My Best Friend's Brother and I

Chapter Sixteen


Maddison’s POV
“Let’s go! Wake up sleepy head!” I heard as I was having a pretty good dream.
I was dreaming that it was my long awaited wedding day. I was walking up the aisle, but just as I was about to lift my veil to see whom my husband-to-be was, Frank had to go and wake me up.

“Come on Maddie! I wanna go to the mall today!” He said shaking me awake.
“Alright already I’m up!” I said throwing my pillow at him.
“Oh, so that’s how you’re gunna be huh?” He said putting a hand on his hip. He grabbed the pillow he dodged and threw it back at me. It hit me square in the face.
“You jerk!” I yelled getting up and chasing him into the kitchen where he hid behind Gerard. “ Aww come on that’s not fair!” I said pouting.
“What are you two girls doing?” Gerard asked laughing.
“He hit me with a pillow!” I said crossing my arms.
“She started it!” Frank said sticking out his tongue.
Gerard laughed. “ Maddie go get dressed, everyone wants to go to the mall. And it’s already 1 o’clock!” He said pouring more coffee.
“Fine!” I scoffed. “ I’ll get you later Mr.Iero.”
“Oh you better watch out Frank, she’ll getcha!” Mikey said laughing and accepting a cup of coffee from Gerard.

I went into Gerard’s room, and went through my bag to find some clean clothes. Of corse I couldn’t find any, I need to sneak back home and get more. Maybe I’ll buy some more at the mall. But until then, I’ll swipe some of Gerard’s.

Gerard’s POV

“So Mikey, where were you last night?” I said raising an eyebrow at him.
“I went to a friends house is all.” He said sipping his coffee.
“Ah, and who might this friend be?” I asked sitting down across from him. At this point Bob and Ray had walked in, interrupting our conversation.
“Hey guys! How was New York or whatever?” Mikey asked smiling.
“Good, we even got to go shopping at a huge mall!” Bob said putting his bags down and grabbing some coffee. After basically chugging his coffee Bob and Ray went to go sort out their bags, and put them away.

“So tell me more about this friend.” I said emphasizing the word friend.
“Well, her name is-“ Mikey started to say, but I cut him off.
“Oh it’s a her?” I said smiling.
“Yes, it’s a her. And her name is Valerie. She’s actually really nice. And I’m going out to dinner with her tonight.” Mikey said looking down at his coffee.
“Oh well I’ll of corse have to meet her first.” I said punching his arm lightly.
“Fine, she’ll be here around Eight-ish.” Mikey said getting up. “I’m going to get changed. I’ll be down in a sec.”
About two minutes later Maddison came down all dressed and ready, eyeliner and all.

“I’m all ready!” She said skipping into the room. “Now where is Frank? I must attack him!” She said giggling.
“I must say, those cloths look familiar. Including that studded belt that looks a little big for you.” I said tapping my chin with my finger, pretending to think of where I had seen the clothes before.
“Ha ha funny. I might have to steal this belt though, I like it big like this.” She said plopping down into my lap and giving me a morning kiss.
“And to answer your question, I have no idea where Frank is.” I said, although I knew all too well that he was hiding, waiting to scare the shit out of her. I smiled.
“What are you smiling at gorgeous?” She said putting her forehead against mine. She looked so beautiful this morning.
“You.” I said kissing her. And this was Frank’s signal, I saw him start to sneak into the kitchen.
“BOOOO!” He yelled scaring Maddie.
“You little fucker!” She screamed jumping off me to have a tickle fight with Frank.
“Ok let’s go I’m ready!” Mikey said walking into the room. “Jeez! You guys should seriously warn somebody if you’re gunna be fighting on the floor like that! I would have stepped on you!”
Maddie and Frank just laughed, and helped each other up. This made me happy, I’m glad that they weren’t ignoring each other or being mean to each other. It was almost if they didn’t have a terrible past.

Maddison’s POV

We finally all pilled into the car. We as in, Me, Gerard, Mikey, and Frank. Bob and Ray decided to stay home and rest.

“Ok, it’s too quiet!” Frank almost yelled from the back seat. He reached in the front and turned on the radio and searched for a CD. “Gee where the hell are all of your CDs?”
“Hmmm, here.” Gerard said throwing a random CD at Frank from his visor. It was one of my favorite CDs, Dookie. Frank changed tracks to number seven. Basket Case, one of my favorites. I couldn’t help but sing along. I didn’t realize how loud I was singing until I heard singing coming next to me from the driver’s seat, Gerard. We sang in unison, beautifully I might say, until the song was over.
It was utter silence before the next song came on. But someone from the backseat reached the radio and shut it off. Silence.
“Wow.” Frank finally said, breaking the silence. “That was amazing. Gee, she’s in.”
“What? In where?” I asked curious.
“I told you I could get her to sing for you.” Gerard said laughing.
“Hey! What are you guys talking about?” I asked looking from Frank to Gerard. Then I looked at Mikey.
“Hey don’t look at me! I have no idea what they’re talking about!” Mikey said shrugging his shoulders.
“Remember last night? I told you that I told Frank that I wanted you in the band. I want you to sing with me.” Gerard said keeping his eyes on the road. I hated that the ride to the mall was about 35 minutes.
“Yeah….” I said raising an eyebrow.
“Well, you’re in. That was amazing, I never knew someone could sing that well. Other that Gerard of course. Yeah, you’re definitely in.” Frank said patting my shoulder.
“Wow, um I don’t know if I could sing in front of people!” I said nervously.
“We can work on that, trust me, I had a little stage fright too.” Gerard said squeezing my hand.