My Best Friend's Brother and I

Chapter Twenty Three

Maddie’s POV

I was really nervous because Gerard had told Bob to drop us off at my house. I hope my dad doesn’t flip. And if he does I hope Gerard doesn’t have a bad temper, because my dad tends to hit people who don’t listen to him. I learned that the hard way.
We finally pulled up at my house and me and Gerard thanked Bob for the ride and said we’d call him if we needed a ride home.

“Gee please don’t raise your voice or anything. Just remain calm no matter what he says or does. Please.” I pleaded taking his hand.
“I will never do anything to put you in danger baby.” He replied as we walked up the steps to my house.

We walked inside to see my mom and dad talking on the couch and my sister had apparently went back home because the house wasn’t a complete mess anymore.

“Hi mom, hey dad.” I said walking into the living room.
“Hey sweetheart.” My mom said looking up from the conversation. She whispered something to my dad.
“So you’re this Gerry guy?” My father spat.
“It’s Gerard dad.” I said as we sat on the loveseat across from my parents.
“Whatever.” My dad rolled his eyes. He apparently didn’t approve already. This made me scared.
“Dan!” my mom looked over shocked at my father.
“Dad I promise you, Gerard is a really nice guy. He’s my best friend’s brother for goodness sakes! If I didn’t trust him or anything why would I still be with him?” I questioned.
“I don’t like him Maddison.” He said glaring at Gerard.
“You haven’t even given him a chance. He hasn’t even said one word.” I said frustrated.
“Maybe because he knows he shouldn’t be here. He knows he shouldn’t be with you.” My father accused.
“I can assure you Mr. Smith, I have never loved anyone as much as I love your daughter. She means the world to me.” Gerard stated, taking my hand.
“Horse shit! You’re in it for the sex aren’t you? You bastard! Get out of my house!” My dad stood and pointed to the door.
“Dad! No! We haven’t even had sex or anything yet! Stop it!” I screamed.
“Shut up you bitch!” My father backhanded me. “You are never to see him again do you hear me?” I put my hand to my face in shock.
“Dad I love him!” I yelled in agony.
At this point my mother was sobbing and yelling at my father, and Gerard had no idea what to do.
“ I said get out of this goddamn house!” My father shoved Gerard roughly. Gerard stumbled backwards but regained his composure.
“No. I’m not leaving with out Maddison.” Gerard’s eyes went from the beautiful hazel that I fell in love with to a very dark brown, almost black. They were filled with anger.
“Excuse me? Don’t talk back to me young man!” My father was filled with rage.
He went to hit Gerard but Gerard ducked and punched my father square in the stomach and knocked the wind out of him. My mom was in utter disbelief.
Gerard took my hand and started to walk out the door. I looked back at my mom.
“Go, run Maddison. Stay with Gerard until I call you. And Gerard, if you love her, you’ll take care of her.”
Gerard nodded and the next thing I know we’re running down the street towards Gerard’s house. But as soon as we got to the park I stopped, which made Gerard come to a skidded halt.
I walked over to the swings and sat down. Soon after an out of breath Gerard sat down next to me.
We sat there in silence and watched the sun start to set. About five minutes later, Gerard was the first one to speak. “Are you okay?”
I didn’t even answer him I just got out of my swing and collapsed on him and started sobbing.
“Oh God Gerard I am sooo sorry.” I cried into his shoulder. He was rubbing my back and talking to calm me down.
“Maddison look at me.” He put his finger under my chin so I would look him in the eye. “I would go through Hell and back just to be with you. So never apologize to me. There is nothing for you to be sorry for. I love you ok? Now let’s go home, it’s getting dark.”
I hugged him tightly. “ I love you so fucking much. Never let me go."
“I would never dream of it.”
And with that, Gerard kissed me sweetly and took my hand and we headed towards the Way residence.