Even In The Dark.

We Can Be As One.

The next morning I woke up in Max's arms. I looked at my surroundings. We were in his bed. I quickly looked under the covers.
I let out the breath I had been holding in. Both of us were fully clothed.
Max chuckled a little and I looked up at him.
"Don't you think you'd remember if we did something?"
I shrugged and said, "You could've drugged me for all I know. I don't know what's goin on up there." I tapped his head lightly and he smiled down at me.
How the hell was he so gorgeous?!
"Come on. Lets go downstairs." He said picking me up bridal style and carrying me down the stairs.
"Forget how to walk?" Yaritza asked playfully from the kitchen table. Her and Ronnie were drinking coffee.
I nodded and Max set me down.
"You want some coffee?" He asked kissing my cheek.
"Yes pwease!" I said walking with him over to the coffee machine.
We all sat down at the table and after a few minutes of silence Max asked, "So, did you two have fun last night?" I looked from Max to Yaritza, then Ronnie and back to Max confused. Yaritza and Ronnie blushed deep shades of red and I finally caught on.
"Oh my god Yaritza!!!!!" I said throwing my hands in the air. "Whoa!"
"How did you not hear them?" Max asked looking at me shocked.
I shrugged. "I'm a heavy sleeper sometimes?"
He made an 'ohh' face and looked back to Ronnie and Yaritza.
"Oh come on! You can't tell me you two haven't done it yet!" Ronnie shot back.
"I can see where you would get that from, but no. We haven't done anything yet." I said sticking my tongue out at Yaritza. Ronnie looked at Max shocked and he nodded.
"It's true. We haven't done anything......yet." He said smirking. I lightly smacked his chest and he pulled me into his lap.
I squeaked when he grabbed my sides and everyone laughed at me. I pouted and Max kissed me. "All better." I said smiling like an idiot.
We all laughed and started talking about what we were going to do today.
"We should go to the mall." Yaritza suggested. I knew she was just suggesting that so she could show off Ronnie. But I had to admit, they looked adorable together.
We all shrugged and said sure. We couldn't think of anything else to do, so why not?

We walked into the mall and immediately saw a huge group of preppy girls. They all turned and looked at us at the same time.All Most of them sent us an evil glare.
I knew Ronnie and Max had slept with about half of them. It was obvious due to all the anger and outraged looks that covered their plastic faces.
"Oh my god!" I said turning around and walking into Max. He simply wrapped his arms around me and turned me around in his grasp. I groaned and started walking.
One of the fake blondes got in our way and started talking tous Max and Ronnie.
"Hey Ronnie." She said seductively. At least I think that's how it was suppose to sound. She kinda sounded like she needed to clear her throat...Or a glass of water.
"Hey." Was all he said. She twisted a piece of fake blonde hair and said, "So...I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school some day and help me with my homework." I mentally slapped her.
Was this chick insane?
I looked over at Yaritza, she was trying so hard to keep her cool. She looked up at Ronnie awaiting his answer.
He shrugged and said, "Can't sorry. I'm hangin out with my girlfriend that night." He looked down at Yaritza and kissed her.
I smiled at then and Looked up at Max. He smiled also and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked back at blondie. She was standing there with her mouth open, hair in mid twist. All of them were. I laughed and the blonde said, "What about you Maxie?"
I looked up at Max. He shook his head and said, "Can't sorry. Hangin out with my girl too." Yaritza and I smiled and all the girls mouths hung open even more.
"Oh, and don't call me Maxie. Only Lacy can call me that." Max called as we walked away. I heard the girl gasp and stomp off somewhere, a million clicks behind her. God those shoes were loud!
We dragged the guys to Hot Topic. They took us to the back where the weird sexual outfit things were and handed each of us one.
"Put this on." They both said at the same time. We giggled and looked at each other then shrugged and took the items into the changing rooms.
"This one has to many strings!!" I shouted trying to figure out how to put one of them on.
I heard the guys chuckle and finally figured out how to get it on.
"Lacy are you done yet? I'm not walking out alone!" Yaritza called from the other changing room.
I laughed and yelled back "Yeah!"
We both walked out and the guys mouths dropped to the floor.
"Holy good god." They both said at the same time. Yaritza and I giggled at how alike they were.
"I take it you like it?" Yaritza asked looking at Ronnie/
I looked at Max. His mouth was still hanging open. They nodded slowly looking us up and down.
I looked at Yaritza. The one she had on looked awesome.
"Damn Yaritza! You seriously need to get that!"
"Please!" Ronnie said taking a step forward. We laughed and Yaritza turned slightly red.
"So what do you think?" I asked walking over to Max.
"Hell yeah." He said putting his hands on my sides.
"Would you like me to get it?" I asked looking up at him.
His face lit up and he smiled nodding.
We went back into the changing rooms and got our clothes back on. After that we held on the bustier set things and found a couple shirts and pants.
Two of the shirts were V-necks which made the guys happy.
We left Hot Topic and went to the food court.

Little did we know we'd only run into more whores...Fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lacy's Outfit
Yaritza's Outfit

Sorry it took so long -.-
school is taking up soo much time and it sucks!

Title : Sunday Bloody Sunday - Paramore