My Best Friend's Brother and I

Chapter Twelve


“HONEY I’M HOME!” Gerard yelled as he carried my bag into the house. I told my mom that I was staying over, actually I just yelled it walking out the door.
“Jeez where have you guys been? Wait, do I want you to answer that?” Mikey laughed.
“AWW Mikes, look what followed me home!” He said pulling me to him. “Can we keep her PLEASE!” He said with a 4-year-old pout.
“Of corse we can Gee. Wait… Are you moving in or something?” Mikey asked confused.
“Well, I kind of ran away from home I guess you could call it.” I said happily as I hugged Gerard back.
“Cool!” Mikey said jumping up and down.
“YAY WE CAN KEEP HER!” Gerard said picking me up bridal-style. We all laughed as we sat down at the kitchen table laughing and drinking coffee.
Just then there was a knock at the door.
“Who the hell would come here at 2:15 in the morning? And not to mention it’s raining!” Gerard asked as he jumped up to answer the door. Yes surprisingly we were all still wide-awake.
“OH MY GOD!” Gerard yelled as he opened the door.
“GERARD!” I heard a voice from the door. I looked at Mikey. But by this time he was up and going to the door. So I decided to follow.
“Madds come here!” I heard Gerard yell from the living room. “These are my band mates!”
‘Oh shit’ I thought to myself.
Gerard went down the line, there was Bob, the drummer, and there was Ray one of the guitarists. But where was Frank.
All of a sudden we heard the door swing open and a very small wet person with a huge bag walked in.
“Oh sure! Leave me outside to fend for myself with this bag that’s bigger than me!” He yelled coming in. “GERARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He yelled leaping on Gerard and knocking him over. Jeez, I guess they were great friends.
“FRANK MY BOY!” Gerard hugged him back.
All I could do was stand in shock. I hadn’t seen Frank in forever. I don’t even think he noticed me sitting next to Mikey, who was now giving Frank a hug too.
“And who is your……” Frank started to say as he looked at me. “Oh my Jesus Fucking Christ! MADDISON?” He basically yelled. Hmmm he must have had skittles I thought to myself.
“Hey Frank.” I said as he pulled me into a hug, which I barely returned. “What’s that matter Maddie?” He asked as if nothing was wrong.
“What’s the matter? You left me a year and a half ago with a broken heart Frank! You just up and left! I didn’t hear anything from you ever again!” I said trying not to break down in sobs. At this point Gerard had pulled me onto his lap.
“Shhh baby, it’s ok. I got you now.” He cooed in my ear.
“What are you talking about? I sent you about a million letters! You’re the one who never returned them!” he said quite confused.
“I never got any-“ Then it hit me. “Taylor.”I said gritting my teeth. “I bet you anything in the world that my sister got to them before I did!” I said, but after I realized that, I got up and hugged Frank.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispered it my ear. He pulled out of the hug and leaned into kiss me, but I pulled away.
“I’m sorry Frank, but, I’m with Gerard now.” As I said that I could tell it was like I ripped out his heart and stomped on it.
“But, Maddison, I still love you.” He said choking back sobs.
“What? After all this time you still loved me?” I was astounded. But I loved Gerard now. I can’t leave him, I just can’t. “I’m so sorry Frank, I love Gerard.” I said as I pulled Gerard from the couch in to a kiss.