.
"How come you're dressed already?" I asked taking a bite of my bacon.
"I have to go into school early and take a test." She said shrugging her shoulders.
"You and your damn smartness." I said softly. She smiled and gently pushed me.
I laughed and finished my breakfast.
Yaritza left when she was finished but not before picking out my outfit for the day.
She picked out a pair of purple skinny jeans and a Hey Monday band T-Shirt with my knee high converse.
I took a shower and got dressed then did my hair and make-up.
I walked out of my house noticing Max's car was still there. I just started walking.
About half way down the street a heard a car honk at me. I turned around to see Max.
"Didn't I tell you I was giving you a ride? Or was that just a dream?"
I giggled a little and said, "No you did. But I didn't feel like waiting."
He smiled an adorable smile and said, "Come on get in." I smiled and walked over to his car and got in.
"I hope you're happy woman." I heard someone say from the back. I turned around and started laughing at how cramped the rest of the guys looked. I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from bursting out in hysterics.
"I bet you think this is hilarious." Ronnie said glaring at me.
I nodded my head yes and Bryan said, "But hey, it's brought us so much closer together." He pretended like he was crying and that only made me laugh harder. I was crying and holding my sides from laughter.
"My sides hurt!" I said once I finally calmed down.
"Hey I think she likes us!" Robert said giving Bryan a high five.
"I knew she would." Ronnie said shrugging his shoulders and leaning back the best he could. They didn't have much space back there.
"So are you coming to our show tonight?" Max asked once I turned back around and the guys started talking.
"Maybe." I said looking down at my hands.
"Pwease?" Max said giving me the puppy dog face.
"That's not fair! You can't use that face on me!"
He smirked and said, "Then come and I wont have to."
"Fine...But if I get raped I'm blaming you!" I said pointing a finger at him.
"Whose getting raped?" Ronnie said joining are conversation.
I gave him a 'wtf?' look and he said, "Sorry I just heard the word rape and joined it."
I started laughing again and we pulled up to the school.
The guys all scrambled out of the back and Max jogged over and opened my door.
I blushed a little and said, "Thank you." He smiled that adorable smile and I blushed even more.
What the hell was this kid doing to me?
We were only able to walk about two feet before Brittney was all over Max.
I sat and talked with Ronnie, Omar, Bryan and Robert while Brittneyfucked made out with Max. For some strange reason I kept glancing over at them praying to god they'd be done and that she'd go away. But of course every time I looked she was still there sucking on his face like a vacuum.
"Hey guys, I think I'm gonna head to my locker. I'll see you later." I got up and started walking away without another word.
Was I crying? I touched my cheek and sure enough, tears were rolling down them.
"Lacy wait up!" Someone called. I turned around and whoever it was ran straight into me knocking me to the ground and them landing right on top of me.
"Oh Jesus hello there." I said trying to get them off.
They pushed themselves off me and I realized it was Ronnie.
"Sorry Lacy." He said laughing a little and getting up. He held out his hand for me to take and I got up.
"It's all good. Just slow down a bit there speed racer." I said wiping off my pants.
He chuckled and said, "You just sorta ran off and it looked like you were about to cry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
Damn, who knew Ronnie could be so caring?
"Oh. Right." Was all I said.
"Look, don't let Brittney and her slutty ways get to you okay? She's just using Max for a good fuck and as soon as she finds someone else that's even better she'll leave him and go to them. Trust me, she does it all the time."
"Did she do that to you?" I asked quietly looking up at him. He looked at me and nodded his head slightly.
"She was my first girlfriend in high school our freshman year. That was until she met some guy who was a junior who was also on the football team. Long story short she left me for him breaking my heart, then a week after they fucked he dumped her for the head cheerleader and she came crawling back to me. Part of the reason both of us are how we are today." We stopped walking and I hugged Ronnie. I can't believe that happened to him. But I know how he feels.
"That sucks dick man. But I know how you feel." He raised an eyebrow at me. "When I was a freshman back at the first high school I went to, I met this guy. His name was Mark, we talked had a lot in common, and we both really liked each other. After about four months of dating we fucked, and two weeks later he broke up with me for some preppy bitch. And that my friend, is part of the reason why I have trust issues." We sat down on a bench and continued talking. Ronnie was actually a pretty cool guy. And he wasn't as much of an ass as everyone said he was. He's an extreme perv, but not an ass.
"So you coming to our show tonight?" He asked getting up.
I got up too and said, "Yessir. But I'm kinda scared to go alone." I confessed to him.
"So why don't you bring your sister?" He asked nervously.
Wait! Ronnie nervous?! The Ronnie Radke is NERVOUS?!?!
What the hell?!
"Why do you want me to invite Yaritza?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.
"Cuz she's pretty..." He said like a little kid.
"So you think she's pretty? And you wanna get to know her? And you don't just wanna fuck her then leave?" I asked. If I was going to bring Yaritza I was going to make sure it was for the right reasons. Yaritza and I have been through so much together, especially douche bag guys situations.
"Yes ma'am. And if I hurt her - which I wont - you can beat the living shit out of me." He said holing up his Right hand.
"Oh trust me, if you hurt her I going to do more than just beat the shit out of you. Yaritza and I have been to hell and back together, no one hurts us." I said as we started walking again.
"I know what you mean. Max and I are the same way." I laughed a little. I could totally see them being like partners in crime or something like that.
"Alright I'll talk to her about it." I said smiling up at him.
"Yayy!" He squealed like a little kid. He did a little dance and I laughed so hard!
"Alright, I wanna make you feel better, if I tell you something you promise you want tell Max I told you?" Ronnie asked as we started walking over to the guys again.
I nodded yes and he continued. "Max likes you Lacy. He told me yesterday you were the most amazing girl he's ever met. He told me about your guys walk home yesterday and that he should've started talking to you sooner."
I stood there in shock. Did Max really say that about me? Should I really trust Ronnie? He seemed trustworthy, but like I said before, I have trust issues.
Just then the bell rang and Max started walking over towards us.
"Hey." He said smiling.
I just looked at him.
"Well I think I'll leave you two alone now.....bye." Ronnie said before running off to Robert and Bryan.
"Well that was awkward." Max said as he started walking.
"Just a little."
"I can't wait for you to come see us play tonight." Max said smiling down at me.
I blushed like an idiot and Max said, "You're so cute when you blush." I looked up at him and most likely turned all shades of pink.
Max wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kissed my head.
As we were walking down the hall I saw Brittney and Maritza, They looked pissed.
Hah, wonderful....
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2-3 comments please =)

Title : Careful - Paramore