My Best Friend's Brother and I

Chapter Twenty Two

Gerard’s POV

We all piled out of the car and met up with Ray.

“Hey guys! How’d Ashley like Butch?” Ray asked with a smile.
Frank folded his arms over his chest.
Everyone laughed.
“She loved him, but Frankie here is still a little upset.” Bob said as he ruffled Frank’s hair.

After chatting for a bit we decided to finally go inside the restaurant. Thank goodness because I thought I was going to starve to death out there!

“What should we get guys?” Mikey asked looking at the menu.
“I don’t care as long as it’s edible.” Maddison said with a giggle.
“I second that statement.” I said laughing.
“Who votes pizza?” Frank questioned.
All six of us raised our hands.
“Pizza it is then.”

“What can I get for you this afternoon?” A young waiter asked.
“We’ll have, 2 pizzas please.” Ray said.
“Anything to drink?” The waiter asked politely.
“Mountain Dew!” Maddison said jumping up and down in the booth, causing me to go up and down as well.
“Yeah, I’ll have a Mountain Dew too.” I said handing the waiter my menu.
“You know what? Just get us all Mountain Dews.” Frank laughed.
“Hey, know what I just noticed?” Bob asked smirking.
“What?” Mikey asked intrigued.
“Gerard’s sentence just rhymed!” Bob laughed.
“Oh! I didn’t even notice!” I laughed. “I guess I’m a poet and don’t know it!”
“Gee, that was stupid no one says that any more!” Maddison said as she started poking my side making me squirm.
Ray laughed. “ You two are so childish.”
“Oh and you’re not?” Frank questioned tickling Ray.
“Ah! Foooood!” Frank said happily as the waiter came over with our food and drinks.

We all inhaled our food; it was like we haven’t eaten in a month!

“Oh jeez, I’m never going to eat again!” Mikey said patting his stomach.
“Mikes, you had what? A piece and a half?” Maddison accused.
“Hey, you didn’t finish your second piece either!” Mikey said pointing at her plate.
“That’s cuz I’m going to eat it!” I said grabbing the slice and eating it.
Maddison laughed and Mikey rolled his eyes causing Frank to laugh hysterically and have Mountain Dew come out of his nose sending everyone in to tears of laughter.
“Hey! It’s not funny! That really hurt my nose!” Frank said pouting.
“Oh poor midget Frank.” Bob said patting Frank on the head.
Frank just swatted Bob’s hand away and cross his arms over his chest.
“Ok, before any other funny stuff happens let’s go.” Ray suggested.

So we all chipped in some money for paying the bill and walked out.
But as we were leaving the restaurant Maddie pulled me to the side.

“What’s up babe?” I asked, she looked concerned.
“Well, you know how my mom called earlier?” She asked looking at her shoes.
“Yeah?” I asked curious at what she was getting at.
“Hey! Are you guys coming or what?” Mikey called from the car.
“Yeah! Just give us a sec!” I yelled back to my younger brother.
“Well, my dad wants to meet you tonight. And well, he’s never really approved of his ‘little girl’ dating. And, I don’t know, I guess I’m a little scared.” She finally confessed.
“Aww, it’s ok. I’m sure everything will be fine. I won’t let anything bad happen to you. Ever. Ok?” I said pulling her in for a hug, which she warmly returned.
“Thank you Gerard. And I’m sorry you have to deal with meeting my whacko family. God, they’re so odd.” Maddie said as she took my hand as we headed toward the car.

We were getting close to home so I decided to ask Bob to take us back to Maddie’s place. I guess the sooner this is over the better right? I sure hope so. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I had to leave Maddie, or if anything bad were to happen.